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Author Topic: hair loss  (Read 1339 times)


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hair loss
« on: November 11, 2020, 03:16:59 PM »

hi everyone I've posted on here before about my hair loss but it seems to be getting even worse just constantly falling out , it hasn't gone patchy but its shedding everywhere to the point i don't want to brush it (of course i do  :)) I have tried starflower oil which is meant to regulate hormone balance which i found good but gave me stomach ache and bloating so stopped them.  Can someone please give me any advice as to what are the best tablets for hair loss as its really getting me down, Im not on HRT or anything else apart from multivitamins for over 50.
Look forward to hearing from anyone please


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 05:04:56 PM »

Hi there,

Have you had your thyroid tested? Are the outer parts of your eyebrows still ok or are barely there? Hair shedding is a classic hypothyroid symptom and my outer eyebrows always disappear when my thyroid levels are low.

When my hair was shedding, my hairdresser recommended Biotin/Vitamin B complex. The jury is out as to whether vitamins etc help but it can’t hurt.
I understand how distressing it is, mine has only been getting back to normal for the last couple of months.

E x


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2020, 08:47:53 AM »

Thanks for your reply , no I haven’t had my thyroid tested, I have noticed that my eyebrows are definitely thinner especially on the outside and also my eyelashes seem to be getting quite sparse too . My hair does grow (I can tell that by my roots constantly showing lol) but it is just constantly falling out 😔 maybe I’ll phone doctor today To get an appointment to talk to her ,


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2020, 09:47:27 AM »

Hi Theresa

I feel for you.  I had a lot of hairloss a year ago and was scared to brush and wash my hair.  I was shedding all over the place.  I have allergies too so couldn't use any of the specialist products/shampoos.

My doctor did blood tests to rule out various things (thyroid, vitamins etc)  They were all normal. I eventually went to see a trichologist. She thought it was mostly due stress, telogen effluvium (following a series of health issues) with possibly a hormonal element.  If it's stress related it does grow back.

My hairdresser's wife lost a massive amount of hair. He said she eventually went on HRT and it stopped falling out.  He said she does also take biotin and B vitamins.

Take care x


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2020, 04:16:34 PM »

Hi Theresa... I had a lot of hair loss for a good few months, to the point where it was blocking my shower drain! My hair got really thin for a while which was weird for me given it’s been so thick all of my life. It has settled down now thank goodness and is getting fuller again. Try not worry as I’m sure it will pass for you too. I read a lot of articles ... tips are:

Don’t have your water too hot.

Keep conditioner to the ends of your hair only.

Don’t tie it up if possible.

Don’t wash it as often (hard I know).

Don’t brush it til it starts to dry.

Hair falls out in cycles anyway, I’ve always had cycles of extra hair loss. My Nan used to call it ‘the fall of the leaf!” Try not to worry as stress causes hair loss too!

Lots of love xxx


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2020, 01:29:47 PM »

Thank you for taking the time to reply . I will definitely try those tips you gave me , unfortunately my hair is fine even before it started falling out , I have noticed tho that I have a few new strands growing so I just keep telling myself it’s a positive thing and try not to stress to much about it . I have also been taking vits for hair/skin/nails so time will tell if these are working
Take care


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2020, 03:37:17 PM »

I have hair loss too, mainly from fringe area and top of scalp although side are thinning too. Seems I have lost around one third of my hair and you can see my scalp in several places. Also have chunks missing from eyebrows too, recently had thyroid test but not the full one. I have tried vitamins and had no luck, so am now trying sea kelp which contains iodine for your thyroid, you could try this. Am guessing that mine is due to lack of estrogen though as not on hrt.