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Author Topic: Off HRT and no returning symptoms??  (Read 773 times)


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Off HRT and no returning symptoms??
« on: November 17, 2019, 01:11:16 AM »


I've posted various different things over the past two years about my early menopause and HRT so in brief. I've been on HRT since beginning of 2018, tried different ones and finally settled on Femeston 1/10 as well as being on the mini-pill, Cerelle. Back in June there was a query on whether I could take tablet form due to migraines so was moved onto patches and all the old symptoms of migraine came back in days (night sweats, brain fog, irritability etc) but was allowed back on tablets a month later and symptoms stopped again.

In June I had endometrial ablation which has seen the end of the flooding and not had any bleeding since.

Skip onto October when I moved doctors and had a new patient's check up. My blood pressure was through the roof so I was immediately taken off HRT and the pill, much to my dismay. I've been off them 5 weeks and apart from one night sweat a couple of nights after I stopped I haven't had any menopause symptoms.

I'm confused as to what this means? Has menopause been and gone? My doctor said if they can control my blood pressure I can go back on HRT and the pill but now I'm thinking I don't need to. My husband has actually suggested he has the snip so I don't have to take the pill any more which I've obviously jumped at.

Could it have been the pill that caused the symptoms? I've been on the pill since I was 15, menopause symptoms started before I was 40, HRT started at 43. Is it all over?

Any advice would be great. Thank you x


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Re: Off HRT and no returning symptoms??
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2019, 02:56:42 PM »

Hi. Thanks for replying. I will speak to the doctor when I go back on the 4th December. I really don't get on with the patch so it would have to be tablets. Patches made me suicidal.


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Re: Off HRT and no returning symptoms??
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2019, 04:48:18 PM »

I was fine for about 5 months after I came off the combined pill, then it all went downhill fast  >:(


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Re: Off HRT and no returning symptoms??
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2019, 05:58:09 PM »

Hello sadielouise78

I'm not sure if my experience can help you but I am most definitely post menopause and now four months without any  HRT .  I am reluctant to say it incase I jinx everything but I feel surprisingly normal. I developed  VA a few weeks after giving up on the gel and Utrogestan but a vaginal moisturiser is dealing with that. My sleep is more disturbed at the beginning of the night and consequently I am very tired but so far that is all. I wonder if the HRT was making it more difficult for my body to find a natural balance or if this is just the calm before the storm and my old symptoms will soon be returning. Time will tell I suppose.

I think it's reasonable to assume that things will settle one day so perhaps you have arrived at that happy place!

Wishing you well and keep us updated.




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Re: Off HRT and no returning symptoms??
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2019, 06:38:05 PM »

My symptoms take three months to return after stopping HRT  but fingers crossed for you that yours won't!

Taz x