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Author Topic: oral lichen planus  (Read 1749 times)


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oral lichen planus
« on: March 08, 2020, 11:58:42 AM »

morning ladies

so another side effect i've got lichen planus in my mouth and it had improved with estrogen but as i?m aware there is no cure just management and was told it could get worse at time or better but since adding in progesterone it is getting worse so my question is as i?m on only two pumps gel do i need a bit more ?

does progesterone town regulate estrogen effects ie in the mouth ?

or shall i just stop progesterone and change my gel to patch ?

gel will cause hair shedding for me on its own so don't want to risk it and i?m not sure if a patch will do the same but i don't want my mouth getting worse and to be honest i?m starting to notice a slight increase in shedding x i don't have check up on my mouth till april

so just wondered your thoughts


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2020, 02:01:15 PM »

You poor thing, on top of everything else.  Sounds like your immune system is taking quite a battering  :'(

Try and use as gentle a toothpaste as possible and avoid mouthwashes (unless GP/dentist prescribes), the alcohol can make it worse, and watch out for oral thrush, which can jump in and add to the misery. 

Just done a quick search and you don't think your hair loss might be due to lichen planus?

'Scalp. When skin lesions appear on the scalp, they may cause temporary or permanent hair loss'.

Just a thought?  Have they suggested topical corticosteroids?



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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 01:29:27 PM »

hi snooze

no it's not due to lichen planus as i don't have this on my scalp or the genitals either i only have it in my mouth x

dermatology have checked my scalp for this and also down below been checked for lichen serlorusis x can't spell it !

my hairloss is defo hormonal addiction it only started when i started hrt x

when i stopped hrt shedding stopped after 6 weeks but flushes and poor sleep came back x i've adding in prog but it's making my mouth dryer hence LP getting worse so i may need more estrogen to balance it out and then T may help


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2020, 02:40:53 PM »

That's good you haven't got it anywhere gynaecologist tested me for it before I started HRT as it looked like I might have it but it was 'just' very bad VA, thank goodness.

How's your vitamin D levels?  I'm fair & not keen on being out in the sun and I started Vit D at the end of last year and found an improvement in my resistance to bugs, plus my 2 patches of eczema that I've had for years have cleared - might be a coincidence I know but I'm all for boosting my immunity as much as I can!

Sorry I can't help you re the's really difficult to pin down what exactly is causing the shedding - it's probably multiple things which are specific to you only, which you may get balanced enough to minimise the shedding & keep the meno symptoms under control.  Unfortunately it's usually only by trial and error that you'll hit upon something.

I would defiantly keep a detailed journal of what you're trying and when though, it makes it easier to compare results.  Really hope you find a solution soon.


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2020, 04:56:34 PM »

hi there

yes i?m lucky for now but i hope in future it dosent develop so yes i have to avoid any products containing sodium lauyrl sulphate which i use dove body wash and shampoos without this in although head and shoulders is ok 👍 and again toothpaste without this mouthwash i?m not allowed to use any and i've cut down on smoking to no spicy food no fizzy drink limited alcohol which i don't drink anyway really so this together with my gluten free low fod map foods and soluble fibre diet i feel very far from my former self x

i to had VA but since using ovestin has gone but i?m still getting watery discharge so maybe need more estrogen x


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2020, 03:10:28 PM »

Hi there, my Mum aged 84 and many years post menopause was diagnosed with oral lichen planus last July after never having it before.  She had been to the dentist and GP surgery several times before being referred to a consultant within a 2 week period (she also had a polyp on her tongue so this might have been the reason for the quick referral).

The consultant quickly picked up it was oral lichen planus, this had not been mentioned before by any other health professional and she was prescribed a treatment in the form of a mouth wash (I think bizarrely that what she was prescribed was actually something used for eyes).  This was 100% effective and it has not returned since, she was told that she might never be completely rid of it so I don't know whether she was just lucky.  It was definitely the best thing for her to be referred to the oral and maxillofacial department at the hospital and don't know if you could request such a referral perhaps?



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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2020, 04:24:25 PM »

I have oral Lichen Planus  too.
I go to the dentist regularly, who took a biopsy a couple years back to have it confirmed.
He then referred me off to a consultant who I now see once a year. They took photos of it too.
I have never been offered any treatment for it whatsoever, only some stuff to stop my mouth getting dry! ...I occasionally get a dry tongue, but apart from that it doesn't really bother me.
I also have an autoimmune liver disease too. So I guess they?re connected.  xx


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2020, 11:27:55 PM »

hi ladies

yes i've been referred to oral maxi and had biopsy but offered no different but i think because the progesterone is giving me dryer mouth is making it worse i have check up april as i have mine every 3 months x

just one thing after another


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Re: oral lichen planus
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2020, 03:24:07 PM »

Yep, it's a bloody nuisance!
Hang on in there, things have gotta get better! 💐