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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: advice please on probiotics  (Read 3624 times)


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advice please on probiotics
« on: October 30, 2018, 10:26:11 AM »

does any one use BIOGLAN BIOTIC BALANCE for the gut/ibs problems that seem to come with this wonderful time of or lives, as well as every thing else. Was told to take some sort of probiotics to try and ease the wind/bloating, constipation and all the rest of the uncomfortable gastric issues, any recommendations would be appreciated TIA xx


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2018, 12:27:11 PM »

Hi!  I had irritable bowel symdrome for years, prior to any talk of pro/biotics etc..

My GP prescribed Colpermin peppermint capsules to be swallowed within an hour of eating my main meals.  To encourage wind to move downwards.  As well as Motiillium within 3 days the feeling of belatedness, nausea etc. had gone so I kept to this regime for 5+ years.

Someone suggested Actimel so I began drinking those, my bowels became 'regular' again.  The Jury is apparently out with regards this but I found it useful for years.  When I went on holiday so they weren't available my bowel became slow .......  I dropped the prescribed medication and used the pots until the last couple of years when my body righted herself. 

I love roasted veggies which DH cooks with chicken ......... so maybe have a look-see at your overall diet?  Also exercise regime as regular walking does stimulate the bowels ;-).

I do get reflux/heartburn  >:( when I eat/drink too close to going to bed.  Rennies help ease symptoms.

Do you eat breakfast? 


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2018, 07:39:58 PM »

Hi there,

I haven't tried the Bioglan, but 2 probiotics that spring to mind for constipation are Nature's Best Acidophilus Extra & Optibac's Bifidobacteria & Fibre.  Both contain the BB12 strain said to be well researched & effective at speeding up transit. 

Natural yoghurt eaten regularly can also help with bloating, wind & constipation, assuming you are not dairy intolerant.  If you find the sourness of natural yoghurt off-putting, stirring in some chopped fruit or just a little honey or sugar-free jam can help.  I like the mild tasting yoghurts by Onken & Total.  The dark blue pot Onken sold as "natural set".  The 2% fat Total is easier on the digestion than the higher fat version & tastes better than the fat-free!  If you can find it, Bio-tiful Kefir, especially the baked milk one with the brown & white label is worth a try.  I get mine in Waitrose.  You can always have a go at making your own using a yoghurt maker too!

Activia yoghurts are marketed as especially effective at helping a sluggish system - they do a natural version, and though it tastes nice, I find it's sometimes hard to tolerate - makes me feel rotten, as if my body really doesn't like it!

I would always urge caution with probiotics, as with any new supplement - not everyone gets on well with every type & if you have auto-immune conditions, you may find your body over-reactive to probiotics.  Some people find they feel a little flu-like during the first few days & this is said to be a reaction to the probiotics going to work, killing off less desirable organisms.  Sometimes it passes, so can be worth persevering, sometimes it doesn't and is a sign the probiotic is not right for you!  If instinct tells you a probiotic is doing more harm than good, I would stop it, give your body a rest & if you feel like it, try another later.  I had a very good friend who was a Microbiologist & made them his life's work, so I've been taking them for more than 30 years & though I think there's huge potential in the field,  I also feel a lot more research needs to be done so that strains can be targeted.  There's loads on the web on probiotics if you're really interested & want to have a Google while you're waiting for things to get going! :o

Hope you find something that helps & feel a lot better soon. :)


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 02:26:58 AM »

When ever I take good probiotics I suffer with truly awful die off, flu and derealisation. Anxiety, depression went on for 6 weeks and had to stop taking them

I've been tested for systemic candida (stool,trst) and have medium to high levels of candida in my gut and mouth ..oddly tested for vaginal candida and that was fine.

I managed to get upto 2 capsules a day some years ago and felt fantastic till I stopped taking them and started eating sugar again,


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2018, 10:42:42 AM »

Oh roseenglish, that probiotic reaction sounds horrible & is the sort of thing that always makes me wary when someone asks for a recommendation.  There is so much written about the benefits of probiotics but I do think we need to be cautious when taking any supplement.  As it's thought they can modulate the immune system, affect mental health & even have an impact on gene expression, it seems likely that anything with such wide ranging & powerful effects must also have the potential for harm.  I sometimes wonder whether over the counter probiotics will eventually become prescription-only, as more becomes known about them.  Only natural to want to do what we can to improve our own health, especially with the NHS under such pressure, but also sensible to be vigilant when using any supplement.  How are you these days - have you managed to get the candida under control?


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 09:55:45 PM »

Oh I hsve other issues atm lol
Possible back nerve referred pain extending to the pelvis and genitals
Going to be a fight to get to the bottom of it but I'm well researched

Women's Physio Therapy first! Hormone balancing too as I'm oestrogen deficient according to my bloods.

I stopped all of the supplements and all the horrible symptoms faded over a week.

I've taken probiotics before and knew about the herx reaction from when the candida bacteria dies after the good guys crowd then out, the candida cell bursts releasing more toxins into the blood hence an increase in symptoms or even new ones.
For me that meant feeling physically sick and after 2 weeks I gradually got better then increased the probiotic dose and get sick again and eventually the sickness becomes less intense and you start to feel stronger and I did.
STUPIDLY I stooped taking them started eating sugar in high doses again and my immune system deteriorates.
For me having systemic candida has a huge impact on my immune system I'm always sick with colds flu sinus infections etc.
I never get thrush oral or otherwise

The last time I tried it I experienced terrible mental symptoms on top of the flu symptoms which I've never experienced before and it was terrifying, the only thing I can put it down to is on this attempt my oestrogen was deficient so perhaps once my Oestrogen is back in the normal range I'll try again

For ppl who are known to hsve systemic candida by way of stool sample tests.. you need to go REAL slow , open a capsule and take 1/4 see how you feel before taking more,,the trick is to adjust the dosage according to your symptoms

Years ago we were encouraged to feel the die off it was considered a good thing as it proved the bad guys were dying. These days it's advised to avoid the symptoms and go as slow as you have to in order to do that.



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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2018, 10:47:33 AM »

Hi again roseenglish, don't want to hijack discokaren's post, but just wanted to say I'm so sorry to know about the possible referred pain & the way in which systemic candida has so badly affected you.  I remember from reading up on it many years ago how pervasive its influence is thought to be & it sounds as though you have suffered horribly.  I wish you luck with the physio for the referred pain & hope you soon start to feel so much better overall.  I take it you are on HRT, as you mention expecting improvement to the oestrogen deficiency, so if you can get this sorted I think you should start to feel so much better in many ways.  Menopause can be such a difficult time when the clinical picture is so muddied by our hormone status & we can become really run down.  Everything crossed for you x.


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 02:54:39 PM »

Natural yoghurt is different to that with 'live' cultures in many cases.  I always busy the pots of Greek plain yoghurt which has 'live' in red along the edge of the pot and it should be eaten as it, not with anything mixed in as that will upset the 'balance'. 

When my dog had chemotherapy she suffered heartburn so would lick live yoghurt off a spoon, which eased her symptoms. 

There are other 'live' products on the market, is Kaffir one? but I haven't yet found one that I like the look of  ;D


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2018, 03:08:50 PM »

It took some trial and error for me on the probiotics. The first brand I tried made me feel worse so I stopped those. I tried a couple others and finally found one that works great for me. I had to find one without a prebiotic in it. It helps feed the bacteria but can also feed the bad bacteria in your gut. It was a bit more challenging to find but I've had no problems since starting that one. Not saying that's what you need. It just might take trying a couple different kinds of probiotics to find what works for your body.


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2018, 05:23:42 PM »

I take a brand called RenewLife Ultimate Flora. I'm in the US but a Google search shows it is available over there. Not sure if it is easy to find, sorry.


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2018, 05:52:57 PM »

Hi again roseenglish, don't want to hijack discokaren's post, but just wanted to say I'm so sorry to know about the possible referred pain & the way in which systemic candida has so badly affected you.  I remember from reading up on it many years ago how pervasive its influence is thought to be & it sounds as though you have suffered horribly.  I wish you luck with the physio for the referred pain & hope you soon start to feel so much better overall.  I take it you are on HRT, as you mention expecting improvement to the oestrogen deficiency, so if you can get this sorted I think you should start to feel so much better in many ways.  Menopause can be such a difficult time when the clinical picture is so muddied by our hormone status & we can become really run down.  Everything crossed for you x.

Thank you 😊

Crafty Kaz

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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2018, 06:49:42 PM »

Hi discokaren
I too was suffering with gastric problems since this meno lark started, I started a low sugar & wheat free diet a month ago & also take apple cider vinegar & have a shot of aloe vera juice (from a company called Foverer Living) on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. The improvement in my gut health has been remarkable, noticed a difference after just a few days & now a month later no more gut issues, hooray!!!

Hope this helps, it really is miserable being bloated & uncomfortable all the time & like my doctor says a healthy gut means a healthy body.

Much love Kaz xx


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2018, 06:52:01 PM »

I take an all in 1 cranberry & probiotic,although I now have diverticulitis,I do think it helps


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2018, 07:22:33 PM »

Hi CLKD, yes kefir is another fermented product containing probiotics.  Some of them can be rather zingy for anyone who doesn't like strong tasting, sourish milk products, but I think the Bio-tiful baked milk version (small bottle, white & brown label, Waitrose) is pleasant tasting & fairly mild if you want to try one. 

I agree natural yoghurt is best without anything added, but if anyone is put off by the sourness to the extent they otherwise can't face it, or would instead buy flavoured yoghurt to which a lot of sugar has been added, then eating the natural with a teaspoon of a sugar-free jam or some fresh fruit seems an acceptable compromise to me.  Interested that you think this would upset the balance though. 

I hope you like the Kefir if you try it - not the cheapest way of getting probiotics it has to be said, but more & more brands now seem to be becoming available in the supermarkets.  After years of reading about it, having to order Biona kefir from my nearest health food store, which then closed down & being put off by the idea of the faff of making my own, it was frustrating that the supermarkets took so long to start stocking it!  Took a couple of mentions on TV health progs for them to spot the gap in the market I think! ;)


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Re: advice please on probiotics
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2018, 07:37:57 PM »

If think Dr Moseley suggested Kefir and thanks for your update.  I would have to not see the colour I think  :D

I like thick honey in LIVE yoghurt as a treat ........... stirred in and eating stragith from the pot
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