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Author Topic: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic  (Read 9944 times)

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #60 on: January 24, 2020, 07:47:22 PM »

Hi Ladybt23

Im in the UK, Bucks area but hail from the North East.

I wasnt going to post today as didnt want to tempt fate I was going to leave it a few days to see how I felt but when I saw your post Redlocks then I felt I  must to give you hope again.

So to recap for almost a month now I have been in menopasual hell, except for one day, last Tuesday.  I had had 2 years of being well (no blips) and when I read stories here then I think I have been one of the fortunate ones and took it for granted that it would stay that way forever.  Never take anything for granted.  This next bit is going to be long but if it helps one person then its worth it.....

To recap a bit further back I had suffered depression back in 1986 when I lost people close to me, sadly the husband I was with at that time did not believe in antidepressants when I was prescribed them in 1987 and put them down the toilet.  I somehow got well by doing exercise sort of never completely well, desperate times and then I spent the 90s having ivf/icsi treatment 8 in total all failed, more depression, no tablets.  I had a complete breakdown in 1998 anti depressants & counscelling saved my life.  I am a big fan of anti depressants.  I needed them again through a divorce and again when luckily I did end up pregnant but got post natal depression couldnt even enjoy that to start off with , which I had wanted from the age of 20.  Anti depressants always worked for me the mistake I made in the late 90s was as soon as I got well (between 6 weeks to 3 months) my then husband the one who didnt like them told me to come off them and after about 6 months without them, I was ill again.  When I finally used them properly they kept me well.  I can also see that I have been lucky with them, reading ladybt23 posts about anti depressants.

After being off them for about 6 years my dad got ill and sadly died and I was flung back into depression 2013.  I ended up on sertraline 200mg and it took 3 months to get well with time off work (always had to take time off work to get better).  I then stayed on them,  The dr said as I had had quite a few bouts of depression to stay on them long term.  I was more than happy to do that to keep "well".

Around October 2016 my mirena coil had gone past its 5 years but the dr said its fine just keep it in it still acts as a contraceptive which was why I had it in the first place and because periods were heavy.  Now despite me still being on 200mg of sertraline I started to get all the old feelings of depression back couldnt understand it.  The dr said sometimes anti depressants just stop working and no time was menopause mentioned.  I was then 50 would be 51 the following June.  I wasnt having any periods due to the mirena coil.  I hadnt had a hot flush just depression and anxiety feelings but I think I was waking up around 3 am and having the odd night sweats.  Then followed a year of hell 2017.  I was put on every anti depressant known to man, NOTHING touched this depression after always being helped by anti depressants.  I mentined before that they sent me to a pyschiatrist who had me on 300mg of venaflaxine by then (which is a lot only a pyschiatrist can prescribe that amt so I was told) still depressed.  He said I was treatment resistant.  I was suicidal I have no idea how I didnt end up under a passing lorry when I left his office I thought my life was over.

 In between all of this a friend suggested could I be menopausal (halleluyah).

  I then started reading all about Carol Vorderman and her story and it sounded like me.  Armed with all this I went back to the dr and had a blood test my oestradiol level was 115 they told me I was post menopausal and gave me a new mirena coil and I was put on premarin(absolute rubbish for me) highest level (did nothing) , elleste solo 1mg, 2mg (nothing) 3 mg within 2 weeks I was well.

 After 7 months off work I was completely utterley back to normal nothing to do with the anti depressant (weaned off it) all to do with the right level of oestrogen.  I went back to work cured......Then I started to get awful migraines the menopause clinic (I had got a referral took ages) said I cant take tablets they were clotting hence the migraines and I should try gel (oestrogel).  I changed over 2 pumps absolutely plunged back into depression again but now I was back at work, doing training courses, presentations, I had to fake it I just couldnt go sick again.  They put me on 3 pumps of gel my levels were showing 220.  Still depressed and after 28 years in a job that I really didnt mind and paid well, I quit I just felt I couldnt do it anymore and didnt want to go sick again.  I was put on 4 pumps of gel and probably within a month around end of Jan 2018 I was well again.  I could have waltzed straight back into work and carried on with my job as right as rain.  The hell of hormones.  I have since started to work for a gardener (never even cut my own grass before or weeded!!) working for a friend, money isnt great but its lovely being outside, though not at this time of year!! I dont regret leaving the other job.

In Oct 18 I reduced to 3 pumps as had a breast biopsy(all fine) but thought I would come down a bit and I was fine until a month ago, around when you first started this post Redlocks, I got ill again.

I went to see the dr didnt know me or even bother to read my history(my dr had retired) I hadnt been to the drs in ages when I was so ill they didnt even have to ask my name when I rang I think i rang daily and the samaritans, employee assistance line anyone that could help me get out of depression.  She wanted to write a prescription for anti depressants despite me telling her that they hadnt worked for me back in 2017.  I asked for a meno clinic referral (that is in May--when I tried to speak to someone there,  a very cold receptionist said no one can speak to you we have limited resources you have to wait till May)  I was in floods of tears I then said I doubt I will still be here in May (not really meaning it but so desperate and she said call your dr then!!)

I put myself back to 4 pumps of gel almost 3 weeks ago now.  I had another blood test the day before yesterday which showed my level of estradiol to be 357.  The dr rang and said this is a good amount it is average, normal, whatever normal is and that I shouldnt do anymore gel but wants to see me in 10 days to go on anti depressants. 

Ladybt23 I can totally see now why you have not had your hormones tested and why a lot of drs dont like to test because of fluctuations.  I was hanging on expecting my level to be under say 200 which would to me explain the blip because like everyone else who is ill we need an answer and a solution.  I was hysterical I said to her anti depressants didnt work for me before oh my god Im not going to get well, she said to come see her in 2 weeks.  i got off that phone flung myself to the floor sobbing absolutely hysterical thinking this is finally it now there is literally no hope.  If they are saying its not my oestrogen levels and they want to put me on something that never worked before I am well and truly (without swearing) finished.  it was just like being told you are treatment resistant back in 2017.  I managed to fire off a couple of emails to Heather Currie and Mary Jane Minkin hrt experts and to this forum in absolute desperation.  The answers were helpful regarding possibility of testosterone(never mentioned before but as i had been well we never went down that route) and MJ Minkin said perhaps anti depressants may be worth considering as you go further into this menopausal journey.  It was also clear that hormones do still keep fluctuating.  I calmed down a little.

Through the nght I usually wake  around 4 am and cant go back to sleep(overanalysing negative stuff) thats been the pattern since this blip(around a month), I woke at 5.21 exactly and thought thats not too bad, did I have that feeling of doom in my stomach as usual, no it wasnt there.  Dare I think I actually feel better.....?

Today I am totally 100% back to normal.  Caught up on emails, silly little jobs I had left, talked to a friend, did a bit of garening, for the first day since the Tuesday (I was well last week-although it didnt last a full day) I didnt cry nor do I want to.  The zombie, the stranger I have been for the last month has gone and I am back!  So what has happened you tell me but all I can think of is the 4 pumps of gel have started to work and it has just tipped me back into the normal coping world again?  i dont know and the thing is I dont know whats going to happen tomorrow if the zombie will return, havent a clue.  But like Squeaker said you have to go with it and take each day as it comes in this crazy menopause world.

Sorry its so long my fingers ache now.  I will keep you posted (shorter posts). The morale of the story is keep shouting for help.  The level of oestrogen is different for us all, whats normal for one person and gets them well, someome else may need triple that amount.  Like ladybt23 said you have to treat the symptons.  We all deserve the right treatment as we all deserve to be well and live in this often shite but often wonderful world xx Dont ever give up!!


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #61 on: January 28, 2020, 10:26:00 AM »

Squeaker99 and Bring me sunshine, massive thanks for your kind messages. I'm still not well and had probably the worst panic attack yesterday since I've been anxious, but fortunately it passed in the evening.
I'm trying not to use the forum too much at the moment as I don't want to give myself information overload, but I wanted to know how you guys were getting on? Hope you are OK, it's so horrible feeling like this.
As I said, I don't know what I need at the moment, or if it's even hormonal. It appears that I got severe anxiety when I lowered my usual dose of progesterone and then I got severe anxiety when I increased my usual dose of progesterone. I cannot deny that I've had severe episodes of anxiety in the past, but then again hormonal fluctuations and PCOS maybe played a part in that. I have now been on my original dose of HRT for two months, so perhaps it will settle at some point.


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #62 on: January 28, 2020, 10:43:21 AM »

Bring me sunshine, can I just add that I was incredibly moved by your post. You have been through a lot and I admire your strength and the way you reached out to me to give me encouragement even when you were feeling unwell yourself.
I agree with you on antidepressants, they have saved my life but they are not working right now. Do you think that could be to do with the hormonal fluctuations when i tweaked my HRT? The fluoxetine has kept me level for a long time but as I said it's not making a dent in my depression right now. There were two other occasions in the past when my antidepressants didn't work so well, but I wasn't taking HRT at the time, so I don't know what that was about (could've been my own hormones, who knows). I think I wanted a physical explanation because I've been embarrassed about who I am - feeling so anxious when others are able to function has often left me feeling inadequate. But then again the way I see it, most people can eat nuts and yet we don't tell people with serious nut allergies that they?re pathetic!


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #63 on: January 28, 2020, 12:28:22 PM »

The trouble with HRT medications is they are a "slow burn".  It's not like taking a paracetamol or a week of antibiotics.  those of us who are very sensitive to changes may get an immediate reaction good or bad but that doesn't mean that it will stay that way longer term.  When we feel so ill we are looking for quick fixes but there are none in HRT and sometimes the tweaking and waiting goes on a very long time.  I was practically psychotic with anxiety, panic and I have written that I was running away in the middle of the night with a fixation that I needed to get on a plane to visit my friend in England, plus I was only sleeping 3 hours or so.  It took loads of tweaking and heaps of patience and a total of 7 months after I thought I had it right for it all to go away to a mild or nearly gone level and for me to feel "well".  Now that is "well" against what I had been through...the average person would not necessarily think I was "well" by their standards, but I am alive and I can now have a life and when I get "out of bonk" I know that if I stick with what I am doing and am not persuaded to panic and look for an answer (cos ususally there is none :-\) and start messing around with doses and stuff then it will come back again.

Redlocks - don't avoid us on the forum, keep is so much better to get the rubbish that swirls around in there like a washing machine on speed out onto a piece of paper so to speak than it is to hold it all in and struggle on your own.  You are  not pathetic and there is no need to be embarrassed.  Believe me I was not functioning, I was certifiable! but it did get better...just not quickly xx  Chin Up to us xx

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #64 on: January 28, 2020, 01:04:10 PM »

HI Redlocks

Ladybt23 is right if it helps to post, post away you are NOT pathetic this menopause and hormone fluctuations is!!

You asked today how I am.  You may not have seen a post I made yesterday to MICihope under "at a loss what to do re hrt" as I felt so sad she was hurting so much too and I identified with her and you and most of the women on here.  Here it is for you with an update on me from last Friday.  All i can say is dont give up you will get out of this!!

I just want to add my voice to say I totally understand and hear what you are going through.  You could be writing about me.  I am only a month into this blip although it drags on and on despite me having a glimpse of me last Friday(I posted on 24/1/2020 my whole sorry life story under " i cant get any relief etc etc.)  I too was told by a physchiatrist I was treatment resistant back in 2017.  I did get a breakthrough with all this hell with the combination of oestrogel and the mirena coil.  I am on my 3rd coil and was lucky to have tolerated it.   4 pumps of the gel did eventually work for me enabling me to reduce to 3 a year or so ago in my hazy happiness and disillusioned state that I had "cracked" this crazy menopause.

I am searching all the time for answers to deperately get well and stay well going round and round in circles.   if I could I would hide in a cupboard shut out the world till I am "cured".  But I still despite being almost 54 have teenagers to get to school, which is probaly a good thing as I would happily stay in bed all day and avoid the world.  The menopause robbed me of a good job, quite well paid but that too has its advantages as I dont have to ring in sick and have all that palava.  Good and bad.  I wake each morning and think "please let me feel normal" and there is that like kick in the stomach feeling and I think oh Jesus here we go again.  The doctor rang tonight about something unrelated to the menopause an ear problem I had back in December, forgotten all about that now.  I told her(she isnt my dr they are all new at the surgery I havent even met my new one) that I had increased my gel to 5 pumps she wasnt happy and said no 4 is enough when is your meno clinic I said May oh she said I will try and write to them again.  I dont hold out for an earlier appt.  I cant afford to go private but I do get lots of good information from here from the ladies who do and post.

So on and on it goes and I so wish I wasnt like this zombie, alien, shadow of myself how you describe yourself, I want me back again so badly and i am so impatient probably too much as I can see this has been ongoing for you for quite a while.  Back in 2017 I was ill nearly the whole year.

The only thing I can say is there are success stories on here and I was one of them so there is a way out of this its just hard to see when you are slap back in the middle of it.

The gps are prettty hopeless, the menopause clinic gave an appt thats months away and wont even talk to you in the meantime.  All you feel you need is someone to say you will get better.  Over the years of depression and taking anti depressants I always had the confidnece that I would come out of it and I did.  Because the anti depressants didnt touch this as the gp and me didnt put the connection that it was menopausal I have lost confidence in them.  I put myself up to 5 pumps of gel last night.  I had a dry mouth in the night, woke at 2am even earlier than the normal 3am/4 am so I dont know [erhaps I like you should stick to 4 and wait it out but my goodness it is hard bloody going.

So you are so not alone and you are so not unusual to be feeling how you are and describing yourself in that way as I too am a fellow alien.  Anything I find out that gets me out of this I will share as all the ladies on here do.  I am not giving up and you musnt.

Keep on keeping on and we will get there!!!


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #65 on: January 29, 2020, 10:46:43 PM »

Ladybt28, Bring me sunshine,
Thanks so much for your kind words and I will properly tomorrow, just had a really hard day - I couldn't stop crying, felt like I was in the deepest despair. I don't know 'what's happening to me, but I'm expecting some blood test results shortly. Would it be ok if I posted them once I know what they are?


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #66 on: January 29, 2020, 10:49:57 PM »

*I will reply properly tomorrow


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #67 on: January 29, 2020, 11:58:23 PM »

Aw Redlocks I really feel for you.  Part of feeling so awful is "the not knowing what is happening to you".  It's all so left field and can engulf you so quickly.  No one talks properly about this stuff.
Don't feel pressured to post just post when you feel like it....we just wanted you know that you don't have to have it all ordered in your head to write something on here...just write it how you are thinking but only when you want to. x much love
and yes, tell us about the blood tests. x


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2020, 03:06:21 PM »

Thank you, Ladybt28 :) And I never felt pressured by any of you!

And it is so scary when you're in the middle of it, Bring me sunshine. I'm so tearful that it's actually frightening me. :(

I finally got the letter from my consultant Dr Panay following my appointment with him on 3rd Jan. Just a quick extract:
'[Redlocks] has been through a difficult time recently. This could be related to being intolerant to the 200mg progesterone dosage. She is now down to may take 2-3 months for her hormone levels to stabilise.'

He checked my hormone profile that day and here's what he said about the results:
'satisfactory' oestradiol levels (331)
'lower end of normal' progesterone levels (2.4)
'towards the upper part of the normal range' testosterone levels (1.8

My testosterone has always been high, but I was surprised about the progesterone being borderline low considering I'd been taking 200mg for three out of four weeks for nearly four months. Blood tests are only a snapshot but my hope is that they may give some clues as to why I'm feeling so sad and scared. I feel like I should be in hospital but I don't want to be. As I said, my antidepressants aren't helping me function.

PS: If any of this is even remotely enlightening for anyone then that'll make me happy. I appreciate we are all different though.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 03:09:02 PM by Redlocks »

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2020, 04:51:03 PM »

Hi Redlocks

I am in the same boat hoenstly feel as flat as a pancake more tears today just cant snap out of it. hats more scary is this state of mind is beginning to feel normal and that's a horrible thought I cant stay in this zombiefied state for ever its hard work.

Reading what Dr Panay said to you was it could take 2-3 months for hormone levels to stabilise and you have got to take what he says as he is the expert  better than any gp.  2-3 months when you feel crap feels like a lifetime but if thats what it takes to stablilise then you will do the time to know at the end of it you will feel better.  You say you have another appt booked for April so you will definitely know by then and he will have to look at things again if thats not the case.  I expect it will be.  I like you want to be better now not in 2-3 months but I would take that if it was certain but there's always that doubt.  I have the mirena coil for the progestorone and havent had a problem with that.  My oestradiol level last week was 357 which the gp said is like you were told "satisfactory" however Dr Currie said its ok but a bit on the low side.  I want that reading to be an indication of why I have "blipped" so I am playing the waiting game (1 month into the 4 pumps of gel) which did get me well back early 2018.  If its not that then I havent a clue unless I am just depressed for no reason.  I am tempted to try anti-depressants again but I just wish they had worked back in 2017 when all this hormonal upheaval happened but they really didnt make any difference only the hrt got me well again.

My meno clinic appt is May and I tried to email them today to ask a question in the meantime as to whether they feel im just been impatient or what to do about anti depressants. Their reply was cant help you until May.  I cant really afford to go private but I have found someone who I could see in a few weeks so I may just have to dig deep and do that just so someone can just look at what I am taking and say you will be fine hang on in there or actually you do need whatever.........!! 

Just so bloody hard work and I really feel for you and all I think we can do for now is sit it out and wait and not put too much pressure on ourselves, dont try to be what people are expecting you to be or go places if you dont feel like it.  If you were laid up with something physical or I think you used an analogy of having a nut allergy no one would think you were pathetic (you are not) or expect you to be all singing all dancing,  its just hard when its mental because you cant see it only the fact that the person you are at the moment isnt the real you though you look the same, well perhaps with teary eyes and sad.

I wish I had the answer.  All i can say is one day we will look back at this and think blimey we are so better now look where we were.




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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2020, 05:08:01 PM »

Bring Me Sunshine - What about emailing Dr Currie the meno consultant here who runs the forum.  You send an email with detailed explanation and a question keeping as brief as possible and she will answer you.  It costs ?30.  Might be better than finding ?180 or ?200 odd fee for a specialist private consultation like you are thinking about?

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #71 on: January 30, 2020, 05:55:39 PM »

Hi Ladybt23

Im ahead of you but thank you.  i did email Dr Currie  and she thought the 356 reading was a little on the low side and suggested patches.  I mentioned that to my gp on the phone and she said oh we spoke to the meno clinic and they said to stick with 4 pumps of gel as your levels are average-whatever average means, when we are all unique and im feeling rotten. I think the gp wants me on anti-depressants and the meno clinic with their May appt probably as you suggested somewhere hope you will not need the appt because by then something may have "kicked in" and you are well again.  Ive got a couple of weeks and a bit before I have to go for that private appt and you never know I may have seen a few more good days (none sadly this week so far but there is still tomorrow) and may then have a bit more hope to wait things out.  I have the gp next Thursday I may come out armed with a prescription for patches and one for anti-depressants I dont have to use them just be nice to have them there as an option.  I like the thought of someone knowing what they are talking about not that far away in time as in 2 weeks and a bit, the meno clinc appt in May could be years away when time feeling like this feels never ending.

Thank you so much xx


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #72 on: January 30, 2020, 06:12:05 PM »

I think if I read the post right you are only 1 month and a little bit in?  Way to go yet, especially when I read your symptoms and how you are feeling. I am of the opinion rightly or wrongly?  ??? that the longer you have felt "poorly" the longer it might be before the hrt kicks in and levels out.
Tell me if you have been on your current regime longer? xx

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #73 on: January 30, 2020, 06:40:35 PM »

You are right ladybt23 I am just a month in with the 4 pumps of gel and been unwell for about 6 weeks which I was putting it down to the stress of Christmas initially and then I found myself withdrawing from people and then I knew.

It makes me sound impatient when I read it back I just want to come back to life again.  I will be more patient and wait it out xx


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Re: I can’t get any relief at the moment, deranged with panic
« Reply #74 on: January 30, 2020, 09:07:41 PM »

Bring me sunshine,

You're not impatient at all - a second can feel like an hour when you're suffering depression, and the waiting times are insane.
Thanks for your input about the results - the fact that my oestradiol and progesterone are both on the low side might explain at least partially why I've felt so awful (goodness, and I'm on a 100mcg estrogen patch). Same for you - if your estrogen is not optimal then that may well explain why you've been feeling flat, etc.! I know how hard it is when you just want answers.

As for the antidepressants, I understand the frustration - the only thing I changed last year was my HRT. I never increased or changed my fluoxetine, so unless my anxiety episode just burned itself out (also possible), it might be that hormones are too strong for antidepressants. I think I read that estrogen and progesterone affect serotonin directly? It's all too complicated for me, wish I understood it more.

And the doubt about ever feeling well...I hear ya. During every episode of depression/anxiety I've had, I've always thought this may be the one I can't climb out of. Then again, when you're in that state of mind then that's exactly how you think! We need to hold on to hope (love the acronym by the way, if that's the right word!).
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