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Author Topic: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous  (Read 22842 times)


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Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« on: October 19, 2018, 10:49:46 AM »

Hi all

Today I applied my first application on Androfeme.  I am already on
3 pumps os Oestrogel, and 100mg Utragestan orally with no side effects. 

Is anyone else on  Androfeme, and happy with it?  I must admit, I was a bit dismayed when I read the list of possible side effects  :o
I already have fine thin hair, I don't want to lose any, and not keem on getting acne either!

Im hoping there will be some happy stories with this one ..

Thanks :-)


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2018, 02:36:25 PM »

Whereabouts are you Jeepers? I don't think we can get androfeme in the UK, although I've always fancied trying it as it's specifically designed for women (I believe). I use testim (originally for men) in small amounts and have no side effects, except if I use too much and then I get jittery. I find 3 petit poi's size blobs per week is enough. And definitely no hair loss x


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2018, 03:17:55 PM »

Hello Jeepers

Don't worry.  I'm on it.  I'm in the UK.  I get it through the new clinic set up by Dr Louise Newson.  I'm on 0.5ml a day of it.  I've been on it over a month now.  Absolutely no issues from it at all.  I am on 3.5 pumps of Estrogel, about to move up to 4 pumps a day (2am and 2pm), and I've been using Utrogestan vaginally every other day but have started bleeding on that dose.  I spoke to Dr Louise yesterday at her fantastic open day (that was fab) and she said I can either take it daily or double up and use 200 every other night.  I'm trying daily.  I did try before but was very tired and so stopped it.  But now I will stick it longer and hopefully it will ease off.  I was very zombied the first time I ever used progesterone back in the day.  It took a few days to wear off.  Luckily I have the weekend now so by Monday I will be on day 4 of daily dosing and might be OK.

The Androfem is used at a low dose and takes up to 6 months to reach it's peak, allowing our bodies to get used to it nice and slowly.


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2018, 03:31:05 PM »


Thanks for replying.  Yes, I got mine from Dr Newson too. :-).  If you can afford to go privatem definitely look her up Perinwpost.

Thats great to hear.  I've been feeling so much better since I went onto HRT, and I am hoping adding the Testosterone will be even better.  I found that the Utrogestan helps me to get a good nights sleep, but I do still feel tired sometimes.

Isn't that a bit of a drag having to apply at 2am?  I apply all three in the mornings.  Inner thighs and then a 1/2 to each outer arm.

Thanks again :-)


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2018, 03:36:18 PM »

 ;D ;D

No, I apply 2 pumps in the morning when I get up and 2 in the evening.  Not at 2am.  That made me laugh.


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2018, 06:37:56 AM »

Hi Jeepers

I'd love to go see Louise Newson, it may be something for the future, is she expensive? I have about 18 months of testim left (because I use it so sparingly) but I think I'll struggle to get any more when it runs out as I believe they've stopped making it and I had a reaction to testogel, so that leaves androfeme as the only option. I certainly wouldn't want to be without T as it makes such a big difference to energy and libido (response).

Lucky you SueLW going to the open day, did you learn anything new?x


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2018, 07:06:15 PM »


I think it was about £200 for the initial appointment, then the private prescription, so it does add up a bit.

Definitely worth it if you can afford it.

I'm on day 4 of my androfeme, and for the first time in a quite a while I am feeling anxious and panicky.

It could be the hormones, and if so, hopefully it will settle down

That said, it could just be life.. a friend of mine died suddenly last week, and my daughter is depressed bordering on suicidal.. donor the best of weeks anyway

I'll persevere x


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2018, 07:52:41 PM »

Perinowpost.... I use Tostran and I'm fine on it . So that's another brand you could tryx


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2018, 10:42:30 AM »

Hi Dotty yes you're right there is tostran, it's just that it's even stronger and given that I had a reaction to testogel I'd thought it may not be suitable - not 100% sure though.

Sorry you're having a hard time Jeepers and bad news is bound to impact on how you're feeling. Keep your chin up and let us know how you're doing x


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2018, 03:53:47 PM »

I'm on day 4 of my androfeme, and for the first time in a quite a while I am feeling anxious and panicky.

It could be the hormones, and if so, hopefully it will settle down

That said, it could just be life.. a friend of mine died suddenly last week, and my daughter is depressed bordering on suicidal.. donor the best of weeks anyway

I'll persevere x

Hello Jeepers, sorry to hear about your friend and your daughter.  Neither of those things are going to give you positive days at the moment whilst your hormones are out of balance.  I really do doubt it's the Androfem.  I assume you are on 0.5 dose a day?  It's very low and as it can take 6 months to feel the benefit as it builds up it must be very slow to build.  Your body might have just noticed something different and be a bit freaky about it.  But if that is the case it will settle.  I think it's more likely your circumstances.  And in a few months time the testosterone will make you feel more able to cope with those things.

Keep going.  It will get better.


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Re: Just starting on Androfeme -- a bit nervous
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2018, 04:14:50 PM »

Hi Jeepers

I'd love to go see Louise Newson, it may be something for the future, is she expensive? I have about 18 months of testim left (because I use it so sparingly) but I think I'll struggle to get any more when it runs out as I believe they've stopped making it and I had a reaction to testogel, so that leaves androfeme as the only option. I certainly wouldn't want to be without T as it makes such a big difference to energy and libido (response).

Lucky you SueLW going to the open day, did you learn anything new?x

I'm not sure I learned much new that I didn't know before but then I've been researching myself for about 4 years and on HRT for 3 of them.  But if you were new to menopause or still pretty much in the dark you would have come out with head bursting with new knowledge.  For me the best thing about the day was being in such a varied group of women, all dealing with the same kinds of issues and all actually able to have a bit of a laugh with each other and the doctors over it because nothing ever seems so awful in a crowd who understand.  I was able to ask some specific questions that I had about my own treatment and get answers.  I was able to talk about more general thoughts.  The group question and answer sessions with Louise in the morning and then the other 2 doctors in the afternoon were invaluable.  You learn or remember a lot by listing to others asking the questions. 

The 3 doctors have a really good understanding of the problems and the treatments and all were lovely women in themselves.  I don't have sleep issues, but for those that did there was a sleep specialist running a session.  There was a yoga teacher doing menopause specific yoga, the author of My Menopausal Vagina was there to talk to and buy the book from.  There was a session run by a police woman who has worked with Louise to set up proper work based care and understanding for the West Midlands Police.  She was great because it was all coming from her personal experience but once she got sorted on HRT and could think straight again she was right in there making sure others didn't suffer at work as she had done by getting meetings together and training sessions in place.  Although at first a lot of the police men were grumbling about it (most of the force are male) she convinced them they would learn and benefit from going to the session too because they had wives and girlfriends who were going to encounter this.  They are now all fully supportive.  There was a practice nurse there who lectures on menopause and does some GP training.  Lots of opportunity again for questions and to test knowledge with her little quiz.

I can tell you, if that's the way they are going to operate their clinic they are on to a winner!  They will be running other sessions and events so it's worth joining their mailing list just to find out about them.  The nurse is running a free session on 9th November for most of the day.  So if you are interested give the clinic a ring and ask to be emailed the invitation.

I've been seeing a private menopause doctor in London for 3.5 years.  The new Stratford clinic isn't much cheaper, but it's way nicer and the doctors are nice, all 3 of them (my London doctor snaps and is very sharp and bossy and never listens to the end of a sentence).  More GP's are coming in to work with the clinic soon so that they can see more patients.  The benefit of switching for me is that I can drive there in an hour so don't loose the whole day to London travel and expense, and everything except the testosterone is available from my GP so once settled it will only cost the price of a prescription.  They only use body identical products.

The price of an initial consultation is £250, bloods £90 and follow up 3 month visit is £195.  Then you might need to be seen in 6 months time or if not it's an annual check-up.  I'm so glad I made that appointment and went to see her.  I've had a nasty 5 week virus which has been hard work, but my husband said if it hadn't been for that I would have been pretty much like my old self recently.  I do have thyroid issues going on that aren't settled yet so that drags me down with lack of energy, but apart from that things aren't so bad.  If you are interested I'd recommend reading everything on the web site and joining the mailing list.