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Author Topic: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms  (Read 1515 times)


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Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« on: April 27, 2020, 01:22:20 PM »

Hi, (sorry for waffling)

I'm 42 and my GP recommended this site after I spend 20 mins on the phone to him on Friday feeling ultra low and just weird!

This last month or so has been horrific due to suffering from the dreaded virus which Doc then suspected became bacterial pneumonia. Had antibiotics and bedrest, off work for 2 weeks (can wfh) but anxiety etc. was through the roof. Never been ill for so long, lost so much weight, had no appetite, no desire to do anything etc.

I've been suffering from anxiety a little for years but having had a panic attack two years ago with palpitations led a nurse to tell me that palpitations were a sign of perimenopause and to just cough. My periods have been a shorter cycle (24-26 days most of the time) for a year or two, I'm quite regularly getting menstrual migraines for 2-3 days during period but not on the pill anymore, they just seem to have increased and no meds touch them.

My brain is addled, I use the wrong words for things, my concentration worse etc. I used to think it was juggling stressful job, parenting an intense child and keeping house with a less than domesticated husband. Now I just think my body must be changing and I just want to feel like I'm not alone! :-)

Hope you can all help.

Thanks :-)



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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2020, 02:21:08 PM »

Sounds about normal from where I'm sitting. 

Did you require Hospital treatment if it was C-19?  Did the ABs work?  The advice is NOT to work for at least 3 weeks after C-19 or 'flu symptoms to give the body time to heal.

Add to that your age and you will feel ruff.   :tulips2:  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.  I have menobrain at the moment due to extra busy++ dreams  >:(, lack of interaction mainly with my garden centre  ::) and the background worry about friends not often seen.

It's The Change - does what it says on the tin  :-X.  Browse round.  Join in.


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2020, 03:02:22 PM »

Thanks so much for the reassurance.

No hospital but went to GP 3 times for oxygen to be tested - fine every time, the only time he was slightly concerned was when my pulse rate was sky high...he calmed me down and said I was terrified (yep). Went back to work at home last week but easing in gently - not the most productive of weeks...

I started feeling poorly at the end of March - husband had it for about a week. I just kept going up and down like a yo-yo, and having felt ill for over 2 weeks Doc prescribed ABs to preempt it being mild pneumonia. I took yakult and some vitamins, fluids and rest, eating when I felt like it.

Last Monday I started taking Wellwoman plus which another friend recommended to aid recovery. Last week was the strangest I felt, took the tablets with a small lunch, had barely any appetite for dinner and was waking about 3am and struggling to get back to sleep. Anxiety heart ache, paranoia, inability to focus, scared about any twinges in my body. So had call with GP on Friday. Started period on Saturday which immediately made me feel better mentally albeit bad night cramps. Stopped taking the supplements yesterday, managed to eat full dinner last night and today have eaten normally, no nausea, slight tension headache, period very light (Usually it's about 5-6 days long).
I wonder whether the supplements were messing with my head/hormones esp the EPO?. My skin and hair look amazing but I didn't feel like myself at all.


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2020, 05:06:15 PM »

C-19 doesn't respond to ABs as it's viral  ::).  I think that you need to get a test when they are available to see if it was seasonal 'flu or C-19.  Also a lung scan would probably be advised to see if there is debris .......

If 1 takes too many things at one time 1 won't know what is/not working. 

Cramp is a sign of not enough salt in the diet.  Eating every 3 hours might help over all.  Many find that they become aware of aches and pains at this time of Life, a drop in oestrogen levels may cause laxity of muscles = aches and pains as well as the body may become dry: inside and out  :o



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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2020, 06:38:34 PM »

Agree, I said as much to doc but apparently sometimes if body doesn't fully remove CV it can turn bacterial hence the ABs. I definitely want us all to have a test if we?re able, just to confirm or deny.

5 years ago I had awful sinusitis that I couldn't shift - straight after a stressful period leaving one job and starting a new one. This year another stressful period at work and I'm floored by this once the stress was somewhat over to a degree. I think my body finally decided enough is enough - so run down it couldn't kick out CV fast enough.

Add the hormones in and bam, dragged through hedge backwards. In addition and in the midst also had breast lump which turned out to be a cyst that consultant also said becomes more common at my age when hormones start changing.

What a delightful stage I'm entering.  ;D



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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2020, 07:11:56 PM »

Hi Tootsie78, welcome. I'm 42 too! :o. Sorry to hear you have had such a horrible time being poorly on top of peri symptoms, not a good combination. Glad to hear you have turned the corner feeling better. Lots of support here. x


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2020, 08:45:12 AM »

Yep. It's The Change - join The Club  ::)

How R U this morning?

We have a funny room for when things get dire.  Ask away, nothing is OTT on here.  We talk about most things, even menopause  ;)


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2020, 08:51:19 PM »

Ah thank you. Feeling not so bad today, no real aches and pains beyond the norm and my emotions seem to be back on an even keel!

I managed to listen to my Mum telling me some news about someone she knew where last week I'd have started crying...

Eating is pretty much back to normal so hoping to put some of the weight I lost back on - the first time ever I've actually really wanted to gain weight!! I think it's a psychological thing as I associate the weight loss with being poorly and having a tough dark time. :-) if I can put on 7lb I?ll be happy and at the weight I wanted to be pre-sickness.


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2020, 08:54:14 PM »

Well done you!   :medal: ......... eat little and often.  Get into a habit of 24/7 the idea is not to put weight on but to spread the daily diet - when well I can eat most things otherwise  :-\ .......... I am into lots of roasted veggies right now  ::)


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2020, 06:10:19 PM »

Thanks all, it really stole my mojo and this forum is making me feel supported - especially in the current climate when you can't see family and friends.  :)



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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2020, 07:07:57 PM »

Be Kind 2 U!  Half a day at a time ?


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2020, 09:13:47 AM »

tootsie - I heard on a programme last night that C-19 can cause bacterial pneumonia, so your GP really was on the ball  :medal:

How R U this morning?


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Re: Newbie - suspect perimenopause symptoms
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2020, 03:39:43 PM »


I'm definitely feeling much better although just back from a walk that was over an hour so chilling on the sofa hoping not overdone it....!

Last week was so funny, having an early period and then a tension band headache which I've never had before. I can only put it down to the supplements changing my hormones enough to stop the menstrual migraine and give me that type of headache instead as it lasted the same number of days as the migraine does and stopped pretty much at the end of the period. Very weird!

Appetite is normal, brain fog lessened and just enjoying the fact that I'm sleeping well again and feeling happier.

Hope you?re feeling ok? :-)
