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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Weighing things up...  (Read 1462 times)


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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2020, 11:53:54 AM »

So dear Aunt Flo arrived 2 days before finishing current tablets, and normally I don't start until 2 days after. I think it must be my own cycle coming in to cause mayhem. I messaged my surgery this morning to see if anyone was available for a phone consult expecting to arrange something next week, and my own dear GP called me not 10 minutes later. I feel very lucky I was able to get to speak to him!

The general consensus is that this is things (hopefully) escalating before the finish line. There really aren't that many more options open to me at the moment that are in stock or available and whilst I could go without altogether, I am too chicken at the moment to take the risk of feeling worse without the HRT as the dips could be more exaggerated. Better the devil I know whilst supplies and GP access is limited.  :-\


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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2020, 12:06:48 PM »




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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2020, 07:50:10 PM »

Hi again Mogster - I'll have that medal now! Seriously though I am mistress of long posts anyway myself!

Yes if you haven't tried utrogestan vaginally then this is a possibility. I won't say I feel wonderful on it and I have never tried taking it orally but have never taken any HRT by mouth. I do get head fog and sometimes migraine when on the utro and sometime migraine on withdrawal but as I am long cycle I can bear it (just!).

Did you ask about the Sumatriptan when your doc called? It's not actually a preventive as such. In fact I know nothing about these, but Sumat is a treatment for when you feel one is starting or right at the beginning.

I hope you are feeling better and you're right, now is maybe not the time to rock the boat in terms of stopping or trying different types of HRT.

All the best :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2020, 08:18:52 AM »

Hi Hurdity,
Can I just ask re the sumatriptan, do you get any side effects? Like Mogster I have really bad ongoing migraine like headaches on an unfortunately fairly regular basis. My GP prescribed the triptans for me. I asked for them after you recommended them last time we spoke about headaches. Now I know this sounds rather pathetic but after reading the patient leaflet listing all the side effects I have been too scared to take them. The doctor said he himself took high dose of asprin at the onset of a migraine which also made me feel that he wasn't that keen on the triptans.

Sorry I missed this.

Not pathetic at all!!! Like you I was worried about the side effects as I have never taken any meds apart from normal painkillers and anti-biotics. (Bio-identical HRT is not of course, medication - it is replacement of natural hormones). However I had suffered with the migraines for so long, maybe 10 years without diagnosis and then without proper treatment, that I was willing to go for it so that I didn't have to write off 3 days every so often when they occurred.

The only slight side effect I noticed but really nothing important was soon after taking eg an hour or two maybe, I could feel a slight tightening in the throat, but really only slight. Once I realised this is what it was then it was fine and it goes away. The other thing is when I've taken it throughout a migraine (usually when I haven't taken it soon enough right at the beginning almost before the migraine comes on but when I think one is coming) I have found that it goes on a bit longer than usual so maybe a day longer, possibly due to rebound of the tablets. Sometimes I have to work through the last morning. By that I mean put up with the headache and foggy head after the third day and shake myself into activity without the Sumatriptan ( because I feel it should have gone by then according to usual pattern!) and actually it usually does clear. Even in those situations where it hasn't worked perfectly ie I still have it mildly, it is still worth taking the Sumat as it really takes the edge off and clears the head amazingly i find.

That's not to say you will react the same or they will work the same  but worth a try? I wouldn't be without them now. Key thing is if your migraines tend to come on overnight slightly so you deel one happening in the morning - takle a tab and it might just stop it. Instrictions say if mig goes away and then comes back after two hours then take another tab. I've never had to do this but sometimes have taken one on 3 consecutive mornings like I said above.

Good luck!

Hurdity x


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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2020, 07:20:33 PM »

Thanks Hurdity.  I don't have typical migraines and headaches don't come on suddenly but often build but end up with one sided pounding and sensitivity to noise and nausea / stomach issues. This makes it hard to now when to take one, may not be the best meds for me I guess but may be worth a try. I'll try and brave it!


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Re: Weighing things up...
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2020, 06:23:26 AM »

Morning Hurdity

Thank you again for your lovely response. I too had worried about the side effects of Sumatriptan, I have friends that swear by them and those which lose the ability to function! Once again it highlights just how very different we all are in our tolerance levels and sensitivities.. I just feel that with my luck I'd be one of those that's sensitive! I actually have felt ok since Wednesday which is great apart from sleeping in a bit later this morning - woke up with a slight headache so I took a paracetamol and it's settled. Period came along earlier which was obviously the root cause of the heads last week.

My symptoms mirror Shropshirelass in that I get both headaches and then those which go on to be one-sided with nausea. I do know that if I eat badly (i.e. leave too long between meals and snacks) this will often start trouble so I have been a lot better in keeping "topped up" with food. If I can take one positive from the lockdown it has been this, as well as taking a bit more exercise too. Discovered a love of cycling.

All the best to you too my dear and wishing you a peaceful weekend

Mog x

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