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Author Topic: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!  (Read 1421 times)


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Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« on: September 29, 2018, 10:57:48 AM »

Please please please can somebody reassure me - I'm having a Mirena fitted on Tues and all I can find are scare stories of how painful it is or how they tried umpteen times and couldn't do it. I'm no lightweight when it comes to pain - I've given birth twice with no pain relief at all (owwwwwwwwwww), but having just been through horrible cancer treatment and feeling really really fragile I feel like I can't face anything that's going to be traumatic. Predictably the hospital have given me absolutely nothing in the way of information about what the procedure actually is, but I've googled that so I'm prepared for it in theory. Just feeling very scared (and I guess even more scared that it won't make any difference anyway, or worse it'll make things even worse, so it'll all have been a waste of time)  :'(


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2018, 01:00:43 PM »

Take a couple of pain killers before the fitting and tell the doctor fitting the Mirena that you are anxious so they give you enough local anaesthetic. It should only take a couple of minutes to fit.
Don't look at the internet - it is a simple and standard procedure but there will always be a few who have a bad experience and then post the story on the net - a good experience of anything is rarely posted on the net.
Hope it all goes smoothly. DG x


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 01:48:37 PM »

I've had 2 fitted in the past.  My Dr gave me Mefenamic Acid 250mg capsules to take 2 the night before and 2 on the day of the fitting. The pills are for mild to moderate pain and are used to decrease pain and blood loss from bad periods.

Obviously everyone is different with internal exams and smears but I have to say for me it was just like having a smear and I took a panty liner in case I bleed but it was only a couple of spots.   I suppose you also have to bear in mind how good the doctor is that is doing it. 

They insert a speculum and then the marina goes in.  I didn't feel it - I felt more when they poke around for a smear taking the samples.  Like dancinggirl says "stay away from the internet"!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so fragile and having had a tough time :bighug:

Thing is the more scared you are the more you will tense tense up then the more difficult it is. I think if you have had kids and regular smears you should be absolutely fine.  I do hope so and those are not famous last words from me!


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2018, 01:54:06 PM »

Hi racjen,
I had my Mirena fitted 16 months ago. I've never had children and it wasn't as bad as I dreaded.
 I took my hubby with, who waited for me in waiting room, and two paracetamol and two ibuprofen about 45 minutes before. Local wasn't offered and I didn't ask, so can't comment on that, but guess as DG said, an excellent option if available.

The doctor was lovely and she explained what was going to happen. It felt uncomfortable rather than painful, hard to describe but it ‘took my breath away' momentarily. It was all over in literally a couple of minutes and then she used a vaginal scan to check it's placement after giving me a few minutes. I did have the top lady at the clinic, and she had fitted about 12 that day, and I was nervous too.

I didn't have much cramping at all after and felt fine and hubby and I went out for dinner.

Thought I'd post something positive for you to read, we can scare ourselves witless with what we read on the internet. The Dr did say that many women who have had children don't feel a thing and I do know someone who didn't feel anything with all three of her Mirenas.

All the best and I hope it all goes well for you xx


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2018, 03:58:17 PM »

Thanks to you all - reassuring to read. I have to say that I've deliberately not looked for stories on the internet in general, ironically it's only been stuff posted on here that's alarmed me!


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2018, 04:05:39 PM »

I had one in the past and I've never had children.  It was fine.  Just take a couple of your favourite pain killers about 45 minutes before your appointment.  If nothing else you will feel better knowing you did it. 

I spotted regularly for about 4 months.  Nothing major, just enough to need a panty liner.  I felt a bit low and slow for a couple of months too, but after that I forgot it was there and life was great. 

It will be fine.  Just try not to over analyse how you feel in the weeks after.  My GP at the time said I had to give it 6 months to settle.  But like I said, it was forgotten by 4 months and not a big issue before that either.


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2018, 12:24:46 PM »

Hi racjen

I had mine removed and replaced about a month ago and it was fine. Tiny bit painful at one point but it was over in seconds. I was uncomfortable for 24 hrs after which is understandable but have been absolutely fine ever since. No bleeding, a twinge every now and then for a couple of days. For me the Mirena has been the best contraception I've ever had. No pwriod, no side effects. Purely for HRT now though.

Good luck for Tuesday xxx


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2018, 04:50:10 PM »

It's funny really cos I always avoided anything like that in the days when I needed contraception- a brief spell on the pill made me very depressed, so I stayed away from anything hormonal and just used good old condoms. Now I don't need contraception I'm ending up with a coil....


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Re: Mirena fitting - eeeeek!
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2018, 10:45:28 PM »

I had one fitted two years ago, slightly uncomfortable but certainly hasn't put me off having another one.
I had 4.5 months of daily very light spotting and no other side affects, why I never had one in my fertile days I don't know!