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Author Topic: Palpitations after eating  (Read 4287 times)


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Palpitations after eating
« on: August 31, 2018, 05:34:31 PM »

Once again looking for some advice. Whilst palpitations have always been my worst sympton of the menopause - and I'm now 64 years, 5 years post menopausal and still getting them.
 😬 Lately I have had them a few times after I eat.?!? I had my gall bladder out 20 years ago so it's not that. I've noticed a bit of gurgling on my righthand side under my rib sometimes.
I'm not on HRT.
Has anyone else experienced this? 😳


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2018, 07:25:27 PM »

Oh blimey, yes!

I'm having to put up with a heart rate of approx. 125bpm with forceful beats after eating anything at the moment! I think mine is worse as my CNS has taken a battering after trying (and failing) to tolerate Venlafaxine but it was a problem even before that.

Low estrogen definitely is connected to palpitations and a higher heart rate. Providing your GP has checked you over and all is good, I can recommend trying a supplement of Magnesium Glycinate which helps to calm the heart, as well as being generally relaxing. It's nature's calcium channel blocker, as well as having a reputation for being nature's valium too.😃

If it is gut related, it could also be GERD. Excess stomach acid stimulates the vagus nerve and this can certainly cause palps and all kinds of uncomfortable sensations after eating. Again - a visit to your GP is best to have a chat and a check over so that they can advise suitable treatment. xxxx


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2018, 07:26:26 PM »

Sparkle - what you said! We posted at the same time! ;) xxxx


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2018, 07:49:11 PM »

Oh bless you, Daisydot! It's a total bu##er, ain't it???

And it's kinda sickening when you have to keep paying fo these tests, too - It's either that or months of agony and traipsing to and fro to the GP for months on end and getting nowhere.  :( xxxx



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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2018, 12:49:27 PM »

Thanks Daisydot for answering. I would be interested to hear if they find anything with your blood test.
Sounds like a horrible time you're having too.
I do think it has something to do with Oestrogen levels. I'm still getting flushes, nightsweats and the usual heart flutterings etc. I get bad bloat some days and although on two vagifem a week I still have a sore bladder?!?! I tried HRT but wasn't for me.
I'll keep a look out for your next posting. 😉 x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2018, 12:55:36 PM »

Hi Sparkle I think you're right about the vagus nerve. I googled it and think I might make an appointment with the Doctor. Meanwhile I'll eat smaller portions. So scary when you have palpitations brought on by eating. I have palpitations and flutterings anyway -but this was definitely my stomach that was palpating.
I have had three ecg's in the past to rule out any problems there. 😉 x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2018, 01:02:31 PM »

Hi Tempest, that sounds awful what you're going through. I do take magnesium glycinate. I've taken it for over a month. I take two capsules a day which is 200 mgs.

Can I ask how much you take? I do occasionally have to take Gaviscon and in the distant past had a stomach ulcer.

If it continues I will see the Doctor. But if you can let me know how much magnesium you take I would be grateful.  😉 x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2018, 07:54:34 PM »

Sparkle I totally agree “bloody hormones” I have tried everything, hrt, herbal medicines, I eat well and exercise and yet I've had a bad menopause.  I have friends who drink lots of coffee, alcohol and don't have a great diet yet have sailed through the menopause? Just have to get through it the best you can.
😉 x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2018, 08:24:52 PM »

Yes Carol me too ! This has been an ongoing problem for me and there's no improvement.  It puts me off going for those meals where you sit at the table after for the evening.  I feel faint and that starts anxiety.

I've seen 2 cardiologists as I've been dosgnosed with arrhythmia and told 2 slightly different things but both seem feasible and make me know that I don't imagine it

1) when we eat we send blood to stomach to aid digestion so less is pumped to the brain = light headedness

2) when we fill our tummies it squashes the artery running down there so blocking blood to brain

I can eat a large meal at home (or anywhere) if I can either lay down after or get up and walk about

But those invitations where you're eating at that table with a group of people who want to stay seated for the evening absolutely fills me with dread

When we're abroad I order a starter as my main meal and deal well with that x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2018, 10:17:52 AM »

Oh Annie0710 honestly it's all a nightmare.
 I'm making sure I don't overload my tummy now. I'm already plagued with heart flips/palpitations which they put down to menopause (although I'm post meno for five years ) - but when I got palpitations after eating and it was palpating in the stomach area I thought,what the heck now?🤷🏼‍♀️
Thank goodness for this website it's so reassuring when you know others have had similar and they can tell you what works for them etc. 😉 x


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2018, 01:18:24 PM »

I have slow transit which is difficult to live with sometimes.  Sometimes if I eat fast I feel sick  >:(


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2018, 03:09:04 PM »

Hello There,

I can equate what all of you are saying (bloody hormones)!

As I get older, I could write a book with the numerous meno symptoms and sometimes I feel as if I'm going mad!

My latest problem is palpitations, I'm 59 nearly 6 years post menopause and I hate it when people say "Really?" surely you should be finished with all that by now?  Do you really truly believe those women who say they sailed through it?  Probably they didn't but were afraid to admit it!

I find that even after all this time, I still have a cycle of sorts in that, at certain periods of the month is't like my old friend, PMT paying me a visit and I become totally irrational and very, very anxious.  Then the palpitations start and the more I panic about them, the worse they get!

I'm not on any medication, feel as if I have come far on my post meno journey that I don't want to start taking HRT now.  I am interested in the magnesium glycinate supplement and will ask my doctor about that.

it's good to hear from like minded women like you lot who can be honest and open about how crappy they feel.  In my experience, doctors these days are reaching for the prescription pad before you can say menopause and think anti depressants are the answer, they are not.

I honestly feel that my oestregen levels must be at rock bottom by now and that in turn is making my palpitations worse.

I used to suffer from vaginal athropy but discovered the wonderful company YES. It has improved things no end!



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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2018, 07:26:49 AM »

OMG donnarob, this sounds soooo.... like me. I am 64 and 5/6 years post menopausal.  Palpitations have been my worst nightmare.

 I have had 3 ecg's and 24 hour monitor also the 48 hour monitor in the past.  Just two days ago I went down to the doctors again regarding them - I had them for 6 hours, of course by the time I got to the doctors which is 30 miles away they had abated.

 He has put me down for the 72 hour monitor when it's available.
I can honestly say I have had palpitations since the beginning of my menopause - they might go away for a couple of weeks but they always come back.

I tried HRT but it didn't work for me. I have tried all the different types of magnesium and at the moment been taking magnesium glycinate for 2 months and no difference.
I am the only one in my group of friends to still be having nightsweats, flushes etc. They all seem to have sailed through the menopause and one didn't even notice?!🙇🏼‍♀️

Everytime I have a bout of palpitations I think that's my oestrogen levels fallen further and it feels  cyclical to me too at times.

 I also have vaginal atrophy which gives me a tender bladder. After a hospital visit I did start taking vagifem pessaries 2 twice a week plus I use Yes occasionally.

Last night I fell asleep only to be woken by palpitations, fortunately they didn't last long but I always have then to go to the loo ( bowels ) because I get anxious. What a nightmare!

So glad you got in touch with your story. 😘


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2018, 08:18:31 AM »

Daisydot you are being put through the mill with all of this. I had similar symptoms to what you're having about 20 years ago and it was a diseased gall bladder. Have you had that checked?

The doctor looked at my bloods again and said everything was normal and was surprised at my good levels of vitamin d - here on the West Coast of Scotland we don't get a huge amount of sun. I had a b12 test done on it's own last year and was normal too.

Thanks for getting back to me I do appreciate it. My first port of call now before the doctors is menopause matters. 😉
Hope you feel better soon. 😘


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Re: Palpitations after eating
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2018, 09:37:35 AM »

 That's funny we are both from Scotland. 😂

Brilliant you've had everything scanned and all your organs are healthy - that is so reassuring.

I think my problem is oestrogen depletion because some days I am perfectly fine.

It's like every few weeks it starts up again.

I have used Jan di Fries products in the past. I have used  Vogel sometimes too. I look at the reviews and people say how brilliant they feel so I buy it and think it's the answer to everything but rarely has it it's on to the next thing. It's all a lottery eh. 🙇🏼‍♀️

Take care. 😘

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