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Author Topic: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost  (Read 1613 times)


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Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« on: April 09, 2019, 04:09:42 PM »

Hi lovelies
I'm new to this, but have been reading all of the amazingly helpful posts and hoping that someone may also have been through or going through the same situation as myself.

I have had the mirena coil for 10 years now (about to be changed tomorrow). I had to have it due to major bleed outs because I have fibroids. A couple were removed when I had an ovarian cyst removed, but I still have others. I have been fine on the mirena coil, it has worked for me.

In February I had a weird diarrhoea sort of bug and felt dreadful for weeks, in really knocked me for 6, all of my peri menopausal symptoms just became worse almost instantly. Constant hot flushes, headaches, foggy, very anxious, no appetite, waking up at silly o'clock every night, so then feeling more anxious about not sleeping & not being able to cope with the day ahead.
As I have suffered with anxiety in the past and been on citalopram a few times, I thought it was possibly my anxiety kicking off again, but I had no major issues going on at the time, I had been feeling great. Previously the anxiety had been triggered by a major incident. Anyway, so I gave in and went to the doctors to ask about HRT as I had previously been hoping that I could cope without it. 

Because I have the mirena coil the doctor suggest Evorel 50 patches, but to cut them in half for the 25 dose to start off with. Stating that after a month if I didn't feel any better to go onto the full patch.
After about 2 weeks I was still feeling really dreadful and have had problems with my vitamin d & iron levels in the past, so I asked for some blood tests. They showed that I was B12 deficient (due to food intolerances), which have similar symptoms to the I was started on a course of 6 B12 injections over 2 weeks. It was dreadful trying to cope with that and the peri menopause & the patches......

Anyway, then being asked to go back in to see the doctor to discuss an x-ray I had had for something else, she discovered that my iron levels hadn't been tested, even though I was under the impression that they had been. So yet more blood tests, my ferritin levels came back at 13. So I asked for iron tablets and was told that I wouldn't need them...I don't agree and am still trying to get a high dose tablet. In the meantime I have been taking feroglobin, but my levels have only gone up by 1 to 14 in 6 weeks. Going back to the doctor yesterday to plead for some high dose iron tablets as I am really struggling, a different doctor said that a full blood count (TIBC) hadn't been done and so I needed that before she would prescribe anything. So more blood tests today and an ECG as I told her about my heart racing and palpitations. The ECG was ok, but I wasn't having palpitations at the time. If they won't give me anything I will have to try and source a high dose tablet myself but there are so many different types for different iron level issues, so I'm not sure which one I need.

I am wondering whether to come off the patches - I have been on them for 7 weeks, 4 weeks at 25 dose, then 2.5 weeks on 50 dose, then back onto 25 dose for the last 5 days. I felt worse on the 50, felt really irritable & tetchy & more flushes.
But wondering whether I am low on progesterone due to my coil needing to be replaced. Could this be causing all of my issues due to high levels of estrogen and perhaps low progesterone? Am I even bad enough to go on the patches due to the B12 & iron issues. The doctor just jumped on it all being peri menopausal because I'm 49, she didn't know about the B12 then.

After 4 weeks on the 25 dose my oestradiol level was 203, then another 2.5 weeks on the 50 dose my levels went up to 413. So I am wondering if that level was too high, but the doctors have seen the results and not said anything.
I have also come out in a rash on the top of my back and neck. A dermatologist friend thinks it's fungal possibly because of the night sweats, but the GP thinks it could be acne. I've never had acne before. I am using daktacort at the moment, but it's not really making much difference.

I feel in such a mess and don't seem to be getting the answers and help that I need, hence posting on here. I have just started to take Menopace Max and get that desperate sometimes, I wonder if I need to go back onto citalopram, but I really don't want to as the first few weeks are dreadful. I also don't feel the same sort of anxiety as I did when I was on citalopram.
I'm having dreadful days were I just get by and then better days. Just so tired & on edge. I just feel all over the place and regret starting on this road......but don't know if I would be worse without the patches or whether I should try a tablet.

I am so sorry for the long explanation and I'm so sorry that you're all on this forum too, due to having your own issues with the menopause. There just isn't enough support or help for women going through's shocking and scary.....

Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thank you 


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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 05:11:45 PM »

Hi Meno19,
As you know, I'm new to this forum too (I answered your question btw, on my introduction post :-*)
Good grief, you really are going through the mill aren't you ??? Hopefully after your full blood tests today, you may get further answers.
I've had a few ECG's over the months, as I was suffering with terribly anxiety (never suffered with this before) & was getting frequent palpitations & dizziness - All my ECG's have been normal.
I honestly don't know anything about the dosage for the patches, as you mentioned that you felt worse on the higher dose, is that the usual thing to increase during a period of time? how did you feel on the lower dose? Also when your new coil is placed, perhaps that may help to alleviate some symptoms :-\
You're right about there not being enough support! and I think it's a lottery depending on your GP too ::)
I do hope you start to feel better very soon.


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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 05:18:26 PM »

Was it a 'bug' or hormonally caused?  10 mins. B4 a bleed began I would have to dash, even if a period wasn't due.   :welcomemm:

An ECG will give the condition at that time.  Palpiatations seem to be 'common' in peri! 

Some find keeping a mood/symptom/food diary of use.  Something concrete to show a medic.  Browse round.  Make notes.



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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2019, 05:34:44 PM »

Hi Ladies

Thanks for the helps so much, just talking about something that so many others are going through.

LouLou - I was told to increase the dose if I thought that the lower dose wasn't helping with my symptoms, so that is what I did. But I don't know if the symptoms were being confused with the B12 deficiency too - that's why it's all just a mess. But a bit worried about coming off the patches altogether. I am hoping & praying that the new coil will start to even things out.....even though I'm not looking forward to the procedure again.  :'(

Wondering if I can up my ferritin levels if that will help too. Thanks for the best wishes LouLou - I'll go and look at your post now.  :)

CLKD - regarding the bug - I don't know, it could have been hormonally caused as it was very odd, but there were a lot of bugs going around at the time. I have to dash most mornings and have always been like that - I suffer with IBS. Thanks for the response & welcome CLKD  :)



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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2019, 07:03:51 PM »

We have threads about IBS too  ::) .........


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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2019, 07:48:11 AM »

Hi Countrygirl

Thank you so much for your reply, we have a lot in common.....I have been told that the B12 top ups will be every 3 months. I am taking a supplement too, are you? Have you also been advised to increase your patch to 50, or can you stay on 25?

I'm wondering whether the increase to 50 is what has brought the acne on, I think it was perhaps too much oestrogen.

I will have a look at spa tone thank you as I'm not sure that the feroglobin is helping that much.

Are you feeling ok with the mirena and 25 patches? I can't remember how quickly the mirena kicks in again after replacement, is it quite quick? I just want to feel sane again. Hope you're managing everything well. xx


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Re: Hi lovely ladies - feeling lost
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2019, 07:48:47 AM »

Thanks CLKD - I will have a look at IBS too..... :) x