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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine  (Read 1993 times)


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GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« on: May 26, 2020, 08:35:36 PM »

Hi all, have suffered with migraine for over 40 years. They became chronic 3 years ago and I have tried every medication under the sun to no avail. Reading info on the BMS website I discovered that HRT may help to help me with the hormone-related migraines. I asked my GP if he could give me HRT explaining that I was also suffering from hot flushes, aching limbs, pins and needles, low mood, insomnia the list goes on..... He said that I could not have it as I was contraindicated due to the migraine and I would have to see a specialist. I have been waiting since January for an appointment. With Covid-19 all appointments are on hold and the 20 week wait will start when the clinics are up and running again. I can't afford to go private because I had to quit work 3 years ago due to migraine. I get very low at times and I have always been an upbeat person. My life is so narrow and limited due to the constant migraines and lack of money. I would love to get my life back and have a job. I am 54 last period Sept 19. Non-drinker, non-smoker, no caffeine and normal weight.

Are there any migraineurs like me who have had their HRT prescribed by their regular GP?
Any experience with HRT reducing migraine? It worked for my mum and aunty
Should I forget the HRT and hope that they reduce with falling hormones?

Many thanks



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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2020, 12:32:25 AM »

I have only ever had a couple of migraines but I had an increase in headaches in the peri stage, they got so frequent they were happening nearly every day, when I started HRT they improved massively.
My meno specialist said that transdermal HRT could be used by migraine sufferers.


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2020, 06:39:21 AM »

I suffered with migraines badly when on COCP and was prescribed estrogen patches, now on gel due to shortages. Strangely had very few headaches in general last year or so, but think I'm towards end of peri now, as started 9 years ago, and have a mirena.

From what I read and my GP said, dermal estrogen is fine and as I had a mirena which I had put in three years ago for heavy periods and contraception (I'm now 49), he agreed to try patches.

I've do have Sumatriptan (Imigran) to hand I case I do get a migraine. Last one was late last year, took me a while to realise it might be a migraine as I'd not had one for a long while. Took the Sumatriptan and was soon feeling better again. Definitely linked with monthly cycles before.

Maybe try again and get printed info from dr Newson's pages. My GP, he actually looked on the menopause info site which I was surprised at. Also do the NICE guidelines mention migraine and HRT?? Can't remember if they do but might be worth a look.
Good luck x

« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 08:48:37 AM by SEU666 »


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2020, 06:52:41 AM »

I was prescribed Evorel Conti patches and I suffer from migraines and have done so for many years. I wouldn't say the patches made my migraines worse. The patches really helped with flushes, sleep, anxiety but I came off them due to another side effect. May try them again in future. I'm 51 & haven't had a period for 18 months. I have a migraine usually every wk & take Naratriptan for them which works, am only prescribed 4 Naratriptan a month to avoid rebound headaches. This probably isn't the best way to manage them but works for me at the moment. I used to take propranolol as a preventer which stopped them really, but I didn't like the side effects of sluggishness & nightmares! My GP is keen for me to try an anti epileptic drug as a preventer - forget name of it- but am worried about side effects, confusion being one! Weight loss is another though- sounds promising! Joking aside maybe I should try it- my GP has had success with it with others. How do you manage your migraines?


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2020, 07:44:21 AM »

Hi Mixi

Sorry to hear of your plight. I suffered with migraines at the time of the month for years, so they were definitely hormone triggered. Since starting hrt I haven't had one, I believe it's because my hormone levels are now stable. I wouldn't give up if I were you, I would persevere, for what it's worth I think your GP is using it as an excuse not to give you hrt. Could you ask to be referred to a menopause clinic?x


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2020, 10:10:10 AM »

Thanks everyone!
Tinkerbell it's really encouraging for me to hear that you got some relief after your peri surge in headaches. And yes will definitely ask for patches.

SEU666 it's good to know that you got the help you needed and the sumatriptan resolves your migraine. I take the Maxalt triptan they are a godsend, aren't they? Thanks for the info on Dr Newsom I am thinking of trying another GP so will take it along.

hwlls I am using triptans too at the moment but far too much because I have no alternative at the moment. I was allowed 6 per month for years but since this year I am prescribed 18 per month and get through most of them. I realise that I am probably in rebound now but I feel my GP is at a loss what to do next. He referred me back to neurology and they have rejected the referral although I don't know why yet. For preventative I have tried amitryptiline which did not work and made me very sluggish. Sorry to hear you didn't get on well with propranolol I have not tried that one yet, my BP is on the low side which may be why I didn't do well on Candesartan. I have been on Topomax twice it worked quite well at first at a low dose but the cognitive side effects and hair loss were too much especially second time around when I needed a higher dose.  I don't regret trying it at all because it did work very well for about 9 months. Oh the weight loss was a nice side effect! Only about 5lb but nice all the same. I had to drink tonnes of water to protect my kidneys as kidney stones is another side effect for some. Some people manage great on it sometimes on a very low dose and have minimal side effects. I hope all goes well for you if you decide to try it.

Perinopost Thanks I will definitely persevere. So good to hear that things have settled for you, gives me great hope. Yes I have been referred to a menopause clinic, that was in Jan with a 20 week wait, things all on hold due to the pandemic but I am bringing my surgery today to see if they can find out any more about when the clinics will resume.

Thanks again for all of your input, really appreciate it and I feel encouraged and ready to get back in touch with my GP surgery to see if I can some help.


Mary G

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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2020, 10:16:15 AM »

Mixi, sorry to hear about you debilitating migraines.   I have silent migraines (aura without headache) and they are horrible.

HRT is not contraindicated for women with migraine in fact it very often helps but as others have said, it's important to go the transdermal route.   Once post menopause, it is better to use a continuous combined HRT regime because hormone stability is important.   A cycle can trigger a migraine.   

If you can't access private health care, you could contact the National Migraine Centre and arrange a consultation with a migraine specialist.   It is a charity organisation and they only ask for a donation so if you explain you situation, they will understand.   You can phone them to make an appointment but you will have to wait a few weeks.  Fortunately it is telephone consultations only so no travel involved.  They will write to your GP with their recommendations if requested.

Professor Anne MacGregor is a leading expert on hormonal migraines and has carried out and lot of research.   Have a Google and read some of her excellent research.  You will see that she always recommends transdermal oestrogen and sometimes tibolone.

The fact that HRT worked well for your mother and your aunt bodes well.   Do you know what type of HRT it was ie oral, continuous or cyclical?

My GP was bloody useless and not even capable of diagnosing my silent migraines.   She knew far less than me about HRT so I had to do my own thing.   I now use a continuous combined regime and it works well.

I hope that helps.


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2020, 02:40:58 PM »

My HRT was prescribed by a menopause clinic  because of hormonal headaches. The drs were reluctant to prescribe HRT for headaches but happy to refer me to a clinic and follow thier advice, Like others said I had patches. I was on a sequi regimes as I was still peri and although things seemed to generally improve, after a while the headaches got worse and more frequent. I recently changed to a conti regime to avoid the fluctuations like Mary G says and so far its been much better, with the odd blip. I would get back in touch with your GP. It may be worth asking Dr Currie a question, I know there's a charge but you could use any information she provided to support what you need.


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2020, 03:22:48 PM »

My GP is happy to prescribe me  Oestrogel and I am a migraine sufferer.  I can only tolerate low dose of Oestrogel otherwise the frequency and intensity of my migraines increase.  I have found it to be a bit of a balancing act. 


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2020, 04:31:25 PM »

Thanks all,

I was spurred on by your great advice and some more from the British Menopause Society to contact my GP again today. Good news I have a telephone consultation with a female GP on Monday. I am delighted!!!

Mary G I have just been reading up on silent migraine they sound awful! I am glad that HRT has worked well for you. I hope she will consider me for the continuous combined as I am 9 months since my last period and nearly 55. That's good to know about the National Migraine Centre. I will contact them if I get no joy from my GP on Monday. Thanks. And yes, Professor MacGregor is excellent I have watched all her videos on migraine on youtube and from the Migraine World Summit. I have her factsheets printed off for Monday  ;)
Oh yes it would be useful to find out about mum and auntie and their hrt. I remember mum had patches but not sure exactly what they were.

shropshirelass Good to hear that the menopause clinic was able to help you. Good idea re Dr Currie. How do I go about that?

Peripurple - thanks for the info on the low dose Oestrogel. This is all new to me I will have to swot up before Monday. Great to know it is helping you.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 04:35:37 PM by Mixi »


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2020, 10:32:26 AM »

Hi Mixi, this is the link for Dr Currie.  (I hope it's allowed to post here). It costs ?30. I don't know how quick it is as I haven't used the service myself but have heard others speak highly of the advice. Good luck

Mary G

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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2020, 06:01:09 PM »

Mixi, it sounds like you have made some real progress, well done!

I hope the appointment goes well for you and please let us know how you get on.



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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2020, 11:10:23 AM »

Sorry Mixi the link didn't seem to work. If you go to the Site map tab at the top you will see an option to email Dr Currie. Good luck.


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2020, 01:42:44 PM »

Thank you shropshirelass and Mary G, I really appreciate your help.


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Re: GPs won't prescribe HRT due to Migraine
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2020, 09:18:25 PM »

Hi, I've suffered chronic menstrual migraine for over 10yrs, they were horrific and left me bed bound for 5-7 days each cycle.

Four months ago I started on Estraderm mx50 patches and utro sequentially. My migraine has improved immensely, I get a headache (not migraine anymore) for one day during my period, aspirin sorts it. However I do get mid cycle headaches too but I'm not sure if that's linked to my own cycle causing an estrogen spike or whether its something else as I'm being tested for autoimmune disease and investigation for high prolactin.

I've been switched to Estradose gel now for estrogen and seems ok, no headaches yet 😊.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 09:22:05 PM by lillith112 »
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