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Author Topic: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!  (Read 4814 times)


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 08:44:31 PM »

Dandelion root tea (it is as awful as it sounds by the way) helps your liver to flush out excess estrogen as well. Another option to try or use alongside the milk thistle.


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2018, 10:52:08 PM »

Hi Misstowers - yes my body loves sunlight and hates the winter but I have been on very high strength vitamin D 5,000iu which a doctor recommended when he told me I had fibromyalgia (which I am pretty sure I don't just I had very lax muscles due to lack of oestrogen causing the aches and pains) but to be honest it doesn't really seem to make any noticeable difference.  I wonder if the oral spray absorbs better though instead of going through the stomach?

I think your own balance will be a little harder to achieve because of your own hormones and unlike us post meno people maybe you need to vary your does of oestrogen through the month - I'm sure a pattern will emerge - like when you are jittery or when you have PMT or when you think the progesterone is causing problems.  I think I read in post a while back - sorry cant remember where or when but she upped her oestrogen to counter progesterone problems for a few days a month and then dropped it again when she wasn't on the oestrogen - she said it provided better balance and she just added what she thought her body was asking for rather than stick to a strict regime of same oestrogen dose etc every single day.  She said it helped to deal with her own fluctuating hormones - bit of a faff I know but it may be the answer to the roller coaster?

I'm experiencing that up and down dose thing. My boobs are about to burst and I feel like I'm due to start a period so I'm getting sensitive to caffeine now and jittery from the Oestrogel... it's truly difficult to calculate when you're still having cycles .

I tried the progesterone Tablets, just 1 the next day I was terrible crying and depressed and I've been applying cyclogest (Progesterone passaries) for years with no issues...

But I can't say for sure whether it was the Progesterone Tablet or just coincidence bc I'm all over the place since 7 weeks ago,,,

It's a bit of a lottery I'm afraid x


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2018, 11:14:52 PM »

Keeping a diary is a good idea, as well as noting if your cycle is a 'normal' cycle or a non-ovulating one. I'm in peri & on utro for 12 days. On an ovulating cycle the prog is too much, I suffer fatigue and low mood. On a non-ovulating cycle there are no symptoms.


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2018, 01:02:40 PM »

Hi Sheila99, Thanks for your comments,  can you explain a bit more what you mean by ovulating cycle and non-ovulating cycle? Do you mean non-ovulating as in the pill? I am considering switching back to the pill, it wasn't ideal and if anything I ended up feeling numb on it, and still had night sweats, disrupted sleep, brain fog, zero libido....but that might be better than this....

Roseenglish, sorry to hear youre on this shitty rollercoaster too, it does sounds like the prog is affecting you - I'm now convinced that the utrogeston/prog is not the culprit for me, as I haven't taken it since 12th nov and I feel worse - severely low mood, I had to come home from work today as I kept on bursting into tears. Unless it's my own natural progesterone that has me depressed...? But, As others have said, if I were prog intolerant I would have had issues in the past, pre peri-meno. I used to have bad periods when I was in my teens, heavy and painful cramps, but only for a few days and it seemed to improve after having kids, been on the pill for most of my adult life, without issues... so I'm thinking it's not a question of too much prog or a reaction to utrogeston for me.

I've been in this particular hole for a week now. I had two good days at the start of last week, (when I'm sure I was ovulating) then whack! So that's pretty much 2 good days the whole of this month and getting deeper. This really sucks! I just want to feel normal again, I have everything I could ever want, a loving husband, 4 great kids, a good job, a lovely home... and yet i feel so down and can't shake it off. I feel like a real loser :(

Bluebuterfly - I'll try that tea thank you x


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2018, 02:00:08 PM »

If you weren't on HRT an ovulating cycle would be a normal one where you release the egg then bleed a couple of weeks later. A non-ovulating one is where if you weren't on HRT you would miss a bleed, but because you're on HRT you still have one. I can tell because on a normal cycle as I approach the bleed my breasts become sore & lumpy, short tempered, bloated, loose stools. On HRT on a non-ovulating cycle breasts are a little sore but that's the only sign. It's difficult in peri because your own body is producing.
 Not been on the pill much so don't know much about it but if you have meno symptoms on it I think you'd have to conclude you don't have enough oestrogen.


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2018, 02:43:21 PM »


I know for me, I don't ovulate every month anymore (Still bleed mostly regular though). When you don't ovulate, your body produces less natural progesterone. If you ovulate, you produce more. If you are producing more (Ovulated) and take the HRT progesterone, that could make it too high giving you symptoms...but on months where you don't ovulate, the HRT progesterone could be enough to put you at normal. During peri, your body stops ovulating reguarly. For me, progesterone has been my life saver honestly. I am higher on estrogen so I end up with symptoms because I don't have enough progesterone to keep things balanced out. I think my body has always been a bit this way but worse now after entering peri.

I know for some women, they take a contraceptive pill to balance out because it takes over your own hormone production. Less swings and shifts which are so common and challenging during peri. Since you are young, that could be an option. I have some on hand (just the mini pill for me) that I can start anytime...the progesterone is working so well for me I don't want to mess with that right now. I'm only 36 by the way.


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2018, 05:04:36 PM »

Hi Sheila99, thanks for clarifying, I understand what you mean now. I guess I have an ovulating cycle then. Just not regular. So before I started the pill and hrt I was having no period for 6 or 7 weeks, then 2 within 3 weeks, then nothing for a couple of months just spotting, then a really long period etc it was all over the place etc... now with the hrt, I don't know what's going on.

For example, can anyone make sense of this?:
Day 1...started taking prog Utrogeston
Day 6... my period started - which I think was my ovulating period - lasted 5 days.
Day 12 ... ended the course of prog since then I have had no withdrawal bleed from the prog...
Day 20... I was ovulating I'm sure as I felt really good and really wanted sex.
Day 22... I slumped right back again emotionally, gradually getting worse and not sleeping, having little cramps as if I'm going to get my period but no spotting, nothing...

It's like WTF!!! When I looked at it closely, I could understand not having a withdrawal bleed as I had had a period the week before so maybe no lining to shed... and ovulating a week after my period finished also makes sense but why the depression? It's either far too much estrogen or not enough estrogen or not enough progesterone - simples!😂

Bluebutterfly, thanks for your comments, what progesterone do you take and how much and how often?


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Re: Progesterone intolerance OR not enough estrogen? Advice please!
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2018, 05:42:35 PM »

I am one of those odd balls that use the progesterone cream. I'm in the US so it is easy to get. Doctors weren't much help but I did get tests done and know I wasn't ovulating regularly anymore and was on the lower end of progesterone. I've sadly had to self-treat but glad I have that option. I also have a genetic clotting mutation so can't take estrogen...but I have endometriosis and a fibroid, so estrogen isn't really what my body needs right now either. I use 20mg of that a day. I'm very sensitive to hormone changes (could tell I was pregnant a week before a missed period and sadly mood changes from the slightest change it seems). All my mess started when I was on the contraceptive pill (Combined-didn't know I had clotting issues at the time). I was on it for almost 7 years when I suddenly started having anxiety and panic attacks (never had the attacks before) during my placebo week. Anxiety would stay after but the panic attacks were always worse as well as palpitations, chest pains, etc during that placebo week. Started skipping it and the constant hormones helped even me out more but felt strongly I needed to get off them. I did so I could get my hormones checked as well because I really didn't believe that things getting worse during the placebo pill week was "just a coincidence". I have had more than half of the menopause symptoms already with no explainable reason-had ever test done they could think of...but nobody wants to say perimenopause because of my age. Just want to give me another contraceptive or do surgery to remove my uterus and/or ovaries.
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