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Author Topic: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx  (Read 1597 times)


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Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« on: September 05, 2018, 06:44:47 PM »

Hi everyone, its great to find this forum and site. What can I say...I feel like I am going crazy! Im 49, happily married with two lovely boys, I say a man now lol (19 and 14), I have always been a happy person, I love spending time with family and friends and socialising, but I feel my personality has changed so much over the last few months. This last year has been quite an emotional year; last November I lost a very close friend to liver cancer, I helped her family look after her for five months, a week after my friend passed my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, luckily after 6 months of treatment she was given the all clear, then two weeks after mums all clear my 19 year old sons best friend (and our surrogate son since he was 5) was diagnosed with bone cancer (osteosarcoma of the knee), he’s in the middle of treatment and is very sadly having to have his leg amputated next week to save his life :(. I feel like its been an emotional rollercoaster. Now for the bit where I sound like a doctors surgery....I’m almost embarrassed to list them all...but here goes. After mum’s diagnosis I started having the odd night sweat, at first I put them down the the trauma of mums illness, as I soon also started suffering with sleep problems and insomnia, but then I started suffering with reflux, lots of acid indigestion after meals and at night, feeling like food was going to get stuck especially if I ate alot of dry food, bloating, aching joints - especially in my feet, hands and neck, sinus problems, I started getting intermittent blurred vision, fuzzy headedness and forgetful, crushing fatigue and tiredness, palpitations, watery sore eyes, sore gums and mouth, sore breasts, vaginal dryness, intermittent painful sex and period type pain after sex, and my libido is dead! Along with all these crazy symptoms, emotionally, I am suffering with anxiety, primarily health anxiety, and convince myself regulary that I have a serious health has alot to answer for! I turn down or make excuses not to attend social events and don’t really enjoy anything that takes me away from home. I now walk my dog (Harv) when I know I won’t bump into people who may want to talk to me and I put off even going to the supermarket, I also text rather than call nowadays as I seem to have lost the art of conversation. I used to exercise regularly but now feel too tired most days and lack enthusiam for most things. I have been to my doctors, but I was so embarrassed to list all my problems, I just mentioned a few, he said it might be menopause...and I have just had blood tests for hormones levels, thyroid and iron...all came back normal with no further action necessary on my notes, obviously normal is good by I felt a tinge of disappointment that I couldnt now account for my symptoms :( but I’ve since read that the perimenopause often gives normal hormone readings too, has anyone else experienced all these symptoms but normal hormone readings?? main problem with diagnosis, is that I am on the progesterone pill, I was put on it for years of terrible period pain that sometimes lasted for two weeks before and after my period, this stopped my periods completely (as it does) which has been great not having the pain but I cannot monitor my periods properly now either, my doctor was reluctant to take me off of it because he said a dip in progesterone might add to my problems. Because of the breast cancer diagnosis with my mum, my doctor said he wouldnt like to put me on HRT even if tests showed that I was in the menopause, he recommended Black Cohosh, which I have been on for a couple of weeks now, and I have to say I feel a little more ‘with it’ but I’m still experiencing many of the other symptoms....I’d love to hear I’m not going crazy! Thanks for listening and reading xxx
« Last Edit: September 05, 2018, 06:48:46 PM by Chrissie1969 »


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2018, 07:48:19 PM »

What a tough time you're having.
All your symptoms sound very typical for peri meno. Black Cohash must be taken with caution - so called ‘natural' Remedies can give some nasty side effects.
Was your mothers breast cancer oestrogen receptive? Do try to find out.  If your mum is in her 70s (so very post meno when she developed her cancer) her cancer may well not have been oestrogen related and, if this is the case, then this would mean you are not at high risk and hrt would be an option for you.
Hrt is the first line treatment for menopause symptoms. Quality of life is very important and if flushes and night sweats (so poor sleep) are making life tough then hrt could really help. Hrt can benefit the heart and bones for the long term.
Do read up all the factual info on this site to get clued up. A referral to a gynae for more specialist advice might be a good idea.
Keep posting. DG x
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 06:48:24 AM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 10:23:07 PM »

Hello Chrissie! I could have written much of your post. I'm 46 and have had and continue to have many of your symptoms. Our stories are similar in that I have have bereavements and also breast cancer in Family (sister and aunt) so no HRT for me either. Health anxiety is ruining my life for days on end. I've been like this since I was 42/43 and it took me over two years to realise I was perimenopausal. I'm so sorry you feel this way. You are really not alone. I'll write more tomorrow. Got to go to sleep now because I need to get up about 3am to wander around the house being anxious  ::) ;D


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 07:04:45 AM »

Hi Chrissie. You will find lots of support on here. I feel that your GP is wrong to suggest that HRT is not suitable, purely on your mum's breast cancer diagnosis, as you have to have at least two close family members such as mum, aunt, sister, grandmother to put you at a higher risk. Also, the cancers need to be oestrogen receptive which many aren't so if you feel HRT is the way forward it's worth doing some research.

Agatha - so sorry to hear of your sister and aunts breast cancer.

Taz   :welcomemm:


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 11:21:44 AM »

Hello Chrissie and the other lovely ladies. It's a sunny day so I'm telling my anxiety that I'm busy today!! Seriously, my best prescription to curb my anxiety is being outside and keeping busy. Gardening is my go-to panic attack dispeller. But it's overwhelming and crippling and definitely hormonal for me and it has changed me (for the worse). No HRT for me, Chrissie, although very interesting articles in The Times this week about HRT and oestrogen which you might like to read. Anyone else read them? P.S. love Rooibos/Redbush tea. Acquired taste, but nice. Thanks Daisy Dot - you are my bra and beverage adviser!


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2018, 05:04:16 AM »

Thank you all so much for your kind words, encouragement and advice. Sadly, yes, mum's breast cancer was estrogen receptive and I have breast cancer on both sides of my family, and although my doctor said he wouldn't like to prescribe HRT, he did add that if the symptoms were outweighing the risk, he would, but he would just prefer not to, if I could manage with an alternative. Thank you, yes I have looked into the side effects of black cohosh, and the concerns over liver damage. I plan to only take it short term, have a break and give evening primrose and and royal jelly a go too. Thank you Daisydot, I'll certainly give the Rooibos tea a try!  :-*

I've been up since 4.30am...sorting socks to try and take my mind off of the pains in my foot and trying to refrain from another ‘google symptoms' check!  ;D


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Re: Hello and any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated xx
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2018, 07:47:12 PM »

Hello Chrissie1969 and welcome to the forum.

So sorry to hear about all your troubles, all that on top of the menopause is a lot to handle.

Like many ladies here I can relate to so many of your symptoms, especially the emotional ones. Back in the day when I was having daily headaches I found it easy to attribute these to the menopause so I wasn't too concerned and they did pass, however the emotional problems that have come along are more worrying and like you I struggle to socialise when feeling so ill at ease with myself and the world in general.

 Anything that can alleviate your symptoms is worth a try and I hope that you will soon be reporting back with success stories.

Take care.
