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Author Topic: Hair issues and feeling low  (Read 5001 times)


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Hair issues and feeling low
« on: July 15, 2019, 09:31:39 PM »

Please can you help me to understand. I am 6 weeks in to oestrogen gel with Utrogestan and Vagifem.  I started to feel low and cry at the slightest thing so doubled oestrogen dose as advised to try after 4-6 weeks but have gone back to 1 pump again after a week of double dose . My self esteem is non existent. I have always dressed nicely for work and taken pride in being smart. My hair is now like a ball of fluff , soft unmanageable,  dry and I feel low as it is without looking even worse. I've just been seeing all the stories about impact on hair. I started taking Utrogestan orally but it affected me causing constipation so I checked with menopause clinic and was told to take it vaginally instead.
I don't know if it's the oestrogen gel or Utrogestan that is making me tearful, affecting my self confidence  and affecting my hair. My husband and family have noticed my low mood. I've been struggling with confidence as it is now just feel even worse. I've managed to get my 3 month follow up brought forward to next week. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I don't have children still have a womb. I am 54. I've never smoked and was on the pill for many years without effects like these.


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 09:45:42 PM »

Hi, i am sorry to read that you are feeling like this,particularly regarding your hair
Is it only since starting on hrt that your hair has deteriorated
I wish i knew the answer, so sorry can't help, just wanted to sympathise, as i am suffering a lot of dry hair and now hair loss
I have read that some women blame vagifem, but others disagree, saying it is only a very small amount of oestrogen, so i am very interested to hear what your Dr has to say,mine has only got worse in the last 12 months, but very bad in the last 6 months
I started on Livial and vagifem 18 months ago, but having been on Livial previously then had a break,i had no problems with my hair at that time
Have you googled the effects on hair that your hrt could have?
Please do update as to what your Dr has to say
Any oestrogen should improve hair , so my Dr says
I hope you can get some answers and feel better soon


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2019, 05:43:55 AM »

Thank you for taking time to respond. I have used this site to look at effects of HRT. I will be seeing a consultant at menopause clinic run by NHS next week so will let you know what she says.


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2019, 06:49:09 AM »

 :'(  feel your pain on this one.  although i dont take hrt.  since the menopause i am suffering with hair loss and low self esteem.   i spoke to my doctor and was diagnosed with clinical depression the happy tablets i take have helped with my low mood.  also started to take a hair skin and nail tablet which has helped with my hair loss.    :-*


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2019, 08:57:23 AM »

HC i have quite severe hair loss, as i have posted about before so wont go on about it, but i started taking Biotin, tried the usual hair and nails vitamins but didn't make any difference, and although not sure if it will help with the actual hair i have lost,the hair that i have is growing so fast i can't keep up with it, it seems to grow almost overnight,and has never been as long,even when i was younger could never grow my hair beyond  certain length


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2019, 09:13:34 AM »

I've heard great things about Biotin too!

Very sorry to hear you are feeling so low. My hair's been through some changes since I've been...well.. changing! Firstly the mild kink has turned into a full-on wave. Then I had a spell of greasy hair and I've never had that in my life! I keep it short anyway but I had to change style because of it. Sympathetic hairdressers are a godsend.

The latest thing is noticing a bit more hair after a shower but as I've only just started HRT I don't know whether that's making a difference yet. Sorry I'm not much use I just wanted to confirm you're not alone, and send a hug X


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2019, 09:18:00 AM »

Mogster, can i ask what HRT you are on'some cite loss of hair in their info, and since my Dr changed me to Evoral Conti,i have read now that hair loss is a side effect, i don't want to lose anymore, but when i mentioned it to him he said Oestrogen is good for hair, but i think it is the progesterone part that that is the problem as it is quite strong in EC ,it is Northeristone
« Last Edit: July 16, 2019, 09:19:48 AM by jaycee »


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2019, 12:11:41 PM »

Hi Jaycee

I am on is norethesterone,'re worrying me now!! :'( I am taking 1mg of each. I just looked up Evoral Conti and it says 3.2 estradiol and 11.2 mg of norothesterone? x


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2019, 02:28:17 PM »

Oh i'm sorry,didn't want to worry you, i have spoken to people on EC and not all have had hair loss,i think if people are prone to hairloss, it could affect them, like me, but i am only on my second month so no idea yet
It sounds as if your Noretheristone is a lot less than mine on EV if i have read it correctly, if so mine sounds very strong stuff
Have you looked at the side effects on Novafem? i mean does it mention hair loss on it?


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2019, 06:19:12 PM »

Hi Jaycee

I have just looked at the side effects and alopecia is mentioned (in a grid) as an uncommon side effect on the progesterone side of the cycle, but no accompanying text. It does also say "a product similar to Novofem", so it could be very generalised?

No need to apologise lovely :) x


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2019, 03:07:36 PM »

I just wanted to update the ladies who responded to my post. I was advised at the menopause clinic that Utrogestan can cause low mood and PMT type symptoms so the consultant I saw has changed this to Provera 2.5 mg.
I've also been advised to double the oestrogen gel to two pumps daily. I've implemented this too.
The Consultant did some blood tests and called me the next day. This is our wonderful NHS :) and advised that my testosterone was extremely low and she has advised me to try it on private prescription which I am intending to do. She also tested for anaemia and thyroid but blood samples came back fine which is a relief.


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2019, 03:49:38 PM »

Hopefully you will be feeling better soon, i believe that Provera is much more gentle than Utrugestan
What did they say about your hair/ if anything,?
I am now convinced it is the Vagifem and Norethisterone which has affected my hair so badly that i will not take it anymore
I will ask my Dr if there is anything else more gentle and suitble
If i stop taking these i will soon tell if they are the cause/or not
Thanks for updating ,good luck with he Provera


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2019, 06:48:06 PM »

Hi ladies. I first noticed hair loss after coming off HRT but the loss/ shedding had been going on long before that. Probably when I started HRT. I just hadn't made the connection. I had 16 months of an androgenetic progesterone and a few months of Utrogestan before I threw in the towel.
Once I noticed the loss, I went back on Estraderm patches and Utrogestan. The hair loss has continued.
Been to see a trichologist who has diagnosed telegenic effluvium ( overall thinning) and he has me on iron and vitamin b supplements. Not sure if it's helping at all. I'd like to think that the progesterone plays a part but I'm not totally convinced. If you look around you at the hair of middle aged and elderly women, a significant number have thinning hair. They can't all be taking or have taken HRT. So, I reckon that some women are just unlucky and suffer from it more than others. Testosterone may help but if the hair loss is due to female pattern baldness ( androgenetic hair loss ) it will make the situation worse.  I wish I knew the answer.


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2019, 08:40:28 PM »

MichelMaBelle,you are right after the menopause hair does generally thin out, but there is thinning and losing a lot up to baldness,which mine has almost got to
I know my hair had thinned compared to when i was younger, which was to be expected, but i am devastated by the amount i have lost, quite suddenly since having these patches, even in the last week i took them my hair was liteally falling out in front of my eyes, while on my laptop hairs were just floating down, which is when i decided to stop, the patches and Vagifem


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Re: Hair issues and feeling low
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2019, 08:50:18 PM »

Dear Ladies
Thank you so much for your replies. I asked about Vagifem and hair loss and the lady consultant said unlikely as the dose is so low in Vagifem. I restarted this on twice weekly. Just had my hair colour done and it is fine and frizzy. Something is affecting my hair badly. I've always had fine hair but at the minute it's hard to do anything with it. I feel such a mess.
I am new to Provera. She did say Utrogestan is known to cause low mood in other patients she's had. I wonder why they aren't more open and advise you what to look out for.
The testosterone will only replenish what should have been their naturally and is very low dose and should not cause hair issues. If it restores cognitive function, energy and libido then it is priceless. I will keep you posted. The blog by Dr Louise Newsome explains
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