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Author Topic: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46  (Read 3927 times)


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2019, 06:59:38 PM »

Progress though being slow then TN?



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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2019, 07:23:03 PM »

Getting there I think  but yes slowly (at least the GP showed compassion and suggested I might see an endocrinologist) - it's going to be a minefield just like HRT  ::)


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2019, 12:50:09 AM »

I've had 2 bone scans, the first almost 10 years ago and the last one was in 2012. I lost the results of the first scan, so don't know if the 2nd one shows worsening or improvement. I've always eaten fairly healthy and exercised, though the exercise has slacked off lately. For bone health, I take a vitamin D/K2 combo and magnesium, make sure I get enough calcium through food (no added calcium) and enough protein, along with a good multi. I just purchased one of Susie Hathaway's DVDs called “Resistance Band Training for Osteoporosis Prevention.” Just need to get off my rear end and actually do the exercises. I do a lot of beach walking in the spring and summer.

I just started HRT in the last few weeks, but more for menopausal symptoms, and if it helps my bones (fingers crossed), that will be a bonus. I'm one of those lucky ladies that still has monthly cycles without a period – hot flashes and major mood swings. Lasts for 4-5 days, then goes away. I've finally had enough - talk about exhausting and frustrating! Still waiting to “come out the other side.” I intend to give it at least a year on HRT, then maybe have another bone scan.

From what I understand, the thyroid is very much connected to bone health – too much thyroid hormone, whether produced by the body or from supplementation, can mess up your bones. All hormones work together and an imbalance in one can throw everything off. I had hyperthyroidism/Graves' disease before my osteoporosis diagnosis, which could have been one of the causes. I had radioactive iodine treatment through an endocrinologist, which basically killed my thyroid, so have to be on replacement for life and have regular blood draws to check levels. I haven't seen an endocrinologist since then. Parathyroid hormone levels (PTH) can also affect bones. My regular doctor has checked mine and they're normal.

If you're ‘small-boned,' this may skew DEXA results. Also, DEXA machines are calibrated by the manufacturers, so machines from different makers may be calibrated differently and give different results. You could show osteopenia or osteoporosis one on machine, but be normal on a machine from a different manufacturer. It's suggested that if you have a repeat scan, that it be done on the same machine as the last one. So there doesn't appear to be a standard for these machines, unless things have changed recently. It's all very confusing.

Also, have you asked for the Z-scores for your bone density results? T-scores compare your bones to a healthy, fit person in their prime, maybe 20 years old. Z-scores compare your bones to people in your age bracket. For example, on my last scan in 2012, my T-score at L4 was -5.1, but the Z-score was -3.8, still not very good, but less frightening than the T-score. They didn't include Z-scores when I had my first scan.

I don't mean to ramble on. There are a LOT of things to consider…genetics, diet, exercise, stress level, hormone imbalances, just so many things. I sincerely hope you find an answer for your diagnosis and a solution that you feel comfortable with. 


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2019, 05:26:44 PM »


Here is a link to the Menopause Doctor's web site.  She has a couple of interesting articles on this matter.  You might find them both useful.

You will probably need to use an oestrogen patch or gel (or even both) to get your levels up high enough to achieve bone regrowth so don't let them fob you off with low dose HRT.  Regular blood tests to check levels and aim high.


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2019, 06:13:46 PM »

Thanks Rosie17 (thanks for sharing your experience) and SueLW - soooo helpful (I am only on 50mg Estradot patch).



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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2019, 12:33:04 PM »

Hi T,

I just wanted to say hello and send my best wishes. I am 28 and have severe osteoporosis so have recently started HRT to help with it. I have struggled to accept it and feel pretty hopeless at times so can empathise with what you are going through.

I really hope HRT helps your osteoporosis if it's not too severe.


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2019, 02:43:29 PM »

Oh Jasmine_2015 I am so so sorry to hear this.....I really hope you are getting the right support... My GP is trying to work out what caused it if she can - did they find out what caused it for you?  Is it all over or just in one area?

I did call the National Osteoporosis Foundation today and spoke to a nurser who was really helpful. Her advise was pretty much to do HRT, exercise, diet etc.

Annoyingly I am under the Menopause Clinic - they did blood tests for me in May and it showed low Vit D and Estrogen but noone picked it up  until now....

PM me if you need to chat further too xxx



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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2019, 04:30:54 PM »

Thanks so much for your reply - I am sure once I get my head around it I will be fine. They mucked up my appointment today so the way I found out was by reading my own print out from the scan...I then had a call to confirm but that was it - they will send a letter to my GP. I was meant to have my 3 month review today but they mucked up the appointments - I have had some bleeding over the last couple of weeks (my mum died of womb cancer) so I was struggling with all of this anyway and ready to come off HRT!

Yummy meal will be cooked for him and then we will go out on Sat.

Thanks for your kindness.
I was really sorry to read this TNM45689. It is topical for me because I am about to have one done myself. I  requested it in October as a precaution because I am in meno (55 and 5 yrs since end of peri) and I haven't had s can for 3 years. It was done then just after a wrist fracture but was ok. You say they mucked up your appt. When did you see the scan? I think I remember being told the result on the day 3 years ago but I might be wrong. This time I was just about to renew my travel insurance and book my first trip for 2019 but have decided to wait until this is out of the way because of the way in which insurers won't cover for pending tests.
I have a referral to a meno clinic coming but not until April.


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2019, 06:21:16 PM »

Hi Katejo - I was due to have my three month review at the Menopause Clinic and as standard they had also arranged a bone density scan which I had organised straight after my review. The review did not happen so I went to the scan anyway and the scanning lady (er cannot think of her correct title  ;D) gave me a print out.  I had to decipher the results (quite obvious as there is a red area (osteoporosis), yellow (ostephenia) and green (normal) but later doctor confirmed. Hopefully they should give your results there and then....

I hope it all goes well for you ....



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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2019, 06:55:42 PM »

Oh Jasmine_2015 I am so so sorry to hear this.....I really hope you are getting the right support... My GP is trying to work out what caused it if she can - did they find out what caused it for you?  Is it all over or just in one area?

I did call the National Osteoporosis Foundation today and spoke to a nurser who was really helpful. Her advise was pretty much to do HRT, exercise, diet etc.

Annoyingly I am under the Menopause Clinic - they did blood tests for me in May and it showed low Vit D and Estrogen but noone picked it up  until now....

PM me if you need to chat further too xxx

Thank you so much for your reply. I will PM you. The NOF are very helpful and I follow them on FB too to keep in the loop about information and they have quite a lot of helpful information on their website I found. What I find difficult to know is what exercise is safe. I have been advised not to do a lot of the (usually recommended) exercises to improve bone density due to the severity but I don't think anyone is too sure what I can or can't do which leaves me a bit clueless!

I am so sorry no one picked up your low levels of oestrogen and vitamin D earlier. Honestly I really do feel for you as I have and still am struggling with the same feelings of wishing it was caught earlier and then guilt about feeling the way I do about it. We just have to focus on the fact that know we do know we can try and prevent it getting any worse.

Take care x


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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2019, 07:34:15 PM »

Thanks Jasmine_2015....Gosh that is so confusing for you re excercises  all you want to do is feel like you are doing something to help your diagnosis but if you are not getting this information ....that is tough...

I agree a positive attitude about picking it up now as many people will not be aware of it... are you seeing a specialist?



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Re: Post Menopause and now diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 46
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2019, 07:48:25 AM »

Thanks Jasmine_2015....Gosh that is so confusing for you re excercises  all you want to do is feel like you are doing something to help your diagnosis but if you are not getting this information ....that is tough...

I agree a positive attitude about picking it up now as many people will not be aware of it... are you seeing a specialist?


Have PMd you! X
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