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Author Topic: Women's life expectancy fall  (Read 1896 times)


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Women's life expectancy fall
« on: February 25, 2020, 12:04:50 PM »

This new report makes interesting reading,  (only skimmed it as 172 pages long).  There has been a big decline in life expectancy over the last 10 years. 

Food for thought.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2020, 12:07:28 PM »

I had read about this a few years ago.  Will browse the Link later.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2020, 04:53:42 PM »

Living longer is fine IF you have good health.  That's the key point really.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 06:23:41 PM »

Mum is in reasonably good health but was having falls.  Now in Care she isn't happy.  She is fed, her laundry done but because most are dementia residents there aren't many to talk with.  So she is infact, lonely with less choice of going out to meet people.

Why is life expectancy falling?  Lack of education?  Bad diet choices?  Lack of exercise?  Why are the 'poorer' areas of the UK particularly problematic? 


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2020, 10:45:38 AM »

Because of Austerity the government has imposed on everyone.
The lack of everything, has an impact on society. Ie, money, food, health, homeless, jobs.ect.

I agree tho, I don't want to live to a too older age. I'd rather die relatively young, I donot want to be a burden to my kids. Or anyone else for that matter. I'd rather die first, but unfortunately, unless I top myself , I have no choice in the matter. I've seen dementia and cancer at its worst, ......just pray my hopes come true.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2020, 07:01:16 PM »

I agree stellajane - what exactly is 'austerity'?  My Maternal Gran lived in a 3 up 2 down with outside privy.  Bath in the kitchen on a Sat. night.  She cooked from scratch.  They grew most of their own root veg and fruit in season, lots of eggs and chickens in the run plus rabbits, pheasants, occasionally a hare from the fields.  Which she prepared for our family or others who didn't know how to do it - for which she was paid a few pence.  My Paternal Gran could also cook from scratch, they had no other choice.  Both were in Service from the age of 14.  There were no hand outs and any Doctor visits were paid for.

The art of cooking has gone by the board.  It is easier to grab something ready made from the shelves but we are becoming more aware of salts/sugars in most ready mades.  Which will lead, along with smoking and drinking, to bad health.  Despite hand outs the UK health is bad.  Add to this lack of exercise.  DH cooks from scratch, batch cooking every few weeks so that we have fast food to defrost and pour over pasta/rice. 

People expect the NHS to cure every ailment, regardless of whether is it self inflicted/not.  If 1 goes to A&E most nights of the week there will be people who have made the wrong choices regarding alcohol, drugs, knife crime ........ everything we do is a choice!  Does this life expectancy take into account those choices?

It is easy to ignore the gradual weight gain - I myself don't exercise enough but remain slightly under 8st.. 


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2020, 07:28:48 PM »

CLKD and Stellajane,  take a look at the link for the actual report, that I posted.  If you only look at the graphs it's very informative.  The conclusion also.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2020, 07:30:17 PM »

I did.   :thankyou:



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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2020, 06:51:01 PM »

Unfortunately we need to start culling.  The planet is becoming too inhabited and we are living much longer than our ancestors.  As some of you mentioned,  personal care homes are becoming overcrowded and personally I don't want to end up there.  Quality vs Quantity and for me, will depend on health physically and mentally. 


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2020, 07:11:11 PM »

Where would you begin?  That's what Hitler thought  :-\  :-X ......... Nature takes care of over-crowding - we had AIDs and now the Virus ......


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2020, 07:24:45 PM »

My guess is CLKD, and hate to say this, but war.  It's a horrific thought or short of that, a major pandemic or epidemic i.e. ebola.   There are food shortages, water pollution, cimate change that can be directly attributed to the mass of humanity that is growing at an alarming rate.  It's not our generation or our childrens generation but our children's children generation that will ultimately pay the price (Mars may become an option...I've been living on Mars for years.  Nice place😎)


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2020, 08:04:09 PM »

Stellajane...My mom also died from dementia linked to brain cancer.  It was horrible to watch her deteriorate.  I'm all for voluntary euthanasia but who knows what we would do faced with our own mortality.  We are animals and our strongest sense is survival.  Wow...heavy conversation but very interesting.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2020, 08:47:45 PM »

I can't understand the mentality. If you let an animal die in the way some people do you'd be prosecuted for it and rightly so. My dog has bone cancer, leg amputated but in 98% of cases it has already spread by the time you know they have it. She won't suffer, she will be pts when life is no longer worth living - unlike me if I get it.


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2020, 08:57:57 PM »

I believe in a Living Will.  I believe that humans should have the option as our animals do.  Of course years ago when patients didn't go to Hospital Family Doctors would administer a slightly higher dose of a drug to send the sufferer on his/her way.  No questions asked.  Because Death was seen more often they had an instinct when a person had suffered enough!

In Hospital Doctors are sworn to improving Life.  What ever it takes  >:(.

My Mum - now 93 - always said that "England needs a Good War" when ever there were outbreaks of violence. 

There have been food shortages since God was a Lass  ;).  Modern man is stripping our lands for what the 1st World think that they need, i.e. palm oil ........... we stripped land previously in order to grow tea plantations  ::).  It would take a brave person to remove my morning cuppa  ;D

With Global Warming - if that is true - we really don't need to worry about future generations.  The Earth will heat up and whoosh ........ that's why we don't have dinosaurs etc. any more.  The Earth will warm as it probably did B4, it will either burn itself out completely or be followed by an Ice Age ......... but no one was here to record what was happening ;-)


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Re: Women's life expectancy fall
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2020, 11:52:42 AM »

It's cruel. 