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Author Topic: Need some words of comfort please.  (Read 4459 times)


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Re: Need some words of comfort please.
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2018, 08:57:41 AM »

There is a great book recommended to me by a good GP I used to see ‘Mindfulness' and it's by 2 doctors, I think one is called Mark Williams.
The are also some Mindfulness sessions on YouTube - it tends to be about finding a method that works for you but the book is a great starting point.
A sexual health doctor is ok but in my experience won't necessarily understand about the complexities of urogenital atrophy in menopause as this is quite specialised. The skin thins, the flora balance in the vagina becomes more prone to infection and I find the thrush treatments can often cause more discomfort in the long run as they irritate the already delicate skin in that area. This is why I use the Multi Gyn as a preventative and early treatment - it stops the thrush in its tracks. I've recommended it to so many women in this forum and many have reported that it really helps. Just remember it will burn initially when first applied.  The Vagifem will plump up the skin making it more resilient and the oestrogen will also stimulate the vaginal area to produce some more natural secretions - although this won't be at the level it used to be when in our reproductive years. The current vaginal Moisturisers (there are only 2-3 that were deemed truly suitable when tested) can and do make a big difference as well. Many moisturisers coming on the market now, and even the oestrogen creams, have fillers that easily irritate the delicate skin.
Coconut oil can be good but I find it a bit greasy - so use sparingly. Vasoline will also be ok but it's a bit thick.
When you next see this doctor, see if you can get the Vagifem (make sure she writes to your GP to have this put in you regular prescription list) and you may even get SYLK in prescription. SYLK, the YES products and Replens are the 3 types of moisturiser that are generally prescribed on the NHS but I suspect they will remove these soon as they will be deemed something patients can buy for themselves online. What you need it to restore the whole area to a more healthy environment and this can take 3-6 months.
This problem is probably very widespread but women either believe this is something they have to put up with or they are too embarrassed to see their doctor about it. This forum
Is trying to change this.
I am lucky, after years if problems I moved to the seaside and my local
Practise had a practise nurse who immediately told me , very firmly, that I needed Vagifem. I have subsequently heard from other ladies that she has told them the same thing!!  She is helping so many women in this area and probably helping to prevent the awful bladder problems, due urogenital atrophy, that many women suffer from as they age - as Vagifem will help the bladder as well. Vagifem should be offered  for all women once menopause hits.
Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Need some words of comfort please.
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2018, 12:43:58 PM »

Hi again Dancing Girl and thanks for all the very useful information. Actually the Dr is a GP at my practice & im going back to see her in 2 weeks.

What's really worrying me today is that the pain was getting better yesterday following the fluconazole on Friday morning but today it's gone worse though not as bad as Thursday night. I really hope it'll settle again within the next few days - I've read fluconazole can take up to 7 days to get rid of the thrush. I'm worried about using the Muti gyn since the Dr said not to use anything that might make the soreness worse.

Has anyone any experience of fluconazole please?


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Re: Need some words of comfort please.
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2018, 04:49:40 PM »

I have used this standard thrush treatment many times and I'm afraid it does cause some discomfort. Whilst it can clear the thrush it will also leave the vaginal area very uncomfortable especially if you have atrophy - you won't be producing any natural lubrication to help clear away the chemical treating the thrush and it won't restore the natural flora balance.

Of course you must follow this doctors instructions but I'm afraid she doesn't seem to understand about the lack of natural flora and secretions due to menopause.  You could try a bit of coconut oil just around the external area and push a little up inside - this might be soothing and coconut oil is anti bacterial. As I said, I treat and prevent thrush with the Multi Gyn Actigel these days as one time, when I went to the GUM clinic because things were so bad, the doctors actually mentioned Multi Gyn as something many women found helpful.  It really won't effect anything if you were to use some Multi Gyn Actigel in a day or so or perhaps try the SYLK -  they may help make you feel more comfortable.  I'm afraid until you start the Vagifem, and have used it for some weeks, it may take some time to get things back to normal.
Urogenital atrophy is very distressing at times - at least you haven't had the repeated UTI type symptoms yet - so many of use know exactly what you are going through.
Keeps posted. DG x
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 06:16:34 PM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: Need some words of comfort please.
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2018, 05:11:33 PM »

I found I got horrible groin pain when I tried fluconazole and that's when out of desperation I switched to coconut oil,I put some inside nightly,moulded into a pessarie by storing jar in fridge as it solidifies, I put some outside as much as I needed daily around 6 times a day I bottle washed after peeing and reapplied the coconut oil, then every night I took a teaspoon orally.i did this for two weeks.This was the only way I could get healed enough to brave the vagifem and estriol poor thing I know how you must be feeling right now but you can beat it use combinations of anything the ladies suggest on here the gps are not always up to speed.good luck x
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