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Author Topic: Tension headaches  (Read 6377 times)


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2018, 05:51:56 AM »

Thanks Wilks,
I also think they are more like migraines generally, however at the moment it feels like my neck and shoulders have been in a vice! Went to the osteopath which helped a bit! It just gets you down when you are trying lots of things but the tension/ headaches remain Thanks for replying xx


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2018, 01:41:55 PM »

Hi Sammas,

I get tension headaches/migraines and have tried so many types of medications (most of the triptans, propanynol etc) and after a weeks hospital stay for suspected bleed on the brain and I was advised by neurology to try 3 disolvable aspirins in water (migraine association advise this too) and have never looked back since.  They work the majority of the time if normal pain killers don't.  Hope this helps.

Sarah x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2018, 02:21:50 PM »

Hi Sarah,
When do they say to take the aspirin? Daily as a preventative or when pain is bad? Syndol works for me most of the time but it does make you sleepy when you take it and the next day.
I'd be interested in knowing a bit more about your symptoms, longevity, etc .
Thanks x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2018, 07:23:06 AM »

Judith, I think my moods, tiredness and tension are worse in the last few years At the mo I could hide away from the world but that is impossible due to having children and a busy job Still so scared to take hrt in case it makes me feel worse x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2018, 06:42:14 PM »

Last post was addressed to Hurdity God knows why I wrote Judith! X


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2018, 03:12:29 PM »

Hi Sammas,

My symptoms have changed so much over the years.  When I was younger it used to be excutiating banging pain which got worse the more I panicked and got upset over it.  I found I have to try and control the pain through keeping calm but they would go on for hours.  I'd have to go to bed and hide away and normally after some sleep it'd be gone.

The one that put me in hospital was a sudden, completely out of the blue, instant blinding headache.  My eyesight went blurry, I was sick and was very upset.  I got to the chemist and got some migraleve which calmed it a bit but didn't stop it.  I had to be taken home to bed.  When it did calm down it was still there is the background for a few days before I was admitted.  Then 3 days later I had the same again.  I spent a week in hospital having tests (including a lumber puncture) and my blood pressure was dangerously high.  After that they gave me propanynol which I stayed on for about a year.  Once I was off it the headaches/migraines weren't anywhere near as bad as they used to be (or maybe I have learnt to deal with them better over the years). 

I was told to take 3 disolvable aspirins on the onset of the migraine but sometimes it's difficult to know when it is going to be one and when it's just a very bad headache.  I used to get a strange smell when they were about to start but don't any more.  And I used to be quite agitated before one too, probably still are.  But I find it much harder to know which it's going to be so after I've tried other meds (paracetamol, ibuprofen, nurofen etc) I try sinus tablets and hayfever tablets (although I'm not a hayfever sufferer I do sometimes have problems with my sinuses).  If all else fails I have aspirin which is now prescribed for me.  I'm lucky in the fact that I seem to be growing out of the them.

Hope this helps.

Sarah x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2018, 05:42:08 PM »

Thanks Sarah,
It's tension in my shoulders that just won't budge I'm on a spa break with friends and just had a full body massage She did loads of work on my shoulders but they still feel the same God knows what else to try as can't keep taking Syndol Any help from anyone would be great as it's affecting my life x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2018, 08:44:22 PM »

Hi Sammas
How often are you taking Syndol? Unless you're only taking it very occasionally, it's not an ideal treatment for headache. Firstly because it contains codeine, and opiates are rubbish for headaches as well as addictive. Secondly if you take any painkiller on more than 10 days per month you are likely to develop medication overuse headache. I developed it several years ago through taking paracetamol and ended up with a chronic daily headache. I “detoxed” by cutting out all painkillers and after a few weeks I noticed a big improvement, and the daily headaches are history.
If you're not taking Syndol for more than 3 or 4 days a month, ignore my babbling on, but if you're taking it more frequently, I would stop.
I'm not a medical doctor but I do know a lot about migraine and have been involved in a government report on headache services in the NHS.


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2018, 10:59:53 PM »

I use a heat pad.  I  take magnesium and vit D as my last blood test showed d to be low I take Syndol in varying amounts The osteopath was working and I took a lot less but in the last 3 weeks the tension has increased and so have the headaches Thanks for your replies S x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2018, 08:26:06 AM »

Hi Sammas, have you tried yoga?  Have you considered the tension in your shoulders could be down to posture?  I have some tension in my shoulders and have a constant knot that many massage therapists have tried their hand on but it still remains.  I've been doing hot yoga for about 3 weeks now and already I am feeling much more relaxed in my body.


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2018, 08:38:09 PM »

Hi Sadielouise,
Have thought about yogaAlso thought about swimming and using steam room and jacuzzi x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2018, 08:36:55 PM »

Hi sammas, I have suffered from headaches since start of perimenopause some years back.  I was referred to neurologist beg of year who diagnosed tension headaches BUT I know 100% they are hormonal, he prescribed gabapentin which has helped a bit but it may be that I need dose increased.  I have tried everything but I can't have hrt.  I thought syndol was off the market?  I know otc meds can cause a rebound headache pattern especially ones with caffeine. Hope u find something x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2018, 09:57:07 AM »

Thanks Sweet tooth The meds you are taking seem to have a lot of side effects I know Syndol isn't good but nothing else works I get the original ones from abroad So want to feel ok Am drinking more water, eating better and walking + relaxing but tense shoulders or headaches are more often than not Just don't know what else to do as headaches seem to be the side effects of loads of meds x


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2018, 04:40:12 PM »

Hi everyone, just needed to air how I feel if that's ok? 4 really good days then tension headaches and joint pain on and off since Thur Went into work today and burst into tears Am eating better, swimming and trying to be kind to myself but no better in reality Am really worried things might affect my work as they are already affecting my social life Any thoughts? Thank you xx


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Re: Tension headaches
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2018, 07:07:04 PM »

Hi, sorry to hear you're still suffering. I do suspect that the Syndol is causing you to have rebound headaches. Codeine is not recommended for regular use. I can only go back to my earlier suggestion of detoxing from the Syndol.

How much caffeine do you drink? Too much caffeine can cause headaches. If you have a lot of tea or coffee, you could try cutting down but don't give it up altogether or you'll get caffeine withdrawal headache.
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