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Author Topic: New member seeking advice about my HRT  (Read 2462 times)


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New member seeking advice about my HRT
« on: January 11, 2019, 12:43:14 PM »

Hello all,

This is my first post to the forum and I'm looking for some advice about my HRT now I'm over 3 months in.

I'm 47 still having periods and think my peri started about 3 years ago but when the night sweats and occasional hot flushes started six months ago it seemed to confirm my other flat mood and low energy symptoms were peri related. I had my thyroid checked a couple of years ago as part of an eyesight investigation and it came back OK.

I have been on Elleste Duet 1mg HRT for 3.5 months and while it has eased the night sweats and hot flushes my low energy levels/crashing fatigue/flat mood and feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks (housework..) remain low.

I did the lifestyle overhaul (diet and alcohol and minimal stress) before starting HRT. I take the usual supplements for fatigue B12. vit D, Iron, Magnesium and I make myself do a brisk 1 hr walk everyday. I feel fatigued after exercise and I can't manage more than the walking at the moment.
The odd thing is that in month 2 of the HRT some days (randomly throughout month / no diet change) I started to feel my energy levels rise late afternoon / early eve and it was enough to help me get out for a short run and I started doing yoga at home again. I really thought I had cracked it but sadly my energy levels dropped back in month 3 and remain low (even factoring in the grey weather).

Has anyone experienced a similar temporary rise in energy when starting HRT?  Do you think another type of HRT or higher dose might increase energy levels again?  I really want to get my life back!

I want to try and avoid being prescribed anti depressants as while I realize the symptoms are similar I don't think I feel depressed just physically and emotionally exhausted.



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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2019, 03:46:28 PM »

Hello Hopeful1.
First of all  :welcomemm:
You're find a great bunch of ladies on here to offer help.
I personally think you need a higher dose, as you're only on 1mg.
However, hrt doesn't solve all the problems brought on by meno, as I still have days of no energy,
moodiness, ect, but you're doing good, exercising and keeping fit, so keep that up as long as you can.
Maybe go to doc and ask for the higher dose?
Good luck, keep posting,

Jd xx


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 10:46:12 AM »

Thanks Jillydoll

I think I will go back to my GP and ask about a higher dose.



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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2019, 04:56:19 PM »

Hiya hopeful, great username, and welcome
Other ladies on here know far more about all this than me. But I'm new to hrt myself and started on femseven sequi patches 4 months ago and like you I have found that just about the only symptom they have relieved is the hot flushes

 my consultant has said we need to sort the E as its the first step in thw balancing act of Hrt(I'm on E and P. ) and only then we can add in testosterone.
I wonder whether some of the symptoms
You mention could be testosterone related.
I hope you get some good advice from the lovely ladies on here


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2019, 08:14:22 AM »

Hi TC,

Thanks for your reply. I'm thinking testosterone might help too.  Are you getting blood tests to check your levels? How long do you think it will take to balance your E before you start T?



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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2019, 10:25:58 AM »

I'm seeing consultant in Feb. Afterc3 months on the patches blood tests showed my E was low so doc has switched to gel and utrogestan due to mix up with scrip I haven't switched yet but will on Monday. I
 have read that you should give any new regime 3 months. But I'm gonna ask for T at next visit tho  I feel like it might be the missing link for me
 if you search testosterone on here you'll find quite a lot about it.


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2019, 11:39:39 AM »

I have been on HRT for 20yrs and never had a blood test !


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2019, 12:21:13 PM »

I guess symptoms are the biggest indicator but for me the suspicion that I wasn't absorbing was backed up by the blood test. hormone tests can be unreliable in peri but I would think post meno things might be more level if you aren't on hrt so it would make sense to me that post meno on hrt if symptoms aren't being controlled a blood test might possibly help see what's going on.

Because I'm in surgical meno I  thiink the blood tests are a bit more reliable because my own hormones aren't coming into play at all.

As I understand it T decreases with age but when  the ovaries are removed a large source of T is lost instantly.
I haven't tried T yet but there is a very good thread on here which Hurdity started.


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2019, 01:41:27 PM »

Hey Tc
I know this isn't your thread but usually testosterone is not given until you have been on a settled regime for at least 3 months, plus some consultants if they do bloods require you oestrogen to be up to certain levels before prescribing it.  I think it has to do with the way the body synthesis the testosterone.

As you know it has taken me 7 months to settle my gel and Utro and I only got my testosterone 3 weeks ago.  I think I had to wait so long to ensure the gel & utro were actually doing what they were supposed to before adding in a 3rd because otherwise if something goes wrong then how do you know which bit is the culprit.  Easier to amend dose of 2 rather than 3.  Don't be disappointed if they don't give it to you yet because you haven't started your regime properly yet.

I too have never had a blood test - I think private consultants are more into them...(the cynic in me says it makes them money  :-X).  NHS and GP's and some consultants just go on controlling symptoms.


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2019, 03:55:42 PM »

Hiya ladies. Hopeful whst lady has said is what my gynae told me too. She said we like to get the easteogen and prog  levels right first. So lady has good advice here and hope you see her post as you will see she is a bit further down the line with the hrt than I am.

Lady and I have talked about it before. I am very impatient. It takes time to sort it out as she said.

Hiya lady. Hope you're ok. As you can see I'm still getting ahead of myself😁

And yes blood tests seem to be a contentious subject when it comes to meno and post meno. I would think that once symptoms are controlled and side effects minimised/treated then a blood teat doesn't seem so important. My gynae did say to me blood tests aren't the whole picture
Wish you ladies well.and trying to keep in mind how long it has taken you to settle on the U and easteogel Lady. I must admit I'm strugelling after 2 weeksxx



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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2019, 04:19:06 PM »

"You'll meet yourself coming back, Tc"... as they say. ;)

Patience my friend, patience! xx  It will come right - or you will learn where it is not right. :)



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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2019, 05:02:19 PM »

Lady. So true in life not just in hrt. Wise words.


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2019, 05:09:59 PM »

Thanks for this info JC and Ladybt28.  I got my prescription for eostrogel and utrogesten today and will prepare for it taking a while to settle. I was also offered testosterone but will now wait and see how i go on the new E and P before trying it.

Please let me know how you both get on.


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Re: New member seeking advice about my HRT
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2019, 08:46:45 AM »

Hi All, I'm new on here  :) i'm 51 next week and my periods have been scarce for a couple of years and have stopped since September last.. For years I have been suffering from depression, anxiety etc.. plus I have a severe case of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis) so have not been able to work for over 5 years.. I'm on a ridiculous amount of medication including 100mg Sertraline, amitriptyline, lorazepam plus IBD medication and suffer from
Asthma (otherwise I'm all good  8) ) I'm having the most horrendous day and night flushes and mood, anxiety real bad so my doctor put me on Evoril Sequi to try this Thursday to try for 3 months.. Strangely enough I had the best nights sleep on thatThursday night with minimal sweats, but since that night I'm back to horrendous night and day flushes  ??? Is this normal and does anyone think I'm risking my body taking HRT with my health problems? Feel so nervous about it all  :-\ I've been reading through this forum for a few days now, how brilliantly set up it is.. thank you in anticipation- (I posted on the wrong page originally my apologies)- Ninaduff