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Author Topic: New here with questions already!!!!  (Read 2243 times)


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New here with questions already!!!!
« on: September 10, 2018, 01:39:22 PM »

Hello ladies,

I'm new to the menopause and the board.  Here's my story: I'm 42 years old and have recently had my FSH levels checked and they were 88.8.  I was shocked because less than 18 months ago they were checked and they were 5 then.  I was getting regular periods every month until about 2 months ago then started having hot flashes and mood swings, the mood swings and anger was so bad at one point I set fire to my carpet in the living room.  I did a home fsh urine test and the results were kind of hard to read but it seemed positive so I went to see my GP and a week later had some blood tests done.  I have not had any children and always wanted them so when he told me I was shocked and have not been handling it very well - I drunk a bottle of wine all to myself the other day and slept for a couple of days following that as I felt quite ill.

 I've been doing some research and from what I can tell this isn't normal for my age, I shouldn't be going through this for another 10 years approximately.  Also the changes that I went through so quickly isn't go from being absolutely fine one year to being post-menopausal the next without anything in between...odd.  There is no early or premature menopause in the family and a lot of my female relatives had children in their 30s and 40s.  I do however have Chrons disease and from what I have read it can trigger off early or premature menopause.  I've also read that when premature menopause is suspected a second fsh blood test should be done within 4-6 weeks.  Does anyone know if that's just for premature menopause or also early menopause? My GP offered my hrt straight away but I said I'd think about it because of the cancer risk also at the moment I am taking soya isoflavones.

Nice to meet you all, any input would be gratefully appreciated.

Many thanks.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2018, 01:49:05 PM »

Hi - The FSH test is only a snapshot of that particular moment.  It can vary from one cycle to the next.  You could have a few months with no period and high FSH, then go back to periods and low FSH.  It is all very up and down  ::)

The increased risk, by taking hrt, of cancer is negligeable if you are under 50, and the benefits of delaying oestrogen deficiency are high.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2018, 01:54:12 PM »

Thanks, so am I right in thinking I should go back for a repeat test and/or see a gyny due to my being on the younger side?  I don't see the point in taking HRT unless I'm sure I'm menopausal. I know fsh levels can vary quite a bit but that much?  That's a huge jump from 5 -88.8! It's not normal surely, my GP didn't think so but didn't suggest a second test.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 01:58:44 PM by QueenOfCamelot »


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2018, 01:56:48 PM »

Hi - you mention post-menopausal. Has someone diagnosed you as this? You need to have had at least one year clear of periods to be post meno. My FSH reading was 167 and I still went on to have fairly regular periods for another couple of years.

dahliagirl gives good advice especially the health benefits from HRT at your age. The small risks from HRT don't begin until you are over the natural age of menopause (50/51) as before this age you are just replacing the oestrogen which your body should have been producing. FSH depends on where in your cycle the blood test is carried out. Can you remember why you had your FSH checked a year ago and at what point of the cycle it was done?

Peri-menopause can last for around eight years and usually begins in your early forties but first symptoms are quite subtle.

Lots of help and advice on here for you.

Taz x  :welcomemm:



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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2018, 02:01:04 PM »

It might be worth seeing someone if you want to conceive, and also how it may affect your Crohns, but otherwise the hrt should be fine.   You will probably need transdermal so there is less choice - look at the tabs above for a list.

I am not sure about the FSH test - the NICE Guidelines say to follow symptoms of you are the right age and you know it is happening now anyway.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2018, 02:08:08 PM »

Hi Taz (great name!)

Yes my GP said I was 'post-menopausal'.  Good point you made there my friend pointed that one out as well.  My levels were checked previously because I was planning to get pregnant, it didn't happen because I split up with my boyfriend shortly after.  I also had another test that measured the amount of eggs I'd be likely to have left and they came out as normal.  I forget what the test was called.  When I first saw my GP after the second test he looked at his computer screen and said my fsh levels were normal then 'oh no they're not actually they're menopausal.'

I had a look at the NICE guidelines and that's where I saw advice on getting a second blood test to confirm it within 4-6 weeks if 'premature' menopause is suspected.  I don't know if that means early menopause too, I'm still quite a bit younger than the average age.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2018, 02:17:23 PM »

You could always ask - it won't do any harm and it will be a way in for further dialogue.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2018, 03:28:25 PM »

You could always ask - it won't do any harm and it will be a way in for further dialogue.

Ask who what?


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2018, 03:57:58 PM »

Sorry - about getting another FSH test  ;D


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2018, 09:30:45 PM »

OK.  To be honest I might have to go back to the GP soon I'm having nasty palpitations tonight.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2018, 04:59:32 PM »

Ah yes - lots of threads on palpitations.  It get them more in the evenings, when I am trying to relax.  Sometimes it seems to be linked to hot flushes, feeling cold, and tingling.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2018, 08:50:34 PM »

Well, things have just gone from bad to worse now, my violent rage started up again, worse than ever causing me to accidentally cut my hand which bled for 3 hours.  I'm going back to the GP, making an emergency appointment and asking him to put me in HRT as things have gone too far now, Things are way too severe to wait any longer.  Can anyone tell me how long HRT takes to work?  Oh also I already have osteoporosis from steroids due to the Chrons so I'm thinking that's another good reason for HRT I don't want it to get any worse.  :sigh: Thanks.


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Re: New here with questions already!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2018, 07:16:40 PM »

Update since I last spoke...I managed to sleep for most of today and then get up to eat and take my soya isoflavones but did some more research online and yes, as I thought, you should get a second test to confirm the fsh levels are permanently spiked if you are still under the average age of menopause, I think this is wise even though I am suffering in a severe way because  don't want to take hrt if it's not necessary.  I don't even want to take too much soya if it's not necessary as you need to be off any products containing estrogen prior top the blood test.  I think this is wise guys given the sudden increase in my fsh levels.  If anyone disagrees with me or wants to add anything feel free only be gentle please coz I might snap unintentionally!  I am also very aware of how dangerous not treating my symptoms might be given their severity so want to have a back-up plan if it's not menopause as I want to avoid being sectioned.