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Author Topic: HRT and possible miscarriage  (Read 1897 times)


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HRT and possible miscarriage
« on: March 09, 2019, 06:16:24 PM »

Hello lovely folks

I fairly certain I'm having a miscarriage and this feels very strange. I'm almost disbelieving the possibility.

I started HRT at the end of October 2017 and was technically, just, in menopause as I hadn't had a period for a year when I started the HRT. I've been using HRT since then (so, for just over a year and four months). I'm 52.

I've been having unprotected sex with my partner since I thought there was no chance of me getting pregnant. In fact, when I started HRT (due to a diagnosis of  severe ostoeoporosis in my lower spine) my consultant didn't say anything about using contraception, although I had just separated from my last partner (which I'd told him) so perhaps he didn't feel the need to give me that advice.

I'm on three pumps of Estrogel per day, 10 days of progestogen (utrogesten 100) per month, as well as a tiny blob of testim daily/every other day.

One thing I noticed when I started the HRT was that my mid-cycle 'fertile discharge' reappeared, which I thought was odd but didn't bother asking about it because I thought I was done with all of that.

I've had miscarriages before, so recognise the difference between a period (even a heavy one) and a miscarriage, and I realised last night that the 'weird' symptoms I've been having for the last two weeks could have been pregnancy symptoms. My breasts have been agonisingly painful, my bras no longer fit (in a short period of time - and I haven't put on weight anywhere else) and I've been very short of breath (although I've just moved to Mexico City for work for a while and was wondering if I'd been adjusting to altitude). These are all the early symptoms of pregnancy that I've experienced before.

I've been having stomach cramps all week since starting the progestogen round last Friday (March 1), and felt incredibly weak and lifeless yesterday afternoon, then I flooded and started to miscarry (if that is what it is) last night.

Is it really possible that I was pregnant? I've feeling almost embarrassed to think that it might be possible. I honestly thought it couldn't happen. I was explaining away my symptoms and putting them down to other things. Pregnancy just didn't enter my head. But my symptoms are identical to my previous pregnancies. And my breasts are feeling much less painful today and my shortness of breath has improved massively since I started to bleed heavily. A coincidence?

Has anyone else got pregnant after going through menopause and starting HRT?

Thank you for reading, but I'm very puzzled, confused and upset x


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2019, 07:33:55 PM »

Hi luna66

So sorry to hear about your distressing symptoms and bleeding.

It is extremely unlikely that you could have been pregnant although not impossible. Firstly you went without periods for a year before starting HRT and you are also 52. If you had been considerably younger, ie an early or premature menopause then it is possible that the ovaries can spontaneously start working again although after age 50 it is so unlikely that contracpetion is not even recommended once you have been without periods for a year.

I can't explain your symptoms, although progesterone can have this effect sometimes. However one thing I would say is that you are taking far less than the recommended dose of progesterone which is at least 200 mg for 12 days per 28 day cycle when taken orally. Sometimes docs permit less to be taken when used vaginally but the duration is important for the full structural changes to take place in the endometrium and then for it to be shed each month.

Also if you are absorbing the oestrogen very well then that dose maybe quite high (this varies considerably amongst individual women ie the absorption).

You haven't mentioned what your monthly bleeds have been like on this regime - have they been heavy and how long since your last bleed? Have you had any breakthrough bleeding mid cycle? Are you still taking the progesterone? In your position I would book an appointment with your doctor (I don't know how it works in Mexico?) to check your womb. It may be that your lining has thickened and this extreme reaction is due to it coming away?

I have a friend on another forum who always gets this sort of shock reaction most times she is on the progesterone phase and when the bleed comes ie feeling dizzy, pains in thighs and stomach cramps and can't actually go out on those days - sometimes has to lie down it's so bad - she is on a long cycle and also taking gel.

Please go to the doctor - I am sure it won't be a miscarriage but you should ask for a referral for a scan of your womb to check that all is well.

In the meantime try not to worry.

Hurdity  x :bighug:


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2019, 07:43:56 PM »

It is possible.  There's an HRT doctor here in the UK who for some reason took the Mirena coil out (she was on HRT) and got pregnant immediately at age 50.  Gave birth at 51.  So as Hurdity says, go and see your doctor and let them help you understand what's happened to you this time.


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2019, 07:49:45 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you so much for your detailed and caring reply. Very much appreciated. It hadn't occurred to me that the oestrogen/progesterone balance might be the issue.

I feel a little reassured, although not all of my symptoms can be explained other than by pregnancy, I think. I know that sounds so implausible and I feel slightly mad even mentioning it, but I've had a number of pregnancies with identical symptoms. But I hear you, and I know that the chances must be virtually, if not, nil.

I have a 'period' (withdrawal bleed) every month. It usually starts with a couple of light days then gets heavier. It lasts for around six days in all. I'm on John Studd's (slightly) controversial progesterone regime, and I sometimes insert the pills vaginally. Perhaps I could lessen the oestrogen dose and see how that goes.

I'm slightly reluctant to get advice here. I'm sure there are some brilliant medics, and well as not so brilliant (as in the UK), but my Spanish isn't perfect and I wouldn't catch every nuance.

I'm back in the UK mid-May and will book a scan for when I get home. I'm calculating that given that I'm bleeding a decent amount every month that this isn't too long to wait to have a scan. What do you think? I don't want to be worrying about it as I have some quite intense work here to do.

Thank you so much! x


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2019, 07:52:25 PM »

It is possible.  There's an HRT doctor here in the UK who for some reason took the Mirena coil out (she was on HRT) and got pregnant immediately at age 50.  Gave birth at 51.  So as Hurdity says, go and see your doctor and let them help you understand what's happened to you this time.

Thanks so much for this Sue. I'll see if there's someone good I can consult. x


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2019, 08:07:56 PM »

Hi luna66 - provided you continue to take the progesterone and continue bleeding regularly then maybe wait until you get back to England but be sure to book it in so that you can be seen as soon as you can. Also it's best for your scan to be done immediately following the withdrawal bleed that follows the end of the complete progesterone course. Maybe next couple of months double the dose if you can? Can you have a telephone consultation with the Studd clinic? As you say you don't want to worry if you are busy working - and you did say I think but I've forgotten what - I know it sounded interesting!

Take care

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT and possible miscarriage
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2019, 08:18:37 PM »

Thank you Hurdity -  this is super-reassuring and those are great suggestions. I will contact the clinic and see what they advise. If I don't feel physically better in the next couple of weeks I'll try and find someone good here to see.

Thank you for responding so quickly too. I feel so much better knowing that you and others on this forum are out there to advise and support. What an amazing forum this is.

I don't know if I have mentioned the work. I do human rights work. There's plenty to get on with here - it's pretty desperate - and I can only hope to make a tiny contribution.
