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Author Topic: Hello  (Read 1063 times)


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« on: July 09, 2019, 04:29:55 PM »

Hi, I've just found this website and I finally feel like I've got somebody to talk to! I'm 51 and think I'm menopausal.  I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago but they left my ovaries so it's been difficult to know what's going on.  I am getting hot flushes day and night, I ache all down my lower back, into my hips and legs and literally have zero energy, I feel like I'm dragging my legs around half the time. I was getting weekly migraines but I've managed to regulate them with meds.  I am feeling very tired, I have no enthusiasm for anything and I'm feeling down with no interest in anything or anybody.  I feel unsettled and unhappy, like I want to give up my life and start a new one somewhere completely different. My husband is trying to be supportive but I have no interest in him either so I can't be bothered to discuss it and he is irritating me through no fault of his own. I have finally made an appt to see my GP but when I spoke to her she said to come in with an open mind. What the heck does that mean?!  I have always been fit and healthy but my weight is going up which is making me feel even worse. Does this sound familiar to anybody? Thanks for letting me rant... :( :'(


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2019, 05:17:54 PM »

Hi Liss1967, I remember the symptoms well. You feel helpless and wonder what on earth is happening.

It took ages for the Dr to say I was going through the menopause and when they did tell me there was no celebration of 'yep, we know wants wrong'. I think we all share common signs of 'going mad' because we have no idea what is happening to out bodies. Its too early to detect, but 'we' know something is happening!

At this time in our lives its about survival until we are able to regulate and take back control. TBH, I don't think we ever gain back control, we learn to live with it in a different way.

Take care of yourself and listen to 'you'. Don't let anyone tell you nothing is happening, you know it is.

Fingers crossed Dr will have some answers.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2019, 07:28:55 PM »

Hi liss and welcome to the forum💗
Like you I had a hysterectomy where they left my ovaries,it does sound like you're in the throws of meno, I noticed the flushes to start with,then everything else followed,your dr can do a simple blood test to check if you are meno or not but it sounds like you kinda know already,all your symptoms are par for the coarse.let us know what dr says x


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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2019, 08:18:42 PM »

Hi Liss. I joined today  as well so good to have someone in the same position  such a great forum to share our issues.   
I had my hysterectomy 6 years ago and kept my ovaries, they didn't tell me I would gain weight.. almost 20kg, however I did manage to lose it after 3 years!!!
 What I'm feeling right now is awful... I get so irritated for no reason and tearful, forgetful, so exhausted in the afternoons to the point of nearly falling asleep at work but of course not being able to sleep at night!! I have never felt like this ever, so went to my doctor.. she put me on  Estradot 25 patches .. well they helped with sleeplessness hot flushes and other symptoms, but I have put on weight again.😩😩 arghh seems like I can't win
Take care at least we are not alone and can share our experiences ❤️


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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2019, 08:53:59 PM »

Hi Liss1967,  I can relate and I will be 42.  Dealing with awful symptoms for 2 years.  Migraines, dizziness, fall down fatigue, zero energy. Crappy moods...gee I wonder why!  ;D I  started HRT patch in March. If you do not mind me asking...what med you are on to control migraines?  You can send me a message if you prefer.  I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine.  I just quit nortripyline a couple of months ago, as it was making my heart race.  Seeing a new neurologist this week for a second opinion.  Rheumatologist tomorrow.  So sick of it all :'(