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Author Topic: Hair Loss  (Read 1898 times)


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Hair Loss
« on: November 24, 2019, 11:01:08 AM »

Hello Ladies

I am a newbie to the site but have already learned so much, not least that so far, I have been quite lucky with my symptoms.  However, I would really appreciate any help you may be able to give following my horrible hair loss and stinging scalp.

My back story is that I am 53 years old and have been on the contraceptive pill since 16 years of age.  I was advised to change to Marvelon in my early twenties with a small deviation at 30 years old when it was suggested I try a lower dose pill.  I experienced terrible acne and very tender hair follicles.  so after a few months, I happily went back to Marvelon and took it for the next 20 years (no breaks for children).   Upon reaching 50, it was again suggested a lower strength pill would be the way to go - after about 9 months on new pill I realised I had lost a significant amount of hair and started developing a horrible stinging and irritated scalp.  A return visit to the GP ensued who asked if I had "Any other menopausal symptoms?".  I was rather taken aback as the thought of menopause simply hadn't entered my head.  Eventually I asked for Marvelon again to get back to "My normal".  My hair started growing back nicely and in August this year I embarked on HRT (realising that Marvelon is not going to be an option for me much longer and I need to get this sorted).  Evorel Sequi patches were prescribed but I experienced a very upset tummy, weight loss, terribly dry skin, hair loss and scalp irritation again, some night sweats and brain fog.  It was suggested I would experience a bleed but this was not the case.  I returned to the GP for help and have now been on Kliofem for almost 2 months but the hair and scalp problem has not subsided and it is driving me nuts.  Brain fog is better, as is the dry skin issue.  I have had some sweaty episodes but nothing unmanageable.  Still no bleed though, which I was told to expect.  I'm feeling a bit bloated, espeially in the mornings, and have put back on the weight lost - plus a couple of kilos.  I feel that Kliofem is not the HRT for me and have a GP appointment at the end of this week.  Would any of you wise and kind ladies have any advise/suggestions I can take to discuss with her?

Many thanks in advance.


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2019, 12:04:10 PM »

Hi Kliofem is a no bleed HRT, so if you are post menopause then you shouldn't experience bleeding.  I'm not sure why you were told to expect a bleed.  It could be that the progesterone in Kliofem and Evroel Sequi are to blame for the hair loss, as it is norethisterone which is testosterone based. x


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2019, 03:46:35 PM »

Hi! is there any particular reason why, if Marvelon is easing symptoms and reducing hair loss, you are unable to continue with it?

My hairdresser told me last week that in general the scalp loses 100 hairs a day ........ and is regrowing continually.  Have you lost hair anywhere else?


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 09:20:05 AM »

Many thanks for your replies. I don't know if I'm post menopausal as I've always had artificial hormones  since 16 but thank you for allaying the fear of a sudden, unexpected bleed arriving from nowhere Dotty. 

I was told I would only be able to take Marvelon until 55 at the oldest as it is prescribed as a contraceptive pill.  My hair loss means I can see lots of shiny pink scalp through it and hair has become very fine and cob webby!   I have lost hair on my arms too and am still shedding eyebrows and lashes.  Usual shaved areas only need attention about once a week,  not every other day (that's the silver lining). ;)


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2019, 09:33:07 AM »

Morning!  You might like to look at the Daisy web-site which is for girls with 'early' menopause, there may be some pointers there.  Make notes ;-)

How recently were you given the info about Marvelon?  How R U overall?


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2019, 11:19:39 AM »

Thank you for the pointer to the Daisy web site.  I will indeed have a look and make some notes.  I started on the pill at 16 as I had a horrible cycle - started bleeding on about day 15 or 16 which lasted for 7 - 10 days and were very heavy.  Very young and naive but so grateful that the pill made everything manageable.

The info I was given re Marvelon was earlier this year - I had a shoulder op in May and didn't want anything to change with me before that so my GP allowed me another 6 months and some Evorel Sequi to try "When I was feeling brave".  Do you know if the guidelines re Marvelon changed? 

As to my overall wellbeing; I am an eternal optimist and aware that there is always someone worse off and therefore look on the bright side.  Having said that, I am feeling very flat at the moment with the constant scalp irritation/itchiness and hair problems being at the forefront.  I don't have the energy or get up and go that I usually have, along with the few issues mentioned above.  I really appreciate your comments so far, thank you.


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2019, 11:23:03 AM »

Get your VitD levels checked. 2 Summers ago I would do 20 mins. weeding then have to sit for 2 hours, still.  Unable to move.  Blood tests showed low levels, capsules improved it.  We shouldn't blame everything on menopause.

As for the Marvelon - have a chat with your local Pharmacist, they have private rooms these days.  Take the box and leaflet with you.  If necessary the Pharmacist can ring the Company or speak with colleagues.


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2019, 02:27:44 AM »

Get the thyroid checked hair loss is such a common symptom the pill would have kept your thyroid well over these year but because it's double the strength of HRT.So now you are on HRT you could very well be experiencing the effects of thyroid.
Low vitamin D
Ferritin bloods need to be done.xxxxx