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Author Topic: Isoflavones and hrt patches  (Read 1020 times)


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Isoflavones and hrt patches
« on: September 05, 2018, 02:21:45 PM »

Does anyone use eat more isaflavones or take isaflavone supplements etc with their hrt??

I have a Mirena and 50mg Estrodot patch, and use estriol cream for vaginal dryness.

Struggling with tiredness and my weight. GP doesn't want to increase my patch at the moment, but I'm having a few breakthrough flushes here and there.

Has anyone found that upping isaflavone consumption has helped...I was reading they contain estrogen like substances which I was wondering whether they would help instead of upping my patch. Add a bit more ‘natural' estrogen from foods.

Getting lots of bloating and burping, at times, but not consistent with any particular food. Don't want to go crazy and start adding lots of beans as will probably make it worse.

Any thoughts ladies??
Thank you xx



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Re: Isoflavones and hrt patches
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2018, 03:45:56 PM »

hi !

i use isoflavines, black cohosh, red clover, asparagas, cod liver oil and just ordered Glucosamine!!.im a rattling with vitamins! i have zero idea if they are doing me any good but been on them a good few months now ...feel very nauseas ...came off hrt but now regretting it ..but its like stuck between a rock and hard place ..yeup i feel tirdeness too and so dizzy sinusy and next week im finally going to see docs if there is anything at all i can do to eradicate some symptoms at least, im kind of at the end of the tether with the burping..every morning on waking and through the day...whats that all about???? keep worrying if its an ulcer or something as never had this ever....let me know if you find an answer or anything that could help also going to try  daily yoghurt drink ( i tried but kids kept nicking them doh!)



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Re: Isoflavones and hrt patches
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 08:42:25 PM »

I have been taking Promensil (an isoflavone supplement) and phytoestrogen rich foods (soy, red clover tea, flaxseeds) for a year now. They have made a huge difference to me (I am 46 and peri). However, like all oral oestrogens, they reduce natural testosterone and hence affect libido. I added Tostram but my GP said I could not take Tostram long term (even though it gave me back my libido and was a good combination with my dietary estrogens). Therefore, I am switching to combined HRT in the next month and plan to ditch the isoflavones (which cost about £15-£25/month, depending on dose you take). But to answer your question, I am a fan of Promensil and diet to boost oestrogen levels naturally. They work.