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Author Topic: Hysterectomy  (Read 3087 times)


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« on: December 08, 2018, 10:33:18 AM »

Hi everyone,

Finally some sun here in Herts thank goodness. It really helps. I hope you have some wherever you are.

I have just been looking at my cycle and can see that after ovulation my mood starts to drop slightly before going down further in the 7 days I take progesterone and then crashing out two days after stopping it.

It almost feels like PMDD which I didn't have before peri. I am hoping testosterone will help when added to my 4 pumps of Estrogel and 7 days of 100 mgs of utrogestan vaginally.

If it doesn't do you think a hysterectomy is a possibility? Of course it sounds drastic but if it means a better quality of life and the ability to live without dreading almost two weeks of every cycle it would be wel. worth it.

Does the NHS ever do a hysterectomy for cases like mine (PMS, PND and real difficulties in peri)? Also do people usually feel better after if they've had it for hormonal depression and anxiety?

Thank you, I have looked through some older posts but haven't quite found an answer.

With much love to all the beautiful and amazing women sharing this difficult journey. I wish I could meet you! Xxx


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2018, 11:17:36 AM »

Hi there, I'm sure if you pushed to get it done on the nhs you would get it done,mine was done vaginally & I was out the next day but they did leave my ovaries so I still got period like symptoms I.E sore breasts every month,even pmt but not nearly so bad,was the best decision I ever made but then my periods were horrendous with huge clots etc I could be wrong but if they take out the ovaries wouldn't you go crashing into menopause?


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2018, 11:47:06 AM »

Have you had a trial menopause where you are given Prostap(?) injections to shut down your ovaries? This would help you to see whether having your ovaries removed would help with your symptoms.

Hysterectomy shouldn't be considered lightly as there are things that can go wrong and, also, I've found since mine I never totally recovered and my pelvic floor is now weaker than ever. Hysterectomy often leads to prolapses as the support network has gone so all this needs to be considered. The final thing is that some women really notice a change in orgasm. This is not often mentioned but most of the orgasmic sensation is from the womb contracting. You will still get clitoral ones but these are nowhere near as wonderful. This might not be something that you are concerned about but just thought I'd mention it as, once it's gone, you can't put it back.  ;D

You might like to check out the various hysterectomy associations. I had lots of information and support from this one when I was getting ready for mine due to prolapse This the page on PMS

Taz x

« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 11:49:14 AM by Taz2 »


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2018, 12:56:03 PM »

Taz and Jay, thank you so much.

Yes that would be my fear - would my symtpoms be worse as I would go into full meno or would things be more even and better.

I didn't know about the injections - that's so helpful. I'll talk to the meno specialist about them.

I would be worried about prolapse. I do Pilates but don't do my pelvic floor exercises as much as I should. That's interesting too about orgasms.

My Mum had a hysterectomy and has had prolapses but this is now resolved following a second operation and more stitches.

Taz, do you mind me asking more about what you mean by ‘never fully recovered' and did you have mood and anxiety issues before your hysterectomy?

I'll have a look at those links - thank you.

Thank you both so much. I value your input enormously. Xx


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2018, 12:57:10 PM »

Nothing wrong with my orgasms taz woohoo 😂


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2018, 01:11:30 PM »

Hysterectomy is major surgery.  A lady should never be sent home B4 5 days post operation.  Also, make sure that you discuss the type of HRT you will require B4 signing the Consent Form. 

If you can live with current symptoms then stick with it.  Pre-bleed I would cry, buckets even if a period wasn't due.  HORMONES  >:(

When I had low blood sugar-type symptoms in the 10-14 days B4 each period, NAPS advised me to eat every 3 hours.  That is, day and night.  To keep energy levels more even which eases that sudden lurch of nausea.  Not to eat more but to spread out the diet throughout the day and night.  Slow release foods are useful: porridge [ :sick02:  ;D], a good quality muesli, bananas, a protein sandwich ........ ginger biscuits - my puppy got used to there being a biscuit by the bed after she'd been for her mid-morning wee: that is, 2.30-3.00 a.m.  :D

I would try simple steps and maybe keep a mood/food/symptom diary to chart progress?


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2018, 01:47:04 PM »

Nothing wrong with my orgasms taz woohoo 😂

I guess you must have been one of the women who didn't experience the uterine ones then  ;D

Taz x


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2018, 03:52:24 PM »

CLKD, I was sent home the same day after a mastectomy and left to care for the wound, drains etc. completely on my own, no district nurse back-up; couldn't believe it but it's a sign of the times I'm afraid.


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2018, 04:10:14 PM »

CLKD, I was sent home the same day after a mastectomy and left to care for the wound, drains etc. completely on my own, no district nurse back-up; couldn't believe it but it's a sign of the times I'm afraid.
Sure is racjen, I had nothing near as you did(so sorry btw) but hysterectomy done one day out the next,bed needed I guess


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2018, 04:29:30 PM »

Hi MM me again lol.
I felt I had to respond to you as one of the "lucky" ones.
I had my hysterectomy when I was 38 uterus and cervix removed ovaries intact.
It was the best decision of my life, a bad haemorrhage after the last birth had left me with a blood phobia, I still have it,and of course every clot filled painful period I had afterwards drove me frantic so when my new young gp i moved to suggested trying the tummy implants with a view to hysterectomy I lept at the chance.i had no idea what the implants were all about all I focused on was hysterectomy and no more blood.even though my surgery was a bit more complex because my bladder had adhered to my womb so had to be cut away i still made a good recovery.
I've never ever regretted that choice.i had looking back now at least 10/ 12really good years until the sweats started around age 51 I think I went on hrt for 2 years but when I moved house the new gp took me off it pronto as he didn't like it! The next 5-7 years were awful it was one symptom after another and so many ailments I thought I was cracking up.i lost my identity really and hated who id become.two years ago I'd an accident and didn't go out so my health then became my focus and especially the meno symptoms.i researched like mad and tried every pill patch gel sprays and for 6 weeks or so it was bliss because it was so much easier for me than others, because id had the hysterectony so didnt have to worry about progesterone i was oestrogen only, then I started getting severe side effects which were actually worse than the original symptoms so id say I lasted around a year and a bit trying various hrt before I bit the bullet and stopped it.
I've no regrets about that I'm doing very nicely without it now I feel stronger physically and mentally than ever and my zest for life has returned I'm no longer hiding away with health everything in life what works for one doesent always work for another so it really is a personal choice only you can make after weighing up any info the ladies on here share with you, me, id do it again in a heartbeat.good luck with what ever you decide DD😘


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2018, 07:30:55 PM »

DD, thank you. That is such a wonderful story - what a journey! Oh to feel as mentally strong as I used to!

I am so glad it helped you.

Did you find you still had PMS (if you had it before the hysterectomy) afterwards and if so was it less?



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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2018, 07:46:10 PM »

I had the most awful pms MM as do my children and grandchildren and sisters.i suffered terribly with pnd after the children and after the last birth had severe mental health issues resulting in electric shock therapy amongst other barbaric things.Id love to meet up with these "caring professionals" now i was only a kid myself so hopefully they're all ten feet under now.
After the hysterectomy I had nothing like pain no pmt no clots.My life completely changed bonus was I could have as much jiggery pokery as I liked with no consequences  :jiggy: ;D.then as said previously Mrs meno knocked on the door and unfortunately overstayed her welcome I said I've no regrets and id do it again but you have to be sure and do what feels right for you.😘DD


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2018, 09:04:29 PM »

Thank you DD 😘😘😘


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2018, 10:05:53 PM »

I had Premenstrual Syndrome and NAPS advised the 24/7 eating regime.  Helped enormously.  Give it a go!  It takes 3 months to get into the habit though  ::)


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Re: Hysterectomy
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2018, 10:02:20 AM »

Thanks CLKD. I do keep my blood sugar levels even and get ‘hangry' if I don't but I just don't think waking up in the night to do it would be good for me! X
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