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Author Topic: Chiropractic Adjustment  (Read 6635 times)


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Chiropractic Adjustment
« on: September 02, 2018, 10:18:36 AM »

Hi Ladies,
I visited a chiropractor on Friday, it was the initial appointment so no treatment was given.
I had posture pictures taken and a few tests and an extensive chat about my life! She did a SEMG scan of my spine.
I go back on Monday to discuss the findings, however she says that she wants to adjust my spine and pelvis.
I'm a little worried about this as I don't know what to expect, it's all making me a little anxious.
Has anyone had any experience of chiropractors?
I'd be grateful to hear.
Many thanks


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2018, 10:21:30 AM »

"adjust" means what exactly?  I would never allow anyone to mess with my spine unless under a general anaethetic with complete medical attendance.  My first question would be "How many people are paralysed World Wide with manipulation therapy?".  If she can't give you answers or avoids the question, walk away.  How much is she charging?  There are people who do trust themselves to these practitioners but as an orthopaedic secretary I am always wary. 

At least she did a 'scan', but SEMG means nowt to me  ::)

Why are you going, what symptom/s would you like to ease?  Is your GP aware?  Have you had physiotherapy .......... if I remember I will ask my colleagues about their take on osteo and chiropractors. 


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2018, 10:27:43 AM »

I remembered: have sent an e-mail to my colleague and a GP friend to get up-2-date advice.

Do you feel that there is any rush for treatment?


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 10:58:09 AM »

Yes I have suffered for years with my back. My lower back locked a couple of days ago. GP will only ever prescribe painkillers and anti inflammatory medication plus medication to alleviate the problems these mess cause to my stomach. I have a codeine allergy and intolerance to ibuprofen due to stomach issues. They refuse to scan so I thought I would try something different. I have had physio previously and I've also had an MRI for my neck which revealed disc degeneration and a bulging disc. I'm now at the point where constant pain is making me unwell and very anxious. I have a physical job in education and I need this sorting, hence looking for something alternative.


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2018, 11:45:41 AM »

Of course you need this sorted.  It's due to evolving upright .......... so lots of pressure from the head, which weighs I think 7lb? - plus compensation if footwear is badly fitted, even getting up from a chair can cause back problems.  I had my parents 'laid up' with back problems years ago: Dad flat out downstairs and Mum in their bed!  Mum had bent down to pick up a rug to shake  :o.  Dad had stepped awkwardly  :-\.

Myself - if I don't remember to kneel, especially with the laundry machines, I get sciatica.  Bugga ....... evolution has a lot to answer for!

I can't tolerate anything apart from Nurofen or Anadin ......... anything else either makes me ill or has no impact!

Which is best: sitting, gentle exercise, laying flat?


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2018, 02:32:53 PM »

Spangles, I have never been to a chiropractor, but have had my pelvis adjusted a couple of times by the osteopath. When he does the right hand side it makes me go "oof!" but is not exactly painful. It's fine on the other side. I never regard it as a big deal, but it is helpful for my own particular problem. Having said that, I've no idea if a chiropractor's technique is the same.

I too have been mucked about by the medical profession, by being given drugs for musculoskeletal problems in the past. My first port of call would now be my highly experienced and well qualified osteopath, and then the medics if necessary. Although I've never consulted a chiropractor, I know they take a holistic approach which is probably what is needed here.

CLKD is right that we need to be cautious, though. It's a good idea to check out a practitioner's qualifications.

JP x


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2018, 09:19:26 PM »

Hi Joaniepat,
The chiro is fully qualified and came by recommendation of a friend who also uses her.
Osteopaths tend to look at the whole body, whereas chiropractors look at the spine and the nervous system. However from the research I have done, both tend to do similar adjustments.


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2018, 09:50:05 PM »

It's always good to have a personal recommendation! Let us know how you get on, she sounds very thorough.

JP x


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2018, 10:29:35 PM »

Hi there..
Maybe a Tens machine to help pain, therefore allowing you to be mobile and no need for oral medication.... Costs about 20.00 from a pharmacy... Pilates to help core strength too.
Hope it helps


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2018, 10:32:45 AM »

>wave< Woodlands


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2018, 05:22:04 AM »

Hi Ladies,
Well..... This is how it went.........
To cut a very long story short:
Various torsions and mis aligned vertebrae, locked sacral joint in pelvis? Severe issues in neck, (already investigated), curve in spine doe to compensating for injuries.
Had spine and pelvis adjusted, took 4 minutes £38, thank you!
Treatment plan:
3 sessions a week (5 mins max) £38 a session) for 4 months!
Monthly progress scans £75 each
Grand total was over £2000!!!!
I don't think so, chiro didn't seem to understand that I don't have that kind of disposable income! She is of the thinking that if I want my back better I will find the money no matter what! When I asked if once or twice a week would work she said no.
Although she came highly recommended, I won't be going back, I think she's ok but I have nothing to compare, also I think there is an element of 'making money' there too


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2018, 08:04:34 AM »

Spangles, I'm sorry to hear you had such a poor experience with the chiropractor. Yes, definitely sounds like a 'profits before patients' practice. The only suggestion I have, when you have recovered financially from this experience, is to try an osteopath or perhaps physiotherapist. Was your chiropractor working alone? I always feel a bit suspicious of lone operators, although I expect that is unjustified. It's just how I feel.

I am off to the osteopath today for a lower back problem that has developed recently (my own fault, done whilst gardening 10 days ago). Can't get an appointment with my usual bloke, who always does a good job on my foot, so am seeing someone else at the same practice. I don't know if he will be as good, we'll see. They charge £45 for a half hour session. Frequent sessions have never been suggested.

JP x


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2018, 01:31:16 PM »

One thing to note is that osteopaths have the toughest training, it’s apparently second only to Law. (I had a client who almost had a breakdown getting through the training so I learnt a lot about it from their perspective). Not sure chiros would thus have the same knowledge but it does come down to the individual and if you weren’t impressed by the one session I think I thats a good rule to try something else.

I personally found chiro a waste of time but was wowed by osteo when I had treatments back in the day.


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2018, 01:49:57 PM »

That's interesting dangermouse, didn't know that!

I've just had quite a good experience with my new one. Examination, diagnosis, manipulation, massage and myofascial release, all the usual stuff. Problem explained and demonstrated on model skeleton. I am expecting a bit of inflammation over the next day or two so treated myself to a new gel pack. Been given an exercise to do, discussion about bone health, reminders about posture. I have another appointment for Monday to check progress and see if anything further needs doing.  I thought I got my money's worth at £45.

JP x


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Re: Chiropractic Adjustment
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2018, 05:57:45 PM »

If I am correct, a NHS Consultant who also wants to practice in the Private Sector can only be part-time in the NHS.  So if she/he wishes to do something during their off-duty hours they can continue to give advice where patients pay.  Or they could be keeping sheep, cycling, gardening on their off-time.

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