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Author Topic: New to this group  (Read 2600 times)

Jc Lionhead

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New to this group
« on: May 29, 2018, 12:01:06 PM »

Hi Everyone I am 46 47 in a couple of months and my gosh have I been suffering. My GP well a Locum Dr wouldnt let me have my cerelle pill which I had taken for over 7 years because my BP was high! so I came off it for about 8 months and last month I was at my wits end Bleeding heavy on and off like a tap and bleeding most days. so I was put on transexamic acid beofre i went back on cerelle in Feb and they worked and it kept away for 2 weeks for it to then return so I pretty much put up with the bleeding cause I was too scared to take those tablets due to the reviews. Anyway as I say I went to DR last month and she put me back on the pill and did tell me that the bleeding may continue til I am on 3rd packet as takes so long to get back into your system. She called me couple of weeks ago and asked if the bleeding had settled which no it hadnt and although it was a lot more manageable it was still going think I bled for about 38 days non stop. So she prescribed Norethisterone they helped a bit but still spotted and only kicked in when I had finished them! ( only on them for 7 days) so last saturday it reared its head again and bleeding buttt only during the day and stopped all night same sunday and yesterday I bled all day only light though. today flow is a bit heavier so I have taken transexamic acid as its getting on my wick and I am getting so sore down below for wearing pads all the time  :( :( :( so for the next four days I will take these transexamic acid as these seem to work for me even if I take one dose but course last time I took them I wasnt on cerelle! so we shall see Dr is calling me on the 5th June so will see what next cause of action is she has said a scan which I do not really want I am so scared they will find something wrong been so stressed about it. Am I only the only suffering like this. The period pain is also driving me nuts HELPPPPPP not sure if I have hormone imbalance or hitting menopause Dr hasnt suggested any blood tests so maybe I should request some?? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated please xx


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2018, 01:33:04 PM »

A scan is the next step to check for the thickening in the womb which may have built up to cause the bleeding.  Ladies here should be along with advice about that.

In the meantime read the 'treatment' section above.  Make notes!

Jc Lionhead

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Re: New to this group
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2018, 03:29:17 PM »

Thanks. Yes a scan I am so scared to have though :(


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2018, 10:01:25 PM »

I'm surprised that no one else has made a comment to you  >:(  :-\

Maybe ring the Dept to see what a scan actually entails?  Or make an appt. with your Practice Nurse for clarification?


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2018, 10:18:01 PM »

It could just be a fibroid or your body suddenly reacting to the drop
in constant progesterone. Heavy bleeding can be very common in peri and the pill may have been suppressing it enough.

I'm sure the pill will kick back in soon but in the meantime the scan will check the source of the bleeding in case there are more options like fibroid removal. Please don't worry!


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2018, 10:19:46 PM »

R U worried about the procedure or the results?

Jc Lionhead

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Re: New to this group
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2018, 09:35:03 AM »

Thank you all for your comments its much appreciated. Yes I am scared of the actual procedure I havent had a smear in 7 years yes I kn ow bad of me but because I find it sooo uncomfortable and it actually hurts me, last time i had a smear they made me bleed it was awful. But yes I scared of having the scan and hearing the results as I am convincing myself its cancer. I have been up half the night hot sweats and leaking like a tap took Transexamic acid yesterday I took 2 dose's and it hasnt touched it I am still bleeding. So I am awaiting Dr phone call as i am so upset about it I just want it to leave me alone. I feel totally exhausted that i am wondering if I becoming aneamic I have had no blood tests!!! so I am going to suggest it today when Dr calls me. I just want to get back to normal this is all thanks to this Locum Dr who took me off it and said to try and have break!! I won't ever do that again :(


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2018, 09:40:33 PM »

Hi not sure if i'm doing this right as i'm anew member but been on Elleste duet Conti  tablets for 1.5 years now but recently over the last 3 months my hot flushes have been a total nightmare came off them now for 2 weeks still getting hot flushes headaches my BP is really high and under doctor and cardiology consultant as not going down wondered if it is worth asking my doctor to up my dosage any advice would be great fully appreciated thanks in advance.


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2018, 09:51:40 PM »

JcL - it's common for us to be worried about the end result but worrying won't solve anything.  It is better to know what 1 is dealing with hence the need for various tests. 

tyna - browse round, maybe put the name of the product into the search box to see what pops up?

Jc Lionhead

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Re: New to this group
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2018, 09:20:51 AM »

yes your so right, I saw my Dr yesterday who has prescribed Norethisterone for 3 weeks andhopefully my cerlle will of kicked in and this bleeding stops. She has arranged for me to have iron levels and thyroid tested thats on Tuesday June 5th and then we will see after the last packet of cerelle if they stop the flow if not then scan will be arranged and also smear test will be arranged so the Dr is sorting me out slowly but just want this over with and get on with my life its not fun getting older  :(


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2018, 09:55:24 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Jc - I do think you should be asking for a scan to check what's going on - has the doctor not suggested this?  This kind of heavy and erratic bleeding is not uncommon in the peri meno stage but things should be checked in case there are fibroids or polyps that need treatment.

Blood tests for hormone levels are not always reliable with peri meno but it would be worth checking your levels to see what is going on - why not phone the surgery and ask if these can be checked with this blood test? 

The Mirena may be a good option to help with the heavy bleeding and if you do have a fibroid the Mirena can shrink them and prevent more developing.

You need a scan - so ask for this.  Prolific bleeding is draining and can make you anaemic - your health and welding is very important.  DG x

Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2018, 08:47:03 PM »

Thankyou for the reply my Bp has been on the high side today especially 1st think this morning when i woke up it was 183/117 has gone down a little back to doctors on monday my hot flushes have been horrendous today and the weather isnt helping.


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2018, 09:01:48 PM »

My DH bought a BP machine and measured his at 7.30 a.m. prior to eating.  For several years  ::).  The results shown to his GP were OK.


Shona kramer

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Re: New to this group
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2018, 10:11:22 PM »

Hi guys im new im 57 ive had burning skin .limbs .****ly and cold sensations 22 months now i found this forum by chance and was blown booked to see a neurologist on 9th july and have nerve conduction tests same day.ive not had a period 7 years now and i lost 4 family members ladt year only months apart including my Husband and wee Grandson at my wits end .ive gone on b12 nuggets as i read they can help aslo a chiropractor.i was supposedly diagnosed with shingles with no rash on right thigh when all this started any help would be much apprecisted as its doing my head in .it becomes noticeable when i sit or lie down my chiro reckons its not ms as ive no other symptoms and he said hes seen many


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Re: New to this group
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2018, 11:33:12 PM »

Hello Shona kramer,

I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your loved ones in such a short time, that must have triggered your symptoms.

They are all related to what is called peripheral neuropathy, which can have many different causes like diabetes and other metabolic problems, connective-tissue disorders and other autoimmune disorders, infections, toxins and trauma.

I have been experiencing burning feet from the early stages of perimenopause and now in postmenopause I also have burning hands and arms. It happens in flares, sometimes along other symptoms like joint aches.

After many appointments with different doctors and a number of tests it looks like some sort of autoimmune disease yet to be diagnosed but they all have agreed that ANXIETY plays a major role as a trigger. Low oestrogen levels may also play a role but since you're 7 years postmenopause I reckon this is not your case. Are you taking HRT? Hopefully your neurologist will find some answers and please keep posting, I am really interested in knowing how it goes.

Conolly X
