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Author Topic: Vagifem not helping  (Read 7903 times)


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Vagifem not helping
« on: September 24, 2019, 10:12:34 AM »

I started on vagifem for dryness issues 4 weeks ago. Since when I have felt worse. I often feel like I need to go to the loo, more than before and last night I got this vaginial stinging sensation which is still persisting, though doesn't hurt to wee, no problems there. I am still extremely dry down there. I don't have any moisturises, wondered about using moroccon oil (as it doesn't contain perfumes) as a temporary measure. Feeling uncomfortable, not sure if I can feel pressure too as if everythings going to come out. Feeling a bit anxious about it.


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019, 11:50:41 AM »

It can take a while for Vagifem to work. How often are you using it now? You could ask for Ovestin or Estriol Cream as well  to apply externally.

It does sound like you need a proper vaginal moisturiser as well as the local oestrogen. What about getting a couple of Yes products? Perhaps Yes VM internally to help combat the dryness, and Yes OB for protection externally. I can't comment on moroccan oil, not heard of that one, but until you can get a proper moisturiser try hydromol ointment or olive oil. Be very careful what you put on that area though.

The persistent needing to wee feelings could be due to lack of oestrogen in the lower urinary tract, where there are a lot of oestrogen receptors. Vulval stinging might be from the acidity of urine getting onto those areas, hence my suggestion of hydromol.

Keep going, it can take a while to get under control.

JP x



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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2019, 12:38:34 PM »

Try not to feel anxious as this can make things worse.  It has taken me 8 months on Vagifem to get things to a level where I am coping.  Don't use anything perfumed as this can irritate the area even more.  Some ladies find vaginal moisturisers like Yes and Sylk work or washing in Epaderm or Hydromol.  I found nothing worked except for the  Vagifem so it has been a long process getting everything to ease off.  It may be you need to use the Vagifem more often.  After my 2 week loading I then went to every three days then eased off to twice a week.  If I am having a bad day I will then use one that night. 

Hope things get better soon xx


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2019, 12:40:05 PM »

Take a pain relief 3 times a day.  You could try other moisture's as suggested or swap to ovestin.


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2019, 01:31:16 PM »

I know exactly how you feel.... I've really been suffering with dryness, soreness, peeing more, a lot more as in 5/6 times during the night....and a 'drawing down' feeling in my lower tummy..
I originlly went to my Dr's suspecting I had a UTI for which I was given a 3 day course of Antibiotics.
Still suffering the same symptoms I returned and was given another 7 day course .....oddly the results of the urine sample came back as inconclusive to having a UTI....although my urine was/is still cloudy...
She also suggested trying a cream instead of Vagifem to see if i prefered it.....Estriol....although I'll confess I was rather lax in using the Vagifem....lesson learned...

In the mean time I was getting sorer so following advise on here I bought some Multi-gyn Actigel (Boots chemist) and have been applying a pea sized drop to the vaginal lips a few times a day... I was rather red and the skin looked thin, for want of a better discription... This has started to relieve the soreness...The 'drawing feeling' and tummy pain has also pretty much gone..
I'm still peeing a bit more than usual but only up twice last night....
I've also purchased a tube of YES water based lubricant ( Holland & Barrett) which was also suggested on here as a good lub to use....

Although when I shower I only ever use water, good douching using shower head, I'm actually beginning to wonder if back in July/Aug when it first started and was hot here I was washing my vagina a bit to much and messed up my good bacteria...Not sure if thats possible.
I'm concentrating on finding a balance of using some form of HRT, Estriol is very messy, and a small amount of lub to keep things happy down there...

Its also been suggested I try a good Acidophilus thats equally good for vaginal health to help with the UTI's....



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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2019, 02:14:07 PM »

Hi Shropshirelass, I can relate to you with this, as well as the hayfever/headache issues.  I've been trying to sort this out since March this year.  I've been on Vagifem for 5 months - there has been some improvement but am still going to the toilet far too often.   I'm thinking I just need to be patient for the vagifem to continue to do its work as it is definitely helping.  Also just about to start Yes VM too.

After months of trying to suss out what's going on, I also realise that I am so dry on the outside that it is contributing enormously to the discomfort and the feeling of wanting to wee all the time.  I went to a private vulva specialist and she confirmed that I need something to moisturise outside.  So, after reading Jane Lewis' book, I am trying Yes OB on the outside.  It's excellent.  Also V Magic (just started that yesterday - and I love it already).   They definitely help with the feeling of needing the loo all the time.

Over the months I've made the mistake of trying other things that just irritated - Replens gave me a nasty reaction.   I also didn't get on well with Sylk or Multi-gyn (think its the glycerine - read a really interesting article on the Yes website re glycerine).  But others find these latter 2 products do help them.  It's just me - another menopause symptom has been extreme sensitivity to various things.  It's costing me a fortune!! :-)

Jane Lewis's book is really good. 

Take care



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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2019, 04:35:43 PM »

Hello ladies.

I started to have vaginal  issues within weeks of giving up HRT.  So far the dryness comes and goes and a liberal application of coconut butter morning and night is sufficient.  Hope this helps and other ladies may want to give this a try.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2019, 05:28:39 PM »

Thanks all. I did do the 2 week load and now just do twice a week so I'll try every other day. Tbh I didn't have any problems before starting vagifem except dryness so wonder if it doesn't suit me like you say Birdy, but I also realise that the very reason I started using it may be because things were about to get worse and it's early days. What I want immediately is some form of relief! I'm going to get some yes products. What I want is something soothing that can be applied exernally. Should I try the water based or the oil do you think, or both? I'll also try inserting the vagifem lower down as you suggest StellaJane.
I'm a bit worried about the feeling I get which is hard to describe, like somethings about to come out, or is in there. I'm a bit concerned about prolapse. I've never had any symptoms of this before and am probably, I hope just panicing.

Turkish delight

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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2019, 06:02:40 PM »


I haven't had time to read all the responses so excuse if I'm repeating.

It took 6 weeks for mine to work well.
Also, have you been tested for a UTI to rule this out?



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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2019, 07:05:40 PM »


I was advised to use the water based YES to begin with....which can be used externally.
I'm also applying the Multi-gyn externally...
Both really have helped.


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2019, 07:23:18 PM »

Can't advise about the prolapse issue but recognise all other symptoms.  It's all very distressing and can be difficult to find what suits you. I use ovestin alternate nights internally and on the outside. The other nights use Boots own brand vaginal moisturiser.  I haven't used Yes WB as when I test a bit on my arm I get a sore red reaction.  It took 8 months or so to get things under control and still have s few bad days.  I avoid strong alcohol, red wine can be a trigger as can very spicy food and hot baths.  It's finding what works for you .    Can anyone say if the Yes OB can be used externally, or internally or is it a lubricant and does it stain clothes ?


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2019, 09:42:58 AM »

Hi Shropshire lass
What you describe could well be a prolapse. Mine appeared five years post menopause. I went to the GP who referred me to a gynaecologist. He said I had really severe atrophy -and I had been convinced i had a permanent UTI as was my GP!
 He put me on Vagifem, recommended Sylk, and referred me to a women's health physio. On my follow up appointment he put me on HRT as well. The physio exercises,kegels,have really helped my prolapse.I get good and bad days, but generally the bad days happen only if i have done heavy lifting when gardening for example. I use Sylk to dip the Vagifem in before insertion, and do find the Vagifem most effective when inserted lower down and to the front. I now use Vagifem every other day, with Yes vaginal moisturiser on the days in between. Externally I use either Olive and Bee or VMagic. I am still on HRT, now Oestrogel and Utrogestran. I did have a short break from HRT when I was investigated for some bleeding, which turned out to be a harmless polyps. Without HRT ,the Vagifem was not sufficient to keep my bladder symptoms at bay.
It's hard work but worth it! I found the exercises a must too and still do them every day , 3 years down the line.
I am now 64.With the support of Louise Newsons clinic, my GP is happy to prescribe the Vagifem and HRT on the NHS.


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2019, 10:38:07 AM »

HI all,
Thanks for all the suggestions. Went to see the nurse yesterday who said I could try estriol instead of vagifem. I wanted both as feel I should give the vagifem 3 months before swapping but wanted the ecream to apply a bit externally. I'll do a separate thread to ask about advice re that. Anyway, she took the vagifem off the repeat which I'm not happy about. I have enough to last me a month if I use it 3 times a week so i'll go have to try and get an appointment with GP who is helpful.

I mentioned the heavy feeling and the worry about prolapse but she didn't examine me. Probably, becuse there was nitrate in my urine which may mean I've got an infection. That's been sent off to the lab so I should know Friday. I wanted to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.

I ordered a whole range of Yes products but don't really know what to use. The nurse said I needed to use VM daily for ever! That hasn't come so I put a dab of the OB on but I haven't found that at all soothing and if anything it feels worse.

Keeping me awake with the soreness / stinging. I guess if its an infection it may improve. It seems strange that I have gone from absolutely no symptoms, just dryness, to this level of discomfort over night.

Sorry for the long message and thank you all for the support. I was gutted when the site was down yesterday and wanted to ask for advice.


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2019, 02:53:23 PM »

Why has your GP stopped the repeat  :-\.  Unlikely to be an infection, more likely to be atrophy.  Whose side if the Nurse on exactly ?  Why don't they realise that several products may be necessary to keep atrophy under control?

You don't need another thread ;-)


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Re: Vagifem not helping
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2019, 02:54:44 PM »

I was using Vagifem which I had on repeat prescription but last week my Dr suggested I have a try of Estirol cream instead.... She also took the Vagifem off of repeat prescription and recommended I don't use the two together.
I've got to drop her a note to say which I prefer, then she'll redo the repeat prescription....all such a faff...

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