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Author Topic: New and flustered  (Read 1259 times)


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New and flustered
« on: September 14, 2018, 08:40:19 AM »

Hello Everyone ,

My GP recommended this website when I saw her last week in floods of tears as I was sure I had some dire brain condition ! Been reading for a few days and feel much better  ::
Some background - I'm 52 and been peri since about the age of 46 , had loads different symptoms ,periods gradually faded away ( after being so heavy I was anaemic ) , last I saw was slight spotting last oct .
Have had a hectic few months , my daughter got married so wedding stuff to do and I found the hot weather really hard going . Then we went on holiday for two weeks , my sleeping had got worse , if I got 4 hours I thought I was doing well ,and it was boiling . First week was all good , then one day my husband said , why are you being so snappy ( hadnt realised I was ). Then I started not saying the words I was thinking at times or words would be mixed up . I PANICKED .This had never happened to me before and my anxiety went off the scale - the silly googling didnt help matters . So I was in a right old state . My husband said "this is  the menopause I can tell your hormones have changed " but anxious meno brain didnt believe him .
By the time we came home I had hardly slept and barely eaten , I walked into my house after 12 hours travelling and started opening the cupboards instead of the fridge and other things along those lines - I PANICKED AGAIN - was really scared ! ( funny though , while i was worrying about not be able to do stuff properly , the speech thing went away ).
Also I had a mildly upset tummy and felt the sort of tiredness you get after childbirth . And was starting  new job soon . Dehydrated ? Stressed ? Fatigue ?
And I reckon my hormones went off a cliff.....
So I end up at GPs .Have started on Evorel Conti patch . Only just though as had trouble with it sticking at first , but it must have been doing something as have had on/off period type dragginess , sleep does seem to have improved .  Still flushing but as i say only been couple days really ( and i notice now that when i have a funny five minutes , I usually flush afterwards !)
Anyway I'm feeling better every day ....much better than when I came home from docs and tried to get out of the car without undoing the seatbelt,.....

Well thats me so far , well done for sticking with it if you've got this far , sorry it wasnt meant to be so long !

Lemondrop xxx

ali 61

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Re: New and flustered
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2018, 09:49:39 AM »

Hello and welcome, Lemondrop.
I am pretty similar to you, in that I have only recently (3 weeks ago) started HRT and have been put on Evorel Conti patches.

I was getting lots of symptoms for a long time, and also thought there was something seriously wrong with me. (Googling symptoms gives you awful results!!!)
Finally saw my GP and he said "Menopause". I didnt really believe him at first, but found this site and realised he was right.

My first few weeks on the patch though gave me terrible stomach cramps. Really bad. So he advised me to cut the patch in half for a while.
I've done that and the cramps have gone.

So I am going to go slowly and gradually go up to a full patch, once my body is used to the hormones. (I've been post-meno for over 2 years)

I hope things settle down for you quickly. You'll find lots of helpful advice on here. xx

Dancing Queen

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Re: New and flustered
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2018, 10:15:47 AM »

Hi, It`s good to hear positive stories, fingers crossed mine will be too.  Less than 2 weeks ago I was a complete mess, bursting into tears at least 5 times a day, couldn`t see the point in anything. I had to insist on HRT (Doc wanted to give me antidepressants). Within 4 days of starting Femseven Sequi I realised I hadn`t cried for a whole day. I haven`t cried buckets since (tears have welled up from time to time but fought them off!) far. Not sure if it is psychological in that I was so desperate for it to work that I`ve convinced myself it has already or what. Just hoping I get to the end of the month cycle without any side effects. Having a few problems getting them to stick but still experimenting.  My life problems are still there but after about 6 months of being overwhelmed I feel I can start to try and tackle them.  Watch this space!


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Re: New and flustered
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2018, 02:42:38 PM »

Hi Ladies,

What I have found difficult is that I get used to one lot of symptoms , and then something different happens and throws me off again - I didnt even realise that "Brain fog " could be menopause related -duh- or even what it really was !
I think I always had health focused anxiety and this triggered it big time, so into a horrid spiral I go, anxiety and meno stuff all feeding off each other .
Aways seems to be worse first thing in the morning , I've no idea why ? Can anyone relate to this ?

Lemondrop xxx

ali 61

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Re: New and flustered
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2018, 03:20:19 PM »

I completely relate to your last post. Everything you said, exactly.
And I would Google everything. Big mistake!!
I always feel worse in the morning too. Now I just keep telling myself...."Its your hormones..Just your hormones"
Today I have exhaustion, headache and foggy head. "Its my hormones"!!!!