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Author Topic: Perimenopausal just started HRT  (Read 1806 times)

Sharon J

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Perimenopausal just started HRT
« on: July 28, 2019, 11:17:33 PM »

Hi everyone, my first post. Stand by its a bit of a long one !! ..... I've not quite felt myself for the last couple of years, couldn't really put my finger on it, feeling low, not interested in sex anymore, anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations, snapping at my husband every month on the same day .  I've always had heavy periods but they never stopped me doing anything. Until early 2018 when I was flooding through my clothes having to wear three sanitary pads at a time and bleeding for 8+ days with large clots  resulted in me becoming anemic. It got to the point that I didn't want to go on family days out due to fear of flooding. Well anyone that's been on iron tablet's I'm sure you know all about the side effects of those 😔 Just couldn't see it getting any better and always felt exhausted. Anyway eventually after going to GP again and again I was referred to a gaenocologist and luckily enough had a cancellation within six months for and endometrial ablation, a d&c plus a hysteroscapy.   So that was done in early December 2018  what a dramatic change in my periods WOW four days start to finish, no clots, no heavy flow only one pack of daytime towels needed ( I'm saving a fortune) no bloody iron tablets.... YES! ☺.   But still had the feeling of sadness always after my period, its really difficult to explain its as if I almost only felt normal, myself for one week out of four. My blood test always came back normal but GP agreed last month to test again as I said I wasn't depressed just felt like I was not in control of my emotions, not sleeping wide awake at 3am and felt like I was going a bit mad and forgetting things too.  Could it be peri menopause?  Low and behold my hormone levels have changed and GP thinks it a good idea to try everol sequi.  Had no period in July and usually regular as clock work due on I waited still nothing so started my patches on 24th OMG sore nipples breast feel like water melons and stomach ache like I'm due for a period. So angry I've just stayed out of everyone's way all weekend, my poor family . Tonight before bed I've had brown /pink ish discharge, has anyone else experienced this,  Did the hrt make you feel worse before it had time to settle?     Apologies for the long post.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 11:22:47 PM by Sharon J »


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2019, 07:51:32 AM »

Hi Sharon. Any HRT can take up to three months to settle down. The symptoms you mention are really common in the first few weeks as your body gets used to the increase in oestrogen. It is worth persevering although the initial side effects can feel difficult to deal with. You may find your first couple of bleeds are painful and heavier (sorry  :hug:) but, again, this should settle by the third month.

You'll find lots of understanding on here. You may also wish to post under the New Members section where more of this forum's wonderful women may spot your post.

Taz x  :welcomemm:

Sharon J

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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2019, 08:50:20 AM »

Hi Taz, thanks for the response. I did realise I'd posted in the wrong section as I was figuring out how to post 😂.  Already feel like coming off the patches as I also have fibroids and now worrying that they'll grow larger and cause heavy bleeding and I'll be back to square one with the aenimia.  But that's probably the anxiety bit, Rough time at the minute but so glad I've found this forum.
Sharon x


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2019, 08:57:13 AM »

Hi Sharon J, welcome to the forum! 😊

I tried hrt but it made me feel much worse so I stopped it and now choosing to go the natural path, which I'm finding so much better.

Just curious, but why did your GP want you take these hormones? For which symptoms I mean? X


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2019, 09:00:38 AM »

Sorry Sharon, our posts must have gone at same time..

Yes, it's also true that hrt causes fibroids to grow. I put on a lot of weight and also it caused me horrendous anxiety, to the point I was gasping for breath. Decide instead to just deal with a few hot flushes, which have been decreasing, so hoping they won't go on too much longer!



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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2019, 09:01:15 AM »

Hi Sharon

Can I ask how old you are? ( sorry if I've missed that somewhere.)

It can take a while to find the right hrt, but hrt can make such a difference . It gave me my life back and I wouldn't be without it. But it does take a while to work x


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2019, 09:03:39 AM »

Have a read of this article by Dr Newson. It clears up myths about taking hrt when you've got fibroids. If you haven't seen her website then have a read of it..... it's brilliant x

Sharon J

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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2019, 12:51:20 PM »

Hi everyone thanks for the responses, I'm 48 Dotty and thanks I've just had a look at that  link, real interesting but its all a bit baffling isn't it as now I've started to open up about it all there's so many different views   :). Yes I suppose it does take a while but I didn't expect to feel so rubbish so quickly. I have a lovely lady GP but she really doesn't seem to know too much when you here I am ! 
I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Hrt Jari , what are you taking that's natural ?  I've already tried the menopace vitamins from boots which didn't really do anything at all prior to the fluoxintine and now patches. so doc advised low does hrt to help with the other symptoms not sleeping , hot flushes generally being a moody cow with everyone. I'm very embarrassed to say that a lot of dishes have been smashed thrown in pmt rages in the past but I'm happy to say the fluoxintine has helped a lot with that and greek nights have ended a good while back    :-[   

Sharon x


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2019, 01:40:15 PM »

 Greek plate smashing! Can just imagine.

I’m 49 Sharon and had my last period 2 years ago.

Have you missed any periods yet and if so, how many month gaps have you had?

Although you may still be able to have treatment for fibroids whilst taking hormones, that doesn’t get around that hormones will make fibroids grow, which, as you know, can cause all sorts of symptoms and discomfort.

Some ladies have a long lasting menopause and some don’t. Some can be over it all in a couple of years. The trouble is, if you take hrt, this will mask what is truly going on with your body and you won’t know how your symptoms would have naturally been.
Hrt for me woke me up in realising what an effect those hormones can have on your body.
This is why, for many women, they can spend decades trying different hormones and combinations and doses in an attempt to try to match their body’s fluctuating natural hormones. I decided I don’t want all that messing with my body. I already had a very bad experience with it and that was enough for me.

I take good supplements. Viridian women 40+ and bio care omega 3 and I’m going to get bio care vit c 500.

This is to support a good balanced diet. Also trying to exercise as much as possible.

I feel fine. I did have quite bad hot flushes and night sweats, which started around the time of my last period. That’s when I rushed onto hrt without thinking it through. 2.5 months later I was off it. The hot flushes came back, but they have been getting much fewer and less intense. So, I’m hoping the worst of it is over.
If I was still on hrt, I would not have known this.

I read somewhere that generally speaking, the worst symptoms are the year after last period and things tend to get better after that and that’s exactly what I’ve found so far...

It’s great to have a read around as lots of ladies have very different symptoms, but if you can make notes with your diet, exercise and see if you need to improve it at all. Also work out your bmi. Somewhere in the middle of the bracket I’ve found is best. When I’m at the higher end of my bmi bracket my flushes have been worse..

All the best, xx
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 01:42:04 PM by Jari »


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2019, 02:01:48 PM »

HORMONES  >:(  ::)

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary of use.  Have a look-see at the leaflet in the packet with the HRT as well as putting the name of the product into the search box here.  Make notes  ;)



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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2019, 03:02:35 PM »

Greek plate smashing! Can just imagine.

I'm 49 Sharon and had my last period 2 years ago.

Although you may still be able to have treatment for fibroids whilst taking hormones, that doesn't get around that hormones will make fibroids grow, which, as you know, can cause all sorts of symptoms and discomfort

I think that as Sharon has had an endometrial ablation this does change the behaviour of fibroids even when on HRT as mentioned in the link posted earlier.

Taz x

Sharon J

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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2019, 03:14:01 PM »

Hi Jari,  only just missed a period this month usually I'm the same date every month, regular as cock work. So I was actually waiting to start the hrt within 5 days of my period as recommended but it never came so GP said start it whenever.      Thanks for all the information on the natural products your taking.  Maybe I have rushed into the hrt a little but I've been convinced for a long time that there's an imbalance but the last two years is definitely worse.    Totally agree with the exercise things as I love getting out on my bike with the family which definitely lifts my mood  ☺....................

 YES I keep a mood /symptoms diary, its probably why doc advised the hrt, I've cut out coffee and gone over to decaff tea. Thank you both for the advice x

Sharon J

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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2019, 03:26:42 PM »

Taz, the endometrial ablation was the best things I decided to have done I was so sick  of GP trying to give me a tablet for the heavy loss.  I wanted a proper Investigation and a solution, was offered a could but didn't fancy that......... Anyway feeling a bit more chilled at the moment sitting in the ☀ even though I feel hugely bloated around the middle 😂 x

Sharon J

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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2019, 03:28:11 PM »

* merina coil but didn't fancy that.


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Re: Perimenopausal just started HRT
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2019, 10:20:02 PM »

Adrenaline via exercise is certainly good for everyone.  Reconnecting with Nature helps.  I don't cycle, roads too AWFUL - busy, potholes, not safe at all  :-\