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Author Topic: Much worse PMS during perimenopause  (Read 3326 times)


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Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« on: October 16, 2019, 08:18:19 PM »

Anyone else had this?

I was never really that bothered by cramps before. Maybe they were like a dull ache on the first day of my period and then that was it. They would never really stop me doing stuff, maybe I'd take it down a notch or two, but I could still go to work, the gym, etc.

But oh my heavens above, this is the second time I have had cramps and stabbing pain so bad that I thought I would pass out.

The first time was back in May and it was two days of womb cramps. I was working away on a contract at the time, so absolutely had to go to work, and it was full on work. But I spent most of the time thinking I was going to pass out.

This time it was womb cramps yesterday and ovary pain (both sides) today. It's stopped me dead in my tracks (along with the flooding and clotting). I've been home for two days.

Please someone tell me it gets easier and this isn't forever...


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2019, 08:32:49 PM »

Fluctuating hormones  >:( Are you on HRT? The months I ovulate my period is worse, presumably too much of everything. When I don't ovulate I have a light period and few symptoms.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2019, 08:44:54 PM »

I'm on the combined pill (Loestrin 30).

That was after trying progesterone only pills and then Loestrin 20. Nothing was strong enough to deal with the constant bleeding and flooding and clotting I was getting.

There have been a couple of times since starting taking it where I have barely had any withdrawal bleed at all.

Then this. I've been feeling suddenly exhausted at points in the day. Like now.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2019, 10:13:45 PM »

I had this from mid 30's. I used to nearly pass out from the pain, have cold sweats, and throw up. It lasted about 2 hours when it kicked in then eased off.

Period pain happens when the muscles in the womb contract. You have higher levels of prostaglandins (the chemical that causes contractions of the uterus, bowel and blood vessels).  You can get a dicky belly at the same time as your period because of this.

Check for fibroids. Also check for anemia this goes hand in hand with heavy periods and will make you feel like dreadful.

I took mefalonic acid for the first couple of days of my period but always after food as they are a NSAID and awful for your stomach particularly if you get reflux etc. I hated those damned tablets and the iron tablets!

Some ladies take tranexamic acid or have the coil.

I ended up having a hysterectomy as I couldn't cope with it anymore but that's an extreme measure of course. The best thing I've done though. X


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2019, 06:03:50 PM »

I can't imagine how bad things must have been for you to get a hysterectomy! Good heavens.

And I've been reminding myself that some women have this all their lives to deal with, so I do feel lucky in many ways...

Thank you for explaining about the prostaglandins. I always wondered why I got the runs on the first day of my period. And obviously this time!

I've had another day at home. The horrendous pain has gone, just a slight, dull pain in my womb now. So it was like back in May, two days of awful pain. Except this time I had the clots and flooding as well.

I would just say I have a heavy period now. Heavier than it ever was in my previous life, but grateful for small mercies and all that.

I can't have the Mirena (PTSD) and I also can't have an internal ultrasound for fibroids (same reason). But I did have one from the outside and the doctor said she did see a couple of small ones.

I really want this over with now. It's a year now since my periods started going seriously haywire all the time. Not just the odd bit of flooding here and there, but haywire all the time. The only thing that's been a lifeline in all of this is the combined pill.

Surely this must end soon? I'm so tired and drained from it all.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2019, 09:22:04 PM »

I really feel for you. Heavy periods are just horrific. Unfortunately hrt can make fibroids grow due to the additional oestrogen. That's why I waited to start it until after my hysterectomy.

I don't really know what to suggest for you sorry. On a practical level I used to have a waterproof mattress protector and wear incontinence pants / towels during the heaviest time just so I could relax with the flooding and get some sleep or not keep fretting about it at work.

Just writing about it makes me realise how glad I am that's all over for me now.

I had regular ultrasounds and a hystoscopy to check my bits. I also had a pelvic MRI which may be an option for you instead of internal examination. But they obviously can't do a biopsy from that.

Maybe try the transexamic acid which should reduce flow / clotting. I couldn't get on with it due to acid reflux. Maybe take some iron tablets during your period or Spatone which I think is gentler x


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2019, 09:35:16 PM »

Thank you so much. I feel like such a moan, constantly complaining about the same darn thing. Every time I come on here it's for the same reason.

I started taking iron tablets back in November. They've made a huge difference to my energy levels.

I can't take T Acid unfortunately. I've tried, but the side effects are horrendous (fatigue, migraines, olfactory hallucinations, nausea).

God, I hope the end is soon for this. It's the not knowing how much longer and how much more, and potentially how much worse, things will get.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2019, 05:10:20 AM »

Unbelievably bad night.

Not just the usual 4 hours sleep. But anxiety through the roof. On verge of panic attack since I woke up at 2.30am.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2019, 05:14:28 AM »

Can someone please explain what link there is between symptoms of lowering oestrogen earlier in the year (feeling so dehydrated, like I was being desiccated from the inside, almost unquenchable thirst, and days upon days upon days of palpitations over the summer, almost no 'withdrawal bleed') and the awful flooding, clotting, cramps over the past week, and this utterly horrendous anxiety?

Not just generically 'your hormones are shining high and low'. I know that. But what hormones, when?


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2019, 06:04:08 AM »

Can't help with the hormones question but just wanted to say I hear you on the middle of the night horrendous anxiety, verging on panic after only 4 hours sleep.  That was me last night (again) - it's very distressing.  Sorry you're having trouble with cramps/flooding etc. - hope you can get some relief soon.


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2019, 07:17:40 AM »

Thank you x


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2019, 07:37:49 AM »

Trying to hang on to the small positives of today:

* My fiancé is coming to stay for the weekend
* I slowly did all the housework I needed to do over the past few days so I have none to do (just make the bed)
* I can make myself look nice today: have a bath, wash my hair, paint my toenails
* I can have a little play with some makeup from my stash (I'm on a 'replacement only no buy' for MU, skincare, haircare, clothes, accessories and homeware)
* I can send a half hour looking through an old magazine, tear out pictures and recipes I like then bin the magazine
* If I'm feeling up to it, I can do some work from home


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2019, 02:10:26 PM »

I think the main problem is oestrogen surging high and crashing, however, crashing from high doesn't necessarily indicate low oestrogen. I think it's quite the opposite.

I'm looking forward to my brain not being swollen up anymore, which pretty much affects everything. Currently dabbling with Bentonite Clay to sweep up the oestrogen and toxins from the gut and take the pressure off the liver which is key when hormones go awry.

What day of the pill are you on at the mo? And how many days break are you having?


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Re: Much worse PMS during perimenopause
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2019, 09:54:59 AM »

Let me know how you get on with that!

It's been a weird year (a year since my periods started going seriously haywire).

May I had a breakthrough bleed after taking the CP from mid January. So I did what the doctor said and stopped taking it for a few days. Horrendous PMS for two days and a 'normal' withdrawal bleed (from what I remember when I was taking the pill before).

After May, I ran two packets of pills together. For about a month or so I felt like I was being desiccated from the inside out. No amount of water I drank seemed to be able to sort it (and I usually drink at least two litres of liquid a day). I was even drinking a litre of water overnight. Sex felt different, drier and a bit painful. I felt absolutely great in myself though. Anyway, at the end of that spell I had a 'withdrawal bleed' that wasn't anything at all really. Less than one day of nothing. I didn't even use any sanitary products it was that non-existent. No cramps, no feeling tetchy. It was great.

Next withdrawal bleed was normal.

Then for about 5 days or so in early September I had constant palpitations, every day, all day long. I remember it really clearly because I mentioned it to the doctor when I went to get my new load of pills. And this is the first withdrawal bleed I've had since mid September as I was away working for two and a half weeks, then back for one day and then on holiday for two weeks. So I decided to keep taking the pill until I got back after all of that travelling.

Except I started getting breakthrough bleeding just towards the very end of my holiday (last couple of days). So I did what the doctor originally suggested and stopped taking it for a few days after I got back. I stopped for 5 days.

I didn't have the crazy withdrawal symptoms of craving taking the pill again. I just felt totally normal in my head. Except my body just went haywire.

The bleeding and clots were nowhere near as bad as last October. And the heavy, heavy bleeding only lasted 2/3 days. I was panicking thinking I would be back at the 3 weeks of constant flooding and clotting from last year.

So I'm back on the pill now, and still have a remainder of a bleed. Hardly anything. But the fear is still there.

So there's definitely something weird going on. And every withdrawal bleed seems different. From pretty much non existent to heavy and clotty.

But at least I have a pretty basic element of predictability and control, which is letting me live my life as best as I can.

I've got another super busy spell of work for the whole of December and into January that is really full on and very draining, so I'll aim for taking a break from taking the pill around the 19/20 November. If things are relatively bad like this time that should be enough time for things to settle down before I started that contract.

I can't wait until this is over. My whole life feels like it's being dominated by my period.
