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Author Topic: Very sore nether regions- ouch  (Read 1503 times)


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Very sore nether regions- ouch
« on: November 20, 2018, 07:44:41 PM »

Hi folks,
Been on femeston 2/10 since may this year with a very good response, but, there is always a but i guess- my nether regions are still troublesome.
I regularly pee myself!! With no warning, no feeling bladder full, just OMG NOW, if i move it releases.
Managed to avoid any major embarrassment- so far...... i know i have good bladder capacity, becuase if i wake after a good night i can pee 1.5 litre and feel i have a full bladder.  Also i wake most night with a sensation i want to go ( not full bladder sensation) i get up and do 50mls if that ggggggggrrrrrr.
It is SO annoying.
Also my vulval area burns and itches intermittently- i know its not thrush because that is constant and escalates.
So ladies- any ideas what's going on and what to do about it. Thanks


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2018, 10:16:54 PM »

Hi folks,
Been on femeston 2/10 since may this year with a very good response, but, there is always a but i guess- my nether regions are still troublesome.
I regularly pee myself!! With no warning, no feeling bladder full, just OMG NOW, if i move it releases.
Managed to avoid any major embarrassment- so far...... i know i have good bladder capacity, becuase if i wake after a good night i can pee 1.5 litre and feel i have a full bladder.  Also i wake most night with a sensation i want to go ( not full bladder sensation) i get up and do 50mls if that ggggggggrrrrrr.
It is SO annoying.
Also my vulval area burns and itches intermittently- i know its not thrush because that is constant and escalates.
So ladies- any ideas what's going on and what to do about it. Thanks
Sounds as though you would benefit from local HRT. Have you ever tried Vagifem or Estriol? Vagifem is working quite well for me.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2018, 10:35:58 PM »

I get that too.  Vagifem used lower down helps.  I have had a couple of accidents and a recent one when I wasn't careful about using the vagifem - I need it every 3 days (or 2)

It also helps the irritation and tendency to try and empty fast!  to drink plenty of water during the day.  That helps stretch the bladder, and take away irritation. It is probably the best thing alongside the vagifem. I also wash with dermol if I am having problems.  I used to get symptoms of thrush/BV and a very wet drippy discharge (that went a bit pink the last time I had it) before I started using vagifem.

I find bending forwards to do something, and having constipation(full bowel) are also triggers.

I have been offered oxybutanin, but I don't feel that is necessary with the vagifem and drinking plenty.  It has side effects (constipation being one - I already have that  ::) )


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 11:18:02 AM »

Does anyone have any thoughts on what is best for this problem, ovestin or vagifem?  Also, those on vagifem, how many times a week do you use now the doses are weaker than they were, 25 down to 10?


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 11:31:17 AM »

I use ovestin and have problems with it coming out in a blob in the morning when I go for a wee. I worry it's not being absorbed. It's a constant battle and can take your life over!


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2018, 12:54:15 PM »

I have always used vagifem.  I use it lower down front where the bladder is (rather than right up, back where the bowels are).  It sticks and forms a gel, so does not spread around so much so it is better put where you need it.

The cream spreads and leaks out (I had this with the antibiotic cream I was given for an 'infection' before the swabs came back clear and remember the effect well), but it does help more with the outside bits and opening to the urethra which the vagifem doesn't.  Some people manage to get the 0.01% cream to swish around occasionally in addition to vagifem.

I started off with the vagifem every day for two weeks, then every other day (this was on the guidelines for some health commissioning areas but not other and not on the leaflet) then tried to get down from there - every 2 then 3 days.  After a couple of years on it, I now do every 3rd day.  If I go 3 and 4 day intervals I start with problems. 

The instructions on the packet label from the GP that I was with when I first used it were, 'one or two tablets twice weekly'.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2018, 01:41:28 PM »

I was getting regular urine infections and was prescribed vagifem 10 and not had a problem since.  That's been about 5 months now.   Everything else is good with my 'nether regions' too - no dryness, irritation etc.   I had to use every day for a week and now use twice a week.  Nurse said it's the kind of thing just to use for every.  Its a little tablet on a stick that I insert at night time.   Nurse said that while aim to use twice a week, no big issue if I missed it one night and used another or for example if anything feeling sensitive at all just use 2 or 3 nights in a row.  I'd certainly recommend.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2018, 01:51:19 PM »

I have vaginal atrophy and was off hrt for 3 months for post menopause bleeding. Got cystitis after 6 weeks off all treatment. The cystitis went quite quickly but for 2 months now on and off have this need to pee.  I have been on the ovestin about a month now but can't get rid of this feeling.  I have had vagifem in the past and don't know if I would be better off with it.  Fed up of ringing doc and worried about changing from ovestin to vagifem and no better.  Also, don't know why the ovestin is dropping out in the morning as though not being absorbed. So fed up and confused.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2018, 01:54:15 PM »

Maybe a month back on local cream is too soon to get total relief and I should be patient.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2018, 02:31:46 PM »

Does anyone have any thoughts on what is best for this problem, ovestin or vagifem?  Also, those on vagifem, how many times a week do you use now the doses are weaker than they were, 25 down to 10?
I used Vagifem daily for 2 weeks  and then tried to drop to twice a week as instructed. Twice a week isn't enough for me and the symptoms creep back. I told the GP that I wanted to return to daily for a while. She appeared to say yes but I had problems when I tried to request a repeat because the pharmacy didn't want to give me more until the end of this month. Because of this I am making do with alternate days at the moment which is just about enough. I haven't tried Ovestin. Mine is more irritation/cystitis symptoms than soreness. In addition I get aching in my left hip/groin. I have a urogynae appt. on Friday so will try to discuss it with them. Perhaps they will be willing to persuade my GP practice to let me have a repeat prescription more frequently.


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Re: Very sore nether regions- ouch
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2018, 02:38:07 PM »

Yes mine seems tof be irritation now.  I don't know where I am. Some days I feel fine then it just comes back. I've read vagifem twice a week is not enough for other women.