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Author Topic: Am I ever going to be nice again?  (Read 1029 times)


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Am I ever going to be nice again?
« on: February 20, 2020, 06:14:20 PM »

Hi All

I'm hoping someone can rescue me with advice. Begging actually. Could nearly sell my soul in exchange.

Due to huge fibroids, heavy bleeding I had full abdominal hysterectomy seven months ago. Gyne was going to take ovaries, but I told him to leave them as I didn't want to go full into change. Operation was a success. I managed to stop smoking after 30 years at the same time.  ;D Honestly I got over the cigs damn quick and am not missing one bit.over the moon.
Not long after recovering I experienced insomnia and depression. I took Elleste solo 1mg. Soldierd through 3 months as insomnia subsided but symptoms of feeling so low got worse and breast tenderness. Gp has upped to 2 mg but I feel worse after a week.

I used to suffer PMT but at least when it was done with I got relief. Now , daily I feel irritable irrational, weepy and energyless. I crave sugar, my appetite is the biggest I can remember,like raw hunger.

I don't have anyone to talk to about it .My mother reckons she didn't go through it( yet I remember distinct flushes of rage from her, usually followed by huge slap.  :-X It's like she's created a myth. Same with sisters. Yet I saw one sisters life turn upside down during her change.
I feel the inner rage. Partner and kids have been at the end of my horrible tongue. Snappy, rude,bitch that I am currently. I either feel like screaming or weeping for England.

Any advice appreciated


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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 06:34:55 PM »

Hi Minxy. I wish I could offer you the benefit of my experience  but sadly I can't. I just wanted to give you a virtual hug. Hope someone replies and can help xx


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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2020, 08:17:24 PM »

Hi Minxy.     :welcomemm:
Glad you've found us.
I know exactly what your going through. I turned into a right witch, all I needed was a cauldron. 😆
I was NEVER like that before, I was always passive, nothing ever bothered me, and never in my life confrontational. Until all this happened.
I've been on HRT now for roughly 2.5 years, ( can't remember, but this one I've settled on anyway) but I've been post meno for about 4.5 years. And it's given ME back.
It takes time to settle in.
But it may be you need to change it, it may not be suiting you. Or, because you've upped the dose, it's just taking it's time bedding in, as it were. it's really a challenging time.
If I were you, and felt so bad like you do, I'd book back in and have a chat with the doctor.

Well done for packing in the fags!  :medal:
I still smoke, and one day hope to stop too, but not at the moment. I'm not ready.
I'm sure your family will understand, have you explained to them what's going on?
It does get better. I promise, it does.

it's funny how some older women can suddenly forget what they were like when they went through it isn't it? My MIL is the same, she was terrible, and had no qwarms about what she said to people. Often in a real bad mood, and tired.
When I'm like that, it's like, What's up with her?  Kinda thing. 🤬

Sometimes we start to feel worse before we start to feel better, but like I say, if your feeling really bad, book back in with your doc. Just asking their advice as to what to do won't hurt will it?  Maybe they?ll offer you another oestrogen to take. 🤷‍♀️ ...

Good luck! Keep us informed, we?re always here.
Jd xx


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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2020, 09:34:49 PM »

 :ange: :ange:Thanks for replying! Means a lot at mo and made me laugh which means I'm in there somewhere.

I know hrt's the right route but am worried that it will take me FOREVER finding the right type? Especially when I hear progesterone, oestrogens, testosterone. Why have I only got oestrogens? Why does my GP not explain this. Probs because he's guessing too and also coz he's a man . Bless him.  ::)

jillydoll I was the biggest fag ash lil ever, if you want to know how I did it painfree. If only getting the right hrt was as straightforward now,sigh.
I reckon years ago women probably reached for the sherry or gin . Now I don't want to take that route,bid be dangerous



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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2020, 09:46:53 PM »

Glad it made you laugh. 😉
You only need oestrogen because you've had a hysterectomy, you don't need progesterone.
I however, need it as I've still my womb. It stops my womb from getting thicker and causing all kinds of terrible problems. 🙀
I know your in there somewhere! 🙂 it's just your hormones masking you. You?ll reappear soon. Just keep at it. You?ll be Fag Free Lil, very shortly! I'm sure. 😆
Glad you have a sense of humour, take a look at our other threads, This n That is good for a laugh, and we all need to laugh.
Hang on in there honey.


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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 10:15:38 PM »

Thanks again both of you. I am indeed fag free lil , would like to be rage free lil anytime soon . I'd forgotten to add, as if the rage wernt bad enough, gained 2.5 stone since hysterectomy. Gotta get this mid life menopause crap sorted 👊


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Re: Am I ever going to be nice again?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2020, 07:55:19 PM »

Hello, I had a total hysterectomy in July 2018 due to very large fibroids. At 61 I am much older than you and did not expect any strange symptoms after the operation. I had mood swings which eventually settled down. The biggest shock for me was the weight gain which no-one even mentioned to me. Thanks to Mr Google I have learnt that post hysterectomy women's metabolism slows down regardless of your age and it can take three times longer to burn calories than prior to the op.

 All the medics told me to give myself 6 months to recover. My neighbour said give yourself 12 months and then you will start to feel much better within yourself. She was right. We may heal physically within 6 months but I think the hysterectomy op affects your body's hormones and functioning.  I believe you will feel better but you need to give yourself time. Stay positive and do not feel ground down. Sending you good wishes and happiness.