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Author Topic: Newbie to Menopause  (Read 1705 times)


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Newbie to Menopause
« on: August 17, 2018, 07:49:33 PM »

Am finding all the comments I am reading quite overwhelming and dont know where to start.

I went on to HRT last year and all was good.  Recently had a breast cancer scare and was told to stop taking HRT for 1 month before op.  Had the cells removed and turns out they werent the cancerous ones and begnine so all is good. Happy days!

Thought was all ok but after a 6 week after stopping HRT hot flushes started to return.  I started to take Menoserene from Healthspan which at first worked well, but I am still having some heat moments, especially at night.

Spoke to my doc who said my cells werent related to HRT and there was  no reason why I couldnt carry on taking it.  Have a step sister who is a mid wife and she has family history of breast cancer, but she says stay clear of HRT.

So feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Do I go back to HRT - gut reaction says no! What else can I take/do to help me sleep.  apart from the wine (only at weekends).

IF you can point me to some useful topics I can read/discuss would be grateful.


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Re: Newbie to Menopause
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 08:56:46 PM »

Hi alpaca,
I would say only you can make that decision,nobody can tell you what to do for the best,I would say if you can cope with the symptoms then I wouldn't take it,but a lot of us can't so we have to take it,whatever your decision I wish you well.

          Lisa xx


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Re: Newbie to Menopause
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2018, 10:04:36 PM »

I agree Daisydot.
If you want to go for it Alpaca, trust your GP - seems you have a good one! Transdermal is best. If you decide against it, apparently magnesium is good for helping sleep. I'm going to try it myself soon, and I'm on HRT! Jx


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Re: Newbie to Menopause
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2018, 09:07:47 AM »

Thank you for all your replies.  Has anyone used Black Cohosh.   Daisydot, my step sister is very responsible and has read all the papers she could find on the topic.  She chooses not to take it because of the risks involved and her family history.

I will speak to the doc about Transdermal and do a bit of reading up as havent come across that one.


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Re: Newbie to Menopause
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2018, 09:31:24 AM »

Hi Alpaca, I tried most herbal remedies including black cohosh, I had stomach problems with it and I also read that it can cause problems with your liver. I used to get it through an online herbal shop but they stopped providing it due to the risks.
I was dead against HRT as I was worried about all the side effects and felt I was delaying the inevitable but i realised that HRT is widely researched (unlike a  lot of 'natural' products) and also that quality of life is just so important so I a now taking it.
 Do you have any family history of breast cancer ? It is entirely your decision but I would listen to your gp rather then your step sister especailly as you found that it helped you before. I have found that  a lot of people who are negative about HRT are either not actually menopausal or had a really easy time.
good luck


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Re: Newbie to Menopause
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2018, 07:13:48 PM »

Yep, there are a lot of people who are very negative about hrt, but there again there are always people who find the bad in everything.
Ultimately, it is your decision, but I figured a while ago that life in the here and now is what is important. Yes , you may get something down the line, but you might get something totally unrelated to hrt, run over by a bus or live until you 100- none of us know, but we ladies sure do know how we feel right now!
I started hrt a while back, i was having lots of symptoms that were seriously annoying to the point i was happy to lay on the sofa all day inert....and sweated all night.
People are very happy to provide ‘advice' when its not them it's happening to!