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Author Topic: Testosterone/Tostran  (Read 5903 times)


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« on: August 30, 2019, 04:01:29 PM »

I have managed to get a private prescription for Testosterone and was prescribed Tostran. The dosage was 1 pump 3 times a week, I decided that I would go much less and probably used pea size ? I applied it at about 4pm, at about 10pm I went to bed but could not sleep due to heart pounding and felt very anxious or kind of like I had had lots of strong coffee ! not very nice feeling at all, I did manage to get to sleep but still felt ‘wired' in the morning. My dilemma is do I try a tiny, tiny dose and maybe apply in the morning or do I ask for Testim the lower strength  ? I paid £40 for the Tostran 😳 any advice welcome..


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 04:51:42 PM »

Well, why were you prescribed it?

For me, it makes me stronger as I was very weepy and scared, and felt awful with is as before meno I was fearless...

When my meno dr was giving it to me first time she said to observe and if I felt like punching anyone, to decrease the dose.

I took Testim, and it did wonders. But it is no longer produced. Now, I am on Testogel which I am observing but.. I preferred Testim..

I apply it after shower... each day at different times.

Try to take it earlier, perhaps..?  Take smaller doses but each day..?  If it is new to you, you may be getting used to it. Give it a time!..?

Hope it helps,



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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2019, 07:37:45 AM »

Thank you for your reply Orllia, I was prescribed it for fatigue, low energy etc. I have been on HRT for a year and it has helped with lots of symptoms but I just can't shake this sluggishness feeling. Was hoping that t would be the answer but I have kinda been put off after my first attempt ! when I feel braver I think I may try again with the smallest amount possible...


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2019, 08:03:57 AM »

I started using androfeme about 18 months ago. I apply it in the morning after I shower and don't experience any side effects. It made so much difference to me, I. A positive way.  I would give it another go applying in the morning with a smaller dose and see if you feel the same. Good luck!


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2019, 10:43:40 AM »

Hi, again!

I get mental benefits from it, as I said. I feel stronger and cope better with people on it. Better for me, not for them ;)  but have energy levels of a dead cat for some time now, after decrease of oestrogen dose, which they insisted on cutting because I am 64 now..  I have reached a stage of passively going along with whatever.

In past, I tried almost every product. None brought me back to what was before. I understood that that can't be done. I think best is to take one and get used to functioning on it.  I asked for most popular, used by largest number of women, so am now on Evorel Conti plus Testogel 50mg/week.


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2019, 05:41:06 PM »

Hi guys I know this is about testosterone can I just ask what you're estrogen levels were before you could have testosterone as I have been on estrogel pump 2 pumps daily and was obsorbing well in the beginning and in a 3 month period my estrogel level was 195 and T was 0.8 however roll on 4 months and my estrogel has dropped to 104 and T 0.6
Menopause have told me that my levels need to be 250/300 to have testosterone however I said but what if my levels never get to that I'm not going to keep suffering with low energy fatigue and lack of sex drive!
I've had ovaries removed 5 yrs ago but it only had menopause symptoms in last year mainly VA which I take ovestin for and have been on that 8 months however the last few days have had soaked knickers and this milky frothy discharge which is around my vulva and vagina and I have this burning sensation to could the ovestin no longer be working ? I have tried vagifem first however 5 weeks into taking it I shed lots of hair and hair has been falling out since driving me crazy all this . Any help would be much appreciated


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2019, 06:57:19 PM »

Hi Sammiejane,

I have the same question. I'm not on HRT, my oestrogen levels are not flat low, but my testosterone levels are 0. I'd like to know if I could start with a small dose of testosterone, without taking oestrogen and progesterone. Does anyone know if that's possible?

IMHO you are entitled to have testosterone asap, because of oophorectomy. It's amazing how doctors still treat surgical menopause like natural menopause. It's completely different, it's a medical condition that needs to be addressed immediately after surgery. If they deny it until your oestrogen levels are 250/300, you can try DHEA pessaries, or prasterone, brand name INTRAROSA, if I'm not mistaken.



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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2019, 07:15:52 PM »

Hi karenc1900

Testim has been discontinued 18 months ago or more but Testogel sachets are at the 1% strength. So you are using a pea-sized blob 3 x per week? That sounds about right to start with. I use a pea-sized blob of Testim (just have a few tubes left now!) daily and my levels are just above the range although as my SHBG is high my Free Androgen Index is still low so I'm fine with that.

Do you have low libido as well - this would be the first indication that tesosterone is low, and if you are not on oral oestrogen nor anti-depressants - both of which can lower libido. Which HRT are you on?

Thank you for your reply Orllia, I was prescribed it for fatigue, low energy etc. I have been on HRT for a year and it has helped with lots of symptoms but I just can't shake this sluggishness feeling. Was hoping that t would be the answer but I have kinda been put off after my first attempt ! when I feel braver I think I may try again with the smallest amount possible...

Also has the doc looked for other reasons for your feeling sluggish, fatigued etc - it may be that you do not need tesosterone replacement?

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2019, 07:34:51 PM »

Sammiejane - tests are not especially accurate although if you've had two that are both low then could be a reflection of your approx levels at that time. Were they blood tests taken at a clinic? It looks like you do need more oestrogen and depending on your age. Can you increase you dose? Are you still suffering from flushes and sweats? It is important to get oestrogen to an adequate level because actually a decent level of oestrogen can also help with these symptoms and only after increased oestrogen does not work is it worth trying testosterone (as I understand).

The BMS has produced some guidance on T replacement here:  but clearly your menopause clinic sounds like they know what they're talking about. This BMS information refers to that NICE Guidelines saying that women should be prescribed systemic HRT before a trial of testosterone, although it (T) has been used alone to treat cases of HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder).

Bear I hope this answers your question too? T testing at low levels is notoriously inaccurate because the test is designed for T levels in men who have much hgiher levels so not sensitivie enough at the low end of the range> There are various threads on tesosterone - one in private lives ("Testosterone Here We Go") and one I did on dosage and different products available too which I can bump if you want.

Intrarosa is designed for VA but not yet widely prescribed (if at all) although it is licensed.

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2019, 01:02:23 PM »

Hi hurdity

I increased the gel last night to 2.5 pumps but immediately I'm hit with aniexty which is horrible I feel like I can't breath and this is why I'm wondering if I add progesterone is will counter act some of estrogen side effects one being hairloss due to an imbalance I'm post menopause and surgically induced into it 5 yrs ago but have only had symtoms that were bothersome last year and have been on estrogel for 8 months.
Menopause specialist said I'm not obsorbing the gel very well and to increase to 3 pumps but can't cope with that level - is this because it's unopposed ? I know aniexty is caused by low testosterone so can hair loss but when ovaries are removed you loose 3 sex hormones and I feel maybe my body needs all 3 I never suffered on the pill which was combined pill but this I think is because it contained both estrogen and progesterone. I've been to doctors who said try a 50 mg patch estradot and 100 mg utrogestan daily but I'm scared with swapping to a patch whether this will work aswell for VA symtoms as I know the gel is designed for menopause and also moderate to severe vaginal atrophy ? Also doctor says my exessive sweating could be due to imbalance of hormones but I have also stopped taking the magnesium I was on for month and a bit now so maybe this was helping sweats and flushes too.

Do I have any personal experience on the patch and VA symtoms and if you take or took estrogel and utrogestan any hairloss or any hairloss when swapping to a patch ?

Thank you


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2019, 02:41:25 PM »

Hi Hurdity,
Thank you for your reply. I'm currently using a Mirena coil and 75 Estrodot. I've had a blood test at Gp to check Thyroid etc and all seems to be ok. My Oestrogen level is within a good range, my testosterone level was <0.1 nmol/L very low and SHGB normal at 39/gl
So after researching low T symptoms I felt that this is what is effecting me, low sex drive, low energy etc
I have paid privately to get T as my GP will not prescribe. I only used a pea sized blob and it gave me the unpleasant effects I wrote above.
I have contacted the doctor who prescribed and she said it was very unusual to have this effect after such a small amount and to try again with a small as possible blob and gradually build up.
I have tried the smallest amount possible this morning but it has given the same effect, maybe slightly less. I think I may be put off  T now as i wanted to feel less anxiety not more ! maybe the 2% is too strong for me....I have a feeling it may be a costly mistake 😬


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2019, 03:18:46 PM »

I don't agree that it's very unusual to have those side effects that you describe Karenc1900, it is possible. I had a reaction to testogel, I tried several times and every time I tried it it never went away. Someone on here suggested I try testim and that was better - although even then I have to ration the dose to 3 x petit pois blobs per week as my body can't cope with anymore. Unfortunately they don't make  testim any more, I've still got about 10 tubes left as I use it so slowly.  I think your reaction all depends on how sensitive your receptors are.

I would say don't give up and try something else. It really is worth it. I'm waiting to try androfemme as it's made specifically for women so hopefully side effects will be less x



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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2019, 04:01:59 PM »

Thank you Perinowpost.
It is a shame there is no licenced T for women, I have done some research and as you say it seems it is not unusual to have these side effects.
I don't think the doctor that prescribed it has a lot of experience of prescribing it, maybe that was my mistake in my research of who to go to ?
It has put me off a bit but like you may be I need to get my hands on some are you going to source it ?


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2019, 04:07:51 PM »

Apparently there are plans to make it more mainstream underway (checkout Louise Newson website). If however, it isn't available before I run out of testim I'll go private and pay for it x


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Re: Testosterone/Tostran
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2019, 06:27:17 PM »

The BMS has produced some guidance on T replacement here:  but clearly your menopause clinic sounds like they know what they're talking about. This BMS information refers to that NICE Guidelines saying that women should be prescribed systemic HRT before a trial of testosterone, although it (T) has been used alone to treat cases of HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder).

Bear I hope this answers your question too? T testing at low levels is notoriously inaccurate because the test is designed for T levels in men who have much hgiher levels so not sensitivie enough at the low end of the range> There are various threads on tesosterone - one in private lives ("Testosterone Here We Go") and one I did on dosage and different products available too which I can bump if you want.

Intrarosa is designed for VA but not yet widely prescribed (if at all) although it is licensed.

Hurdity x

Thank you Hurdity. The link you provided is for clinicians. Is there a similar one for patients?

I'd like you to bump those threads, thank you.

I have been tested for testosterone and SHBG (normal) privately for the last 5 years and testosterone levels are pretty much 0 since then. I think I do have Hypoactive Sexual Desired Disorder. Could I have testosterone without taking oestrogen and prog for HSDD?


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