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Author Topic: T and SHBG confusion!!  (Read 1493 times)


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T and SHBG confusion!!
« on: May 15, 2019, 03:41:39 PM »

Hiya ladies. I've looked at other threads about this but I'm still confused and I'm rubbish with figures.
My recent bloods showed
T =2.0
SHBG =91
I've tried to use an on line calculator to work out bio available T but its come up with some weird figure of 108%free and 3.52% bio available. . I then tried manually by  dividing  2.0(T) by 91 (SHBG) x 100% and it gave me a different big long figure.
 I'm not sure if I have to convert the 2.0 to a different measurement first.before using the index calculator or the manual  formula.

I've been using pea blob testogel every day. My previous T was 0.9 so it has come up in 3 weeks. I had the test soon after I'd applied it though.

I cant say I e noticed any benefits from it at all but 've had palpitations in the last few weeks and realised its since I started T. Might be a coincidence or is it more likely to be low E. My E test was "spoiled" at the lab so I've got to have it again.

Any help for this mathematically challenged idiot please?

And, anyone else had palpitations on testogel.?

Also my cholesterol level has gone up in quite a short space of time  and doc wants to see me. Is this linked to eastrogen does anyone know?

Thanks in anticipation. My brain hurts !!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:54:24 PM by Tc »


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2019, 06:01:11 PM »

No palpitations on testosterone sorry TC -  I am using Tostran 2% gel - 1 pump which doses 10mg of testosterone Monday, Wed, Friday.  You need Hurdity for those kind of calculations - why not PM her?


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2019, 06:03:16 PM »

My palpitations were caused by low oestrogen. They've disappeared since my level increased and haven't returned since starting testosterone


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2019, 07:40:44 PM »

Hi annamuller, 
I'm a bit confused now. Isn't free testosterone the same as bioavailable testosterone?
In the Netherlands it says:

Total testosterone (all the testosterone that's in your blood)
Free testosterone (or bioavailable testosterone which your body can use and is not bound to SHBG)

In my blood test the numbers for total testosterone are higher than that of free testosterone



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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2019, 09:32:22 PM »

Thank you Anna Mueller. For taking the time to look it up for me. Very kind.
I've just got to find out what these  percentages mean now. . symptom wise I've noticed no improvement.

I've been doing a bit of reading about cholesterol and now think the increase is more than likely as a result of my low eastrogen. High cholesterol runs in my family and I'm overweight and dont have a great diet so I've always been surprised as I got older that it stayed o.k but I guess  before surgical meno my eastrogen was high enough to keep a lid on the cholesterol hence the increase in the relatively short time since. And as you say  birdy it might be that low E also causing palpitations. 3 months on 150 patch and no improvement in that department. In fact a definite decline. 8 months of low eastrogen is taking its toll.all I've got to show for it is big, very sore boobs!!
Thanks so much for your replies.ladies. Very much appreciated.


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2019, 10:57:00 PM »

just as a piece of info - I picked up a really weird fact when I was looking up something medical for one of my clients and then I checked it out and confirmed it under a contra indication -  but eating bananas, kale, dark green cabbage, in fact really green vegetables reacts with Losartan blood pressure medication and one of the side effects is palpitations, tummy ache and the runs.  For some reason the raised potassium in the body reacts with this particular medication so those of us who eat loads of this stuff and think we are being healthy are able to make ourselves quite ill.  I'm sure it's really important for vegetarians and
Losartan users to know this.   I knew about medications interacting with grapefruit - plenty do but this is new one on me and I read that the palpitations can be quite severe.  I was taking Losartan at one point and although not veggie eat a lot of bananas and love stir fry and stuff like cabbage & bacon, it had never been pointed out to me.  This was during peri when I was getting loads of palpitations but who can say whether I was making them worse. I had been on it for ages and started getting swollen feet and the same thing happened with lisinopril so I was take off both of them.  It doesn't happen on Lercadipine. Hey ho just thought I'd throw in what I have learnt might be of use to someone to consider.

Can't comment on the technical levels sorry ladies and will promise to stay more on track for the post next time  ;)


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2019, 11:50:33 PM »

Sorry, late again TC so everyone's already answered your questions  ;D. I also get palpitations when low on oestrogen but also when levels are fluctuating I think. Just to add, I'm sure I read somewhere that testosterone can also raise cholesterol levels so I guess a higher reading with the combo of low blood levels of oestrogen and higher testosterone wouldn't be unexpected?

So sorry you're not feeling any better  :(. No progress here either 'though I'm not suffering to the extent you are. Just had my blood tests done (finally!) so that should be interesting...xx.


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 01:56:54 AM »

Thanks ladybt. Very interesting
Saffy. Sorry to hear you've not seen improvement either. Let's hope the blood tests shed some light.
I thought I would just mention during my little bit of "research" today I went onto the Chelsea and Westminster site and regarding Testogel sachets they say they should be "resealed and kept in the fridge once opened".


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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2019, 07:38:41 AM »

Hi Tc - I would just like to clarify and simplify.

As annamuller says provided your total T and SHBG are measured in the same units (eg nmol/l) then you can calculate the Free Androgen Index as you have done.

This is Total T divided by SHBG mulitplied by 100 to give a percent. This is an Index not an actual amount but it will have been tried and tested against actual free T and decided to be a good indication of free T.

Therefore as you say your calculation is (as long as measurements arein the same units):

Total T = 2.0
SHBG = 91
Therefore Free Androgen Index = 2/91 x 100 = 2.1978 rounded up gives 2.2 %

For the separate readings it is helpful to look at the reference ranges of the lab ( for women) and then you can work out the ref range for the FAI for that lab.

However the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) gives the ref ranges here:

Testosterone (female) 0.5-3.0 nmol/l
Testosterone (male) 8-30 nmol/l
Prolactin: 0-520mU/l
Free androgen index: 0.5-6.5%
Sex-hormone binding globulin: 18-144 nmol/

This shows that all your measurements are within range ( given by RCOG) at the time of your blood test.

Annamuller - re your calculation - is this what your doc uses? Maybe you're not in UK?  I did read that in the absence of free T testing which I'm not sure is carried out, the FAI is generally used by specialists as an indication of free T.

Re the cholesterol - did you have all of this measured ie HDL "good"), LDL ("bad") and Total? It is the ratio of HDL to Total which is important. Also triglycerides I think. There was a school of thought that suggested increasing T (in women) led to increase in cholesterol (not sure which type) but I don't think this was borne out by evidence - sorry a bit hazy on this as haven't looked it up recently.

Interestingly I too have high Ch but my ratio is fine.

Also re high Ch there is a calculation doc should do - the Q risk tool which takes into account your age, weight (I think) and BP and then caclulcates your theoretically 5 ( and maybe 10?) year stroke risk. You can find this tool online if you have your average measurements. Mine was approx 7 % despite high Ch so no action needed....(I'm not overweight ie within range BMI, and have a good diet and exercise regularly). I know this is off topic but it's your thread and you mentioned it so t hought I would also comment!!!

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x



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Re: T and SHBG confusion!!
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2019, 08:08:50 PM »

Thanks for working it out for me hurdity.
And thanks for the link. Much appreciatedx