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Author Topic: Side effects to Femoston  (Read 4276 times)


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Side effects to Femoston
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:06:11 PM »

Hi all,

I have just been prescribed with Femoston Conti 1mg/5mg.  On other posts I have been told this possibly could be wrong as I should be on a sequential- I have a follow-up this week.  In the meanwhile, I have now been on these for 4 days.  I know it is too early to see any positive things happening with regards to my anxiety all I have experienced is nausea with a little vomiting.  Is this normal so soon?  Along with my anxiety symptoms muscle lax and chest spasms and shortness of breath - this has been thrown into the mix.  If this is a side effect, any tips on overcoming this - if not, any idea how long this should go on for? 

Sorry for the question overloads but have spent Saturday gagging  :'(


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2020, 05:51:12 PM »

Evening Sed, sorry to hear you are not having a fab time

I have picked up on your post as I put a post on last night that was regarding Femoston 2/10mg asking for advise regarding the side effects however still to get a comment :(

I remember fairly on regarding feeling nauseous, more as a reflux reaction and symptoms kicking in early - nausea still occurs now for me although I am picking up on other symptoms in the leaflet than the nausea more nowadays.

I would suggest you Google “side effects of Femoston” which in turn will give options and one is a PDF of the leaflet that does detail possible side effects in stages of common ( 1 in 10 women): then others like 1 in a 100 etc as well as some that are a concern and to ring your Dr - this has helped me keep a track of what has been going on and I have kept a daily diary to see any changes which I can use to explain to my Dr.

NB: We will all react differently, therefore read the symptom list and if you are experiencing the ones of concern then check in with your DR, doesn’t harm to chat to them anyway - then there is the case of the common side effects and seeing if manageable.

Below is a copy/paste of what I put in my post Yesterday, I am a few weeks further on than you however going to call my DR on Monday as I am not happy with Femoston and have managed to find a chemist that has 3 months supply of my previous HRT which I hope to get.

All the best

Copy/paste of what I said regarding my current experience below FYI

So, today is day 26 of taking Femoston 2/10 mg and I have to say I am having a horrible time :(
I have experienced most of the common symptoms - some being - bloated all the time, weight piled on even though not eating any differently pre taking them - had 2 migraines in this time which is not normal at all, have a slight headache most days, stomach cramps, wind, and today have started a bleed when I am not due for another 9 days.

Would you say it’s safe to say that Femoston 2/10mg is not for me and to stop?
OR is it a case if suck it up as it will settle in a few months?

I have 2 more days to finish the 1st packet and at this moment in time wanting to contact the Drs on Monday to tell them it’s not for me - I’m here on a Friday evening, in bed the past few hours with a splitting headache and feeling sorry for myself, hence this post :(


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2020, 06:35:47 PM »

Thanks for responding - doesn’t sound too great does it.  I hope my GP can answer however I will google as you have said.  If I am not happy with what he says which I am guessing will be suck it up and see, I will ask to be referred.

I can’t handle this on top of my anxiety - it’s just too much. 

I hope you get sorted soon too  :-\


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2020, 06:58:00 PM »

I'm on Femoston conti, and my side effects were/are, ....headaches, bloating, nausea. Those were the worst. They're not too bad now, they have settled down a lot, but I still get them sometimes. Especially the headache. But I've been on it now for about 2 years or so.
Not really sure about the vomiting, I've never had that.
The breathlessness I had, but I put that down to anxiety, which I had quite bad. I even thought I'd developed asthma, because I couldnt take a deep breath, but I started doing anxiety breathing exercises, and eventually, it's got under control.
You could carry on and see if the side effects settle, or ask the doc for another regime. It all depends if you can manage the side effects. Everyone's different and what suits one, won't another. 🤷‍♀️


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2020, 07:11:42 PM »

Thank you jillydoll - so helpful.

If you can remember, how long did the “worst” side effects last?  I was hanging out and hoping for maybe a couple of weeks.  I know everyone is different and may skip through the nausea effects for a few weeks (the vomiting was more wrenching) but I am so nervous with exacerbating my anxious feelings by worrying about more symptoms relating to HRT for years on end  :'(


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2020, 07:44:25 AM »

Hi Sed.  I’m very much like Jillydoll in that I’ve suffered nausea, bloating/stomach issues and headaches on Femoston conti.  I’m on the very low does 0.5/2.5 but add another half a tablet if I feel my symptoms returning. I’ve tried to stick with the low dose because I’m 65 and they don’t really like you being on the tablet form of HRT at my age older.  I’ve been on this for about 6 months and have struggled with the side effects all along but I have noticed I have more better days than bad days now so I would say try to stick with it for a bit longer if you possibly can to see if the side effects settle.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

Rosie63 x


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2020, 02:19:47 PM »

I think, if I remember correctly, they started to subside after about 4/5 months. Which, when you take them everyday, is quite a long time, and especially when your focused on them.
I really stuck with it because I'd been on patches before, and they didn't suite me, so I basically thought, this is it, I've got to try and make this work. I'm glad I did now, although they're not magical, I still get symptoms sometimes, but I think it's still the best for me.
All I did to help myself was take painkillers for the headaches, take gaviscon, and bisodol or windeze for the stomach upsets, and I stumbled across antihistamines for the anxiety.
Now, I only need one of those remedies occasionally.
It's really hard going isn't it. I feel for you. Who knew it was this hard at this time of our lives.
All I can say is, you'll know yourself if you can carry on with it, if you can manage the side effects like I did with other meds. That's the only way I got through it.
I'm wishing you all the luck in the world, and hope it works for you. xx


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2020, 05:43:27 PM »

Hello!!! Femoston 2/10 user here :)

Sorry this is probably aimed more at Tynkabelle than the OP but have to say that overall Femoston 2/10 is working really well for me. I am on month 3.

I was taking Femoston 1/10 for about 7 months, and the headaches that I originally went on to HRT for were ok for about a month then progressively stepped up their frequency and severity to the point I was ready to throw in the towel with HRT altogether. It was a complete gamble to go up a level instead but my headaches instantly stopped. We're talking all day long, maybe only 2 or 3 completely clear days in the month without them. Overnight they were gone. Don't underestimate how debilitating those symptoms are.

Pre-HRT I had a LOT of nausea. I'm not a mum but I can only liken those feeling to what I can imagine pregnancy sickness to be like - just this wave of bleugh comes over you.

With Femoston 2/10 I have sadly experienced some nausea. To be honest I don't think there is any single HRT out there which will solve every single symptom, so for now I am happy to be headache free. I do get a bit "windy" at times and I think I may have put on a pound or two (for me that's a good thing as I had lost it with all the inappetance due to the headaches!) Overall I feel much much better. I have so much more energy, I've even started to exercise, my VA is improved too. Like Jillydoll I will use Rennie/gaviscon for those bloaty and indigestion kind of days but that's not unusual for me.

If you can stand the symptoms until you GP follow up just to see if they subside then try that? Definitely imperial mints help me, stick to small meals, maybe blander food (but eat what you fancy when you feel like it!)

Just wanted to put in a positive reaction to Femoston...even though it wasn't immediate, nor the original dose prescribed.
I hope you start to feel better soon xxx



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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2020, 05:00:44 PM »

Hi Mogster71 - many thanks for your message ( sorry for gate crashing Seds post)

I had a few more horrid days and in view my chemist has been able to get my previous HRT, my Dr wrote a prescription and I am going to start taking that again, hopefully the past month doesn’t mess it up too much - I’ve been taking HRT for 19 years ( ovarian cancer as a teenager, Led to premature menopause In my 30s) and been on Cyclo-Progynova for over 12 years of that so my body is used to it - fingers crossed my body settles back down and hopefully the chemists can source it again as that was the only reason I had to switch to Femoston due to mine being allegedly discontinued - have heard suppliers use that wording when they can’t get stock...

The Dr agreed that Femoston is not for me
Had 2 days now of not taking Femoston and the headaches, nausea and bloating has immediately stopped... had some stomach cramps today as body is trying to have a period, Although failing miserably!!
I do worry if My HRT is no longer available In the near future but think I will go down the route of stopping .. will keep checking with the chemist and if/when that happens will reduce my last 2 packets - withdrawal etc and then deal with the unknown!

Glad to hear that Femoston 2/10 works for you and you have the workaround to manage symptoms

FAO Sed - how are you getting on, any better ?



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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2020, 06:16:33 PM »

Hi Tynkabelle

I guess this only goes to show how very individual we all are and how we react to things so differently! Hope you settle down again quickly on the old regime and normality is restored...

All the best x


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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2020, 08:23:27 PM »

Hi Tynkabelle

No problem - it’s all related so talk as much as you want  ;)

For me, my nausea has stopped already (don’t want to say it out loud too much as it’s early days).  My sister brought some fresh ginger round and have been peeling and boiling that down and sipping slowly with a slice of lemon.  Really nice hot or cold!

Still holding out for a miracle with my breathlessness anxiety related but have discovered a new audible called “Dare”...very interesting and encouraging and has deflected my thoughts a little from something sinister  happening to me.  Also learned that anxiety is usually the last symptom to go  :'(

I am suppose to be going to Tenerife for my anniversary (booked pre-Covid) at the end of August.  Not sure I want to go but people are saying go and relax and try and forget and tell anxiety to do one!  As my nausea symptoms seem to have been put under control and hoping Femonston cracks on and shows up for my trip away. 

Glad you managed to get sorted and fingers crossed all will be well for you.



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Re: Side effects to Femoston
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2020, 06:43:20 AM »

Morning Sed

Definitely go to Tenerife - change of scene will do you good 👍

Fab regarding nausea symptoms subsiding - hope that continues 😀

Menopause is pants for us all, why do we have to go through the darn thing and for such a long darn time!