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Author Topic: Tostran 2mg gel  (Read 3899 times)


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2019, 01:14:30 PM »

Hurdity - I put it on the instep, mine has quite thin skin there, then straight to bed so no need to hop! The hairs on my thigh are still darker and longer though possibly not quite as noticeable. I haven't tried pulling them out to see how they grow back but I'm not optimistic.


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2019, 02:58:29 PM »


i've rubbed on inner thighs

but just had a thought should i have done one thigh and then the next time the other thigh as i put the one dose in both ?



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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2019, 03:01:49 PM »

Sammiejane.... that's fine. Don't worry x


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2019, 03:48:48 PM »

hi dotty

so as i use every other day it doesn't matter can rub on both thighs each time !


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2019, 08:59:48 AM »

Hurdity - I put it on the instep, mine has quite thin skin there, then straight to bed so no need to hop! The hairs on my thigh are still darker and longer though possibly not quite as noticeable. I haven't tried pulling them out to see how they grow back but I'm not optimistic.

Interesting sheila99. With me - my hair growth has been all over my thigh pretty much ie the T it has migrated through the skin away from the actual application site ( as expected it can do - from what I've read). Therefore I don't think I want a hairy foot as well as hairy thighs so reluctantly I will keep to the same application site.

However I am interested in the time of day you apply it - I don't want to hijack your thread JuliaDizzy but I would be interested to know when others apply it? Maybe if others don't see I'll start another thread.... I have always applied in the morning thinking any stimulating effect would be better during the day but I am wondering now if it would help my morning sleepiness ( ie make me more awake) by taking at night? Hmm interesting..

By the way Julia Dizzy I presume you're not applying it every day but following the BMS recommendations as posted by Dotty?

Hurdity x



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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2019, 09:01:38 AM »

Hi Hurdity I use testosterone in a morning on my inner arms. I haven't had any extra hair growth xx


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2019, 09:46:35 AM »

Hurdity - unless you're a hobbit  ;D I don't think you'll get hairy feet. It's made no difference to the hairs on top of my foot and of course the aren't any on the sole.


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2019, 07:54:20 PM »

 :rofl: not that I've noticed!

However as I said I got hair growth on my thighs in areas that I didn't have any hair (apart from the sparse invisible short fair ones that everyone has - and I am dark haired) - so-  much as I wouldn't care about hair growth on my soles (which would rub off anyway) I wouldn't want more hair growth on the tops of my feet and toes ( I already have a bit on the top of my foot above the arch and on a couple of my toes - and that is with T application miles away) for hald the year when I am barefoot! So do you see my dilemma? I am one whose T migrates and causes hair growth elsewhere!!!

Dotty - you're lucky!

However I still have a good head of hair where I want it so I shouldn't complain and need to explore waxing establishments although not idea how to find these for legs? New thread coming on!

Hurdity x



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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2019, 09:05:34 PM »


can i ask a question if i may regarding tostran .

does it need to be applied at the same time as estrogen as i apply my estrogel at night and have been using testosterone on inner thigh well i rub into both inner thighs each morning is this ok doing it in the morning ? and should i be alternating thighs each time rather then applying to both ?

thank u


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2019, 01:04:44 PM »

I haven't used Tostran sammiejane but I've used Testim and Testogel. I would choose a part of the body where you apply the oestrogen gel and alternate sides with that and choose a different part of the body to apply the tesosterone gel and alternate with that. Just don't rub them both together in the same place. Time of day doesn't matter - whichecever is more convenient but remembering night-time applications - skin to skin contact with partner should be avoided for 1 hour for oestrogen gel and I beluieve linger for T gel - although probably less crticial re transfer with male partner.

Hurdity x


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2019, 02:02:51 PM »

hi hurdity

i don't use both at the same time

before i go to bed i rub estrogel one pump on each inner thigh and do this every night !

in the morning i have been applying tostran one pump every other day but rubbing on both inner thighs as it says use inner thighs or abdomen but i wanted to know is ok to rub the testosterone on the inner thighs in the morning after applying estrogel to the area the night before and should i put on one thigh the testosterone then the next dose apply to the opposite thigh ?


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2019, 03:03:49 PM »

Like I said in my previous post - I would choose a different part of the body to apply the T gel from the oestrogen gel even if they are applied at different times as the hormone is stored to some extent in the layers of the skin which provides a reservoir to replenish levels in the blood until the next application.  I would just apply each gel to one sdie of the body per day and alternate sides each day. As there is no research on this as far as I know for simultaneous T gel and oestrogen gel replacement in women (because T gel preparations are for men). eg if you apply oestrogen gel to your top inner thighs I would apply one day to the right and the other day to the left (other oestrogen gel users may have other ideas) and then with the Tostran - apply alternate left or right wherever - eg inside of knee.

When I briefly used Sandrena this is what I did. I applied Sandrena gel ( oestrogen) to upper inside of one thigh and T gel to lower inside of one thigh (inside of knee) alternating sides daily. I hope this is clear.

However you can do as you choose - but like I said, intuitively, I would not apply to the same site even at different times. I did say this in my last post.

T is also transported through the skin laterally ie to other parts of the skin surface as well as inward to the bloodstream. I did read about this and have experienced it too with hair growth on my thighs away from the application site.

Hurdity x


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2019, 05:37:46 PM »

hi hurdity

as i use the gel on inner thighs

would it be ok to use the T gel on outer thigh or is that to close x

i figured if i use on my thighs as i shave my legs anyway it won't matter if i have a gorilla leg x

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2019, 02:33:57 PM »

Hi Hurdity, I have been applying Tostran 1 pump every day on inner thigh as directed by Meno Dr, no hair growth so far!

Am now 10 weeks in with 3 pumps estrogel and 100mg utrogestan daily, but seem to be still waiting for the miraculous improvements other people seem to have after this length of time, no bleed and hot flushes gone, but have been feeling quite rubbish with lots of pelvic aches and stomach discomfort, so I have been thinking of stopping everything for a bit to see if it is the HRT or something else entirely? What are the symptoms of progesterone intolerance that has previously mentioned on here?? Thanks


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Re: Tostran 2mg gel
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2019, 02:39:43 PM »

Hi Julia Dizzy it takes at least 3 months on the right dose of oestrogen  to see the benefits of hrt and up to 6 months to see the benefits of testosterone . Unfortunately it's not a quick fix. You've seen some benefits so my advice is to just keep going. X
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