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Author Topic: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse  (Read 3253 times)


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It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« on: July 24, 2018, 09:02:24 PM »

Hi All.....

Trying to get through the hell of this as we all are..... being going through this the last two years... seen 3 specialists ..but still not sorted

Currently on Estrogel (2 pumps) and 30 mg Projesterone…. still not sorted...

Keep swinging between Physical and mental symptoms.... trying to work out which one is the culprit Est or Prog

Feel like losing my mind, down , gloomy , suicidal thought.... so anxious cannot cross the road let alone driving.....cannot stand the mental symptoms

Still get flushes, sweaty hands/feet, greasy hair (day after washing) , nervous stomach etc...

Have no life , had to pack in work, cannot go anywhere by myself.... uncontrollable crying … not wanting to be hear any more...

Anyone have an idea which hormone is too much , driving the depression, doom and gloom etc

Big Hugs


Try to work out which one is too much, one need to increase , and ideas ?


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 09:15:43 PM »

Hi yriches 65.

Im so sorry to hear your suffering so much.
I don't know anything about your hrt, as I'm on the pill version.
But I think you need more oestrogen, As low oestrogen can make you feel like you do.
I had to increase my hrt due to most of the symptoms you have, and now I feel ‘fine'.

Someone with more knowledge will post soon.
Hang on in there, and hopefully you'll soon get sorted.
I and all the other ladies on here know what your going through and your not on your own,
Keep posting........

Jd x


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2018, 03:22:39 AM »

Hi yriches65

Sorry to hear you are having problems.
It more than likely the progesterone which one are you using and do you take it continuously.

Lanzalover x



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2018, 06:37:20 AM »

HI Lanzalover,

The progesterone currently using is the Emertia Progesterone cream, at the moment using continuously

Big Hugs



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2018, 11:06:56 AM »

Hi yriches65,
I have felt like you do and I'm still not there yet,I don't know about progesterone cream,I had a private consultation and was told I am progesterone intolerant,I have tried lots of different hrt,but I had the mirena coil fitted yesterday and I am on 6 pumps of estrogel,as my consultant says my estrogen levels need to be between 600 and 700 to get rid of my symptoms,last test they were 120 so was told to increase from 4-6 pumps,getting them tested again in 2 weeks,so from what I have learned I would say you need more estrogen and maybe a review of your progesterone,maybe a sequential regime would be better,or a different progesterone,I did one cycle of provera and that was ok. Hope this helps and you feel better soon xx


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2018, 08:52:52 AM »

For a long time, (about a year now) conventional wisdom has told me to increase oestrogen to prevent my symptoms which are many.  I was told that I could be progesterone intolerant as I couldn't cope with the Utrogestan and can honestly say it was awful.  I was on 50mcg estradot have tried increasing the oestrogen to 75mcg and it made me really ill.  I then had a jaydess coil fitted.  Things began to get a little better but far from good.  Then the specialist thought that it could be my own cycle still causing problems (still peri) so I have been prescribed Synarel to suppress oestrogen, the plan then was to rely upon the patches to try and get some consistency.  It should be noted that my oestrogen levels were not high and at the lower end of the acceptable range apparently.

Whilst it would seem counterintuitive, reducing my oestrogen (even though it is already suppressed with Synarel) has been the best move yet.  I am currently on 37.5mcg estradot, synarel, one nasal pump in the morning, one in the evening and the jaydess coil.  Proportionately, I feel most like the old me about 70% of the time currently and this is the best solution so far although not "there" yet.  Indeed, the next step would be to test increasing the progestin a little to see if that gets better. 

The specialist said that some people really do not thrive on the classical oestrogen levels and that the balance with progesterone can be much more than just endometrial clearance although this must be carefully considered and the risk of the jaydess coil being slightly less than the licensed mirena.  Regular scans (twice a year) will mitigate that risk. 

Hope this helps.


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2018, 12:55:16 PM »

Hi All,

Many thanks for the comments and support...

Decided to take a progesterone break last night, still took the 1 pump of Estrogel….slept better... previous nights were getting worse again....

woke up mood and mind was better

Only put Estrogel on this morning,

Stiil mind and mood better than the other days, at least i don't want to end it all today, but the physical symptoms are worst

Feel tired but cannot relax
Stomach very nervous
Hands and Feet very sweaty
No cravings for sweet things..

Doing my head in as to which way it is going, know i need to give a couple of days to see if settles... before the prog back on

Big Hugs and kisses



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2018, 03:55:04 PM »

Hi All,

Also I seem to get over anxious/nervous/excited at the slightest thing and cannot control it ….

Sweating getting worse again today :-( doesn't help with the heatwave

Big Hugs



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2018, 11:02:58 AM »

Hi All,

Spent two days of the Progesterone....

On the second day gradually got worse :-( , had bad ticking start again, couldn't stop my head from shaking.

So went back on the progesterone that evening (15mg) along with the 1 pump Estrogel..

didn't sleep too bad....

Next day ticking had stopped.... mood okish in the morning

Noticed sweaty hands and feet had stopped, bone dry :-)....

However as they day went on struggled  with my mood more , dark clouds and thoughts...

Uncomforable in myself struggling to sit down....

Put both Estrogel and Progesterone on last night...

Got to sleep okish.. and slept ok..... but woke with real down mood...this isn't goint to get sorted and only answer to all this is to end it all

Have been of Estrogel for 9 weeks.... on 1 pump, increased to 2 pumps 2 weeks ago...

Losing the plot at the moment as to which one is at fault , don't feel like i can win, when change get about 1 day of ok good spell then lose it

Any idea's ???? wondering if 2 pumps of Estrogel is too much for me ??

Big Hugs



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2018, 11:37:39 AM »

Yriches, unless you medically need it I feel that you really have to stop the progesterone completely and let the estrogel settle and do it's work.

The progesterone will darken your mood - and lessens the effects of the estrogen. The rule of thumb is get your estrogen right first, and then see if anything else needs adding.

If you're really feeling desperate, please phone 111 TODAY and seek help. There is no shame in that at all! I'm just concerned that you can keep yourself safe. xxxx
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 11:40:44 AM by Tempest »


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2018, 05:08:22 PM »

Hello yriches65.

You are not alone in your struggles or indeed your meno symptoms. Like you I have not known which way to turn wondering which hormone needs to be increased or reduced.  I completely understand your frustration and despair. It's not you it's the hormones and the fact that so many  other women have similar experiences is proof of that.

Unfortunately I don't have the solution for you and I agree with Tempest that you must keep yourself safe. Hopefully you'll take comfort from the fact that other ladies have been where you are and are now fine and living a life free from hormonal upheaval.

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2018, 06:38:17 PM »

Do you mind me asking where you got the progesterone cream from? xx


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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2018, 08:11:29 PM »

Hi All,

Many thanks for your replies and support.....

With regards to the Estrogel, have tried to get by a couple of times with just the Estrogel...

Last year started with the Estrogel....

But shortly after starting, had large amounts of  vaginal discharge, thrush like symptoms and was all swollen down there

Also continuously crying and wanting to die....

Started of on 1 pump, then quickly moved to 2 pumps and then 3 pumps per day over a number of weeks

Eventually it felt like i had a cannonball between my legs, took thrush treatments etc just in case but no joy.....

Then started to apply small amounts of progesterone, which helped the situation slightly, with some continious improvements......

Then it all went wrong .... eventually weaned myself of all the HRT to see if could cope with nothing....

Still problems with nothing , which did a Salvia test which came back Estrogen deficient, Progesterone was low also....Testosterone was ok

So thought would give the HRT another go.... with Estrogel and Prog, gently working my way back up....

Recently increased the 2 pumps... soon breasts sore, sweaty hands and feet, throbbing sensation and discomfort down there, also vaginal discharge....Also since going back on the HRT feel like a lump in throat, more difficult swollening pills...

Applying Prog seemed to help...then seem to loose it and go the other way.... since going back on the Prog the other day.... throbbing down there and discomfort has eased.

Only chance i get sleep is via sleeping pills :-( ...

Have tried the Estrogen on its own, but causes symptoms which increasingly get worse.... kept it stable at 1 pump for 6-7 weeks before increasing to 2 pumps.

Big hugs



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Re: It the Esrogen or Projesterone making me worse
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2018, 09:16:56 PM »

Hi Lisa1966

Got the Prog cream from

Big Hugs
