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Author Topic: Mirena Misadventure  (Read 2941 times)


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2019, 09:04:49 PM »

Brave ladies,

 ;D  NorthArm, what a laugh  ;D

I can't even think of inserting a coil. You all have my admiration :clapping:

Conolly X

Aw thanks Conolly! I personally don't feel that brave ;D! I think the thought of having it inserted is probably worse than the reality! x


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2019, 01:43:40 PM »

Hello LucyLoo,

You have no idea... I have Asperger's Syndrome Disorder and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. This sort of thing makes me really uncomfortable, both mentally and physically. I tried it once when I was really young and had all my bits in very good shape and it was a nightmare. I can't stand the thought of it.

I'm glad it works for many of you, it's certainly better than having to insert or take Utrogestan every day or have to change patches twice a week.

Conolly X


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2019, 08:02:47 PM »

Hi Conolly,

I've no idea how hard it must be for you. I know I am very lucky to be able to have a go at having it put in. For me the insertion attempts weren't too bad as I was able to stay calm (mind you, I had to ask the nurse to not talk to me as I wanted to focus on my breathing!) I totally agree the mirena does sound so much better than having to insert/take utrogestan. I still haven't got the mirena as I'll need a hysteroscopy (and probably a GA) to get it in. I'm currently waiting for an appointment for some bowel problems I'm having so I'm going to see if I can find out what's going on with that first and then decide whether to go ahead with the mirena x


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2019, 10:50:14 AM »

Lucyloo I'm on the same Utrogestan regime as you - 7 days vaginally, but I use a 100mcg patch rather than gel. I'm going for the Mirena as bleeding is still problematic (every two weeks 🙄, although one is heavy spotting) and I have a suspected adenomyosis, so hopefully it will sort that out xx


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2019, 03:00:28 PM »

Best of luck with the mirena Northarm. Do you know when you're going to have your hysteroscopy? I'm sorry to hear about the bleeding every 2 weeks, that sounds really tough. I've got my fingers crossed the mirena sorts it out for you.

I have a call booked with the GP who tried (and failed!) to insert a mirena for me next Friday (couldn't get a face to face appointment) to ask her some questions. I want to know whether I can request a GA for a hysteroscopy and also if I have it put in that way and then find it doesn't suit me, how easy it will be to remove it (i.e. would I need another GA)? She's seen my anatomy (as it were!) so I'm hoping she'll have a good idea of how easy/difficult the removal might be. I'm nervous that I'll be one of the unlucky ladies that the mirena doesn't suit as I'm sensitive to progesterone and find utrogestan vaginally for just 7 days gives me PMS symptoms and exhaustion. However I know I won't know until I try the mirena and on paper it does sound ideal - I have fibroids so I think it should help shrink those and I love the idea of no periods (or very light periods) after the first 6 months! 

I'm peri menopausal (I'm 42) and do find my own hormones are still doing their thing in the background, unfortunately. My bleeds are quite well controlled with the 4 pumps of oestrogel and 7 days of utro (I usually bleed on day 11 after utro days 1 - 7) but my mood swings can still be quite bad. I'm usually OK when I'm on the oestrogen only part but last week I had bad PMS symptoms - exhausted and irritable - and I can always tell when it's my hormones (or the utro) as my eyes look more sunken (I know that sounds weird but I can tell when my progesterone levels are high!)

I'd be really grateful if you could share your hysteroscopy experience please Northarm. I'll let you know what the GP says about mirena removal with a very backwards tilting uterus / when it is difficult to insert after my call on Friday in case that's helpful xx


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Re: Mirena Misadventure
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2019, 07:15:45 PM »

Lucyloo, I have a backwards tilting uterus too. And yes, like you I'm particularly sensitive to progesterone, the pmt is awful, isn't it?

I'll be having a ga as Mirena couldn't be inserted awake as it appears that my cervix is all but fused shut from scarring. They'll be doing a hysteroscopy and d&c at the same time.

Bleeding is not too bad - I have a good ‘period bleed', then heavy (need a pad) sopotting two weeks later. And both bleeds are as regular as clockwork, lol. I think it's fairly easy to remove the Mirena, or not as complicated as putting it in, anyway. Time will tell if it will send me bonkers like norethisterone did...

I have suspected adenomyosis, and endometriosis. And if the Mirena doesn't work, I'm opting for a hysterectomy...
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