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Author Topic: I so need my sleep  (Read 4069 times)


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I so need my sleep
« on: February 04, 2020, 08:51:08 AM »

Hi ladies,

I really need some advice. I'm not on any hrt, and the one most stressful ailment I currently experiencing is lack of sleep.
I would say at best I get an hour and that is about all. I'm at the stage where I may have to resign from my job, as I can't really perform properly on such little sleep. I also have to drive to work, so understandably hubby is really worried I may have an accident at this rate!

I do all the usual recommendations, no screens 2 hours before bedtime,no alcohol and no heavy meals etc. I also have very good sleep hygiene. Please can I ask you ladies to recommend something that has worked for you.

I'm practically on my knees at the moment....

Thank you :'(


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2020, 08:59:32 AM »

Gosh that sounds horrible.

Have you seen your GP at all.  I experienced this for over a year during peri but my cause was night sweats.  If that is not your problem it might be another cause your GP can help with.

I do occasionally go through sleepless periods now but I do certain things that help.  One is physical exercise, even just a walk helps.  Also anti histamines.  The old fashioned ones that make you sleepy like prition.  These I take for just two or three nights and that gets me back into a normal sleep pattern.

Hope that helps.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2020, 09:23:06 AM »

Thanks for the speedy response Shadyglade!
Yes, its pretty terrible at the moment. I don't suffer from night sweats, just a total lack of sleep.
I have been to my GP a couple of months ago and he did give me a strip of 10 sleeping tablets, but I'm not sure he will prescribe them again if I go back to him. To be honest, he has suggested taking antidepressants in the past, but I'm really don't want to go down that route.

I'm sitting here feeling really terrible and very weepy. Lack of sleep makes everything seem like you are in a fog.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2020, 09:28:55 AM »

Don't write of ADs prestige.  My lack of sleep ended up with a total mental breakdown so I ended up on them anyway.

I don't like taking any medication at all but sometimes it's necessary.  You don't have to be on them for ever. In my case it was only six months but it was long enough to get me back in a safe place.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2020, 09:38:02 AM »

Morning!  Lack of sleep is difficult to live with and the patten hard to break.  I dropped off for 35 mins then was awake until at least 3.30 this morning.  But I know what is keeping me awake  :-\

Do you practice relaxation therapy?  Starting from the toes: stretch, hold, relax.  Work up the body in all the muscles groups tensing, holding, relaxing.  It focusses the mind. 

Some people think that they don't sleep much but in tests in sleep labs. actually doze more often than they realise.  Do you lay there thinking "I must sleep?" I used to: then realised that I was coping in the day time in a very busy responsible job and hadn't fouled up. 

I relaxed more and can now say 'ah well'.  Are you able to drop off in the evenings, don't knock it, go with it!


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2020, 09:40:57 AM »

I'm so sorry to hear that Shadyglade. That must have been awful for you.
I just have a phobia about taking medication and I worry about coming off them in the future. I know if I start taking them, I will start to have anxiety issues about when to come off them. I know it sounds pathetic when you write it down. Alternatively, I can't survive on 1 hours sleep if at all a night, I end up being a total basket case  :'(

I can't seem to be able to make a decision this morning. I phoned in sick at work this morning, but feel really guilty for doing this. Work is pretty manic at the moment, but I really couldn't face going in on such little sleep.

All I know is that round about 9 pm this evening I start to feel anxious about not being able to sleep. I will do all the right things but then get really annoyed at not being able to nod off.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2020, 09:44:39 AM »

Morning! You are self fuelling the anxiety.  Very easy to do ..........  >:(  :-\.

What's the worst: to rely for a while on appropriate medication or to not sleep?  Once I find a medication that works for me I go with it.  Knowing that it works as designed means that I never need to take more than prescribed. 

Your GP or Practice Nurse can monitor how you are/not coping  ...........


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2020, 10:11:02 AM »

There are clean medications that have fewer side effects and are not addictive. You really need to break the cycle otherwise it will just get worse.

Another thing that helps me is listening to the radio on my phone, if I wake and can't get back to sleep. BBC Sounds app is great for this.  Listening to a drama or a documentary is distracting and absorbing.  Many a time I have fallen asleep this way.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2020, 12:12:20 AM »

Hope you have a better sleep tonight.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2020, 10:10:31 AM »

Hi Shadyglade,

Much better night sleep - thank you for asking.
I was in quite a bit of a state yesterday. So much so that I rang the surgery and by some miracle got an appointment that morning. I saw a different GP who just listened to me talk. Well, I say talk it was more whimpering than talking  ;D
Anyway, I rambled on about being literally frightened out of my wits of taking something that could be potentially additive. I did say it was a total irrational fear...but I fear nonetheless.

She has prescribed a small strip of sleeping tablets (apologies, I don't have them with me, so I can't recall what they are called) and a months supply of Mitrazpine. The deal is that I will take the sleeping tablets jut to end this vicious cycle of not sleeping. Once I have come of them and I'm still having issues, then I will take the Mitrazipine at night and go back to see her in a months time.

Just having a plan in my mind, made me feel a lot better and I left her office feeling a little bit lighter (if that makes any sense).

I would like to thank you and CLKD for being there for me yesterday. I had literally hit a wall and was feeling very desperate. OH was brilliant, but unless you have been through it, I'm not sure how much you can "feel"how that person's pain.

So a big online hug from me  :clapping:


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2020, 10:29:40 AM »

Great news. :)

Do keep in touch though, especially if you need help.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2020, 09:35:29 AM »

When peri hit i had many nights of zero sleep and was so desperate i ended up in the doctors begging for help.

Help came in the form of antidepressants and benzos. Mirrazapine was one of the drugs i was on and it had very serious adverse effects for me and nearly destroyed my life.

I give you my experience not to frighten you but to make you aware that these drugs do work for some but there is a lot of us out there whose lives were destroyed by these drugs. Google mirtazapine side effects and withdrawal and you will see a sample of the hell some suffer.

I eventually went on hrt and was able to sleep. I weaned off it and have been off close to six months and still sleeping ok touch wood.

If your insomnia is from meno then hrt may be a better option.

Either way i am so sorry you are suffering so badly. I hope you get relief soon.



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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2020, 03:24:26 PM »

Alua197 - how did you become reliant on the medication that you were prescribed? 


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2020, 04:35:08 PM »

OMG Alua197 that sounds pretty awful. Glad to hear you are now on the right track with HRT.
Unfortunately after various attempts with HRT, I decided it was not for me. It came with a long list of side effects, so it felt (from my own personal perspective) silly to continue down this route.

I have been taking a quarter of the sleeping tablet prescribed and this helps me nod off and get about 7.5 hours sleep. This in turn has completely turned my mood and I feel I can now function not only at work....but at home too.

In terms of taking antidepressants, I feel we are all very individual and its very had for a GP to even predict how it will specifically affect each patient. Its a route I'm afraid I will return to if the sleeping tablets don't do the trick.

Once again, thank you ladies for responding to my SOS email. I'm so glad this board exists as it was a life saver for me earlier this week.


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Re: I so need my sleep
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2020, 07:49:46 PM »

Sleep deprivation is used as a torture method, no wonder humans suffer when they don't get enough zzzzzs!

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