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Author Topic: New member  (Read 1125 times)


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New member
« on: May 10, 2018, 03:52:54 PM »

Hello ladies.
i am new to this site.I came across it whilst "googling menopause"
i have had a horrendous 14 months and although i don't expect a miracle answer,it would be nice to off load to similar ladies that are or have struggled like me.So many friends of mine have sailed through peri and menopause i feel i have drawn the short straw.
It started last April.I felt in   a good place so decided after 5 years to come off antidepressants,I had had CBT and addressed all the reasons why i went on them in the first place.I had weaned off gradually and gp said there will be no side effects to stopping.
The first week was good,then the sweats came,the not sleeping at all,CRYING hysterically,constant head fog and unable to function,resulting in taking 6 weeks off of work.I CONSTANTLY rang my GP(LADY)she said i must still be depressed and to go back on them.But my AD had a sleep aid,mirtazapine,so thought that had caused the not sleeping,as i had got so used to taking and depending on them to sleep,she said NO  it wouldn't do that,but i new i wasn't depressed and didn't want to start again.
.I spoke to another GP who said i had rebound depression and to not go back on them as this would pass and as i had stopped for so long he was sure it would pass.I had no bleed for 5 months then they returned,here and there,not too heavy,but never new when they would come.
Still I was not sleeping,sleeping tablets did not work,nor acupuncture,the only thing that sort of helped were antihistamines,but just a few hours here and there.Then i developed tinnitus,thats been 8 months now.
in desperation i went to my pharmacist.He said "my dear,your antidepressants hid your peri symptons and now nothing masks it,you feel it full on" he advised me to go on HRT "you will feel so much better"
I had to beg to go on it,as doctor was reluctant and said i would delay things,but a bleed surely is better than just existing?
after practically screaming at her i am now on Femeston 1/10.
My mood improved,fewer hot flushes,love life returned .... a bit,BUT still not much sleep.I now take no sleep aids and can just about manage on 4/5 hours a night.Still got ringing ears that doesnt help with the sleep,but still have foggy head feelings that some days ease after a few hours and take prochlorperazine if its bad.
When i last spoke to her,she said to wait 3 more months to give hrt a chance.By this time i said i want to go back on AD and she said "no"give it longer you have done so well,which i have,just this last bit to sort out and if i still feel heady she will investigate further but is sure its hormone related.,so that's where i am today.Long post,sorry ladies,do you have any opinions/ideas,would be grateful..xx


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Re: New member
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2018, 05:38:07 PM »

Hi Gusgus, I'm a newbie too and have been on Femoston 1/10 for a month now, not seeing a huge effect at the moment, please see my post today and you'll see where I'm at.
I was contemplating a AD too but will see out another month and go back to GP at that point. Also just signed up for CBT, not sure if it'll help as my anxiety is so obviously linked to a hormonal shift, it's almost like a switch being flicked it's so dramatic a chance in my mood, quite scary though.
Not sure if I've helped at all but thought I'd reach out a hand  :)


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Re: New member
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2018, 06:05:48 PM »

Thankyou winniepoppy.
Good luck with cbt. It really helped me.
Im 54(last wk) this month i have started taking magnesium as read it could help with sleep.
I am Keeping a diary, so when i go back to gp i am armed with my info . See what she has to say. Take care xx


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Re: New member
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2018, 06:13:05 PM »

Ladies your on the lower dose are you not ? They are expected to start you lower and once those pesky symptom start to return you can request upping to higher dose to zap those symptoms.

Note I said request and not ask/demand !

Reluctant GPS must recognise patient led care and treatment choices!

The old let's wait 3 months things isn't acceptable either, 1 month and you know if you need more or less of something !

Best of luck and go seek a new GP appt x


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Re: New member
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2018, 09:49:09 PM »

I will make my appointment sooner on your recommendation Southselly, thank you!


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Re: New member
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2018, 10:15:23 PM »

Hello everybody, I'm new here and have read your posts with great interest. This is long, but I think explains exactly what's happening with me.

I'm 48 and have not had a period in about 15 months. On the plus side Hot flushes not bad now, they were a couple of years ago, but never woke up completely drenched, muscle ache not bad.

On the bad side sleep not good, waking up at 3am most nights and difficulty in getting back to sleep. Libido g o n e !! I suffered horrendously with kidney infections, cystitis etc a couple of years back, I think maybe due to being peri menopausal, but no dr suggested that at the time. That is just my theory from recent research. I also have a very weak bladder/pelvic floor.

I've been prescribed vagifem, and have used for almost two weeks, but haven't 'tried it out' yet; due to lack of libido!

G.p's lovely but didn't know much so advised going to see female in practice. I did, she was lovely and we spoke about libido, hrt, bio identical HRT and Tibolone.

She explained she didn't know about bio identical HRT, would ask advice from gynae and come back to me. She said she wouldn't give me Tibolone first regardless. She suggested an oestrogen patch, I said, no, that if I had to have oestrogen, I'd like gel, again she didn't know doses etc., but would ask. I waited a week and despite chasing, no reply. She is only there 3 days a week.

I had to go to normal male gp for something else. He asked how I was getting on regarding appointment with other dr, and I explained everything. I also said that I had read up on Tibolone and thought regarding libido that this seemed to tick most boxes, but female dr wasn't keen. He said prescribing wouldn't be a problem, but neither of us wanted to do it without her knowledge. We agreed to not fill prescription until she had spoken to female dr and take it from there.

The go ahead was given, with just one months prescription, and go back after a month. I filled the prescription and got cold feet about taking it! I had also asked to be referred to Nick Panay, a menopause consultant in London, which he duly did. I have an appoint mid July, so 10 weeks away.

Now here is where I am at; Are my symptoms bad enough, apart from libido, to take Tibolone?

I thought if I took Tibolone alone I wouldn't get breakout bleeding, which is what I didn't want. I know that there can be spotting for first few months, which is fine. I presume I would need any extra oestrogen and progesterone, as this creates both of these, plus androgen.

When I do take Tibolone, once I stop taking it, do flushes return?

If I didn't take Tibolone, would oestrogen gel and separate progesterone help libido?

Should I take Tibolone for next 10 weeks and see what the specialist says? I would then be able to report on how I felt?

Would I be messing everything up if I did take for 10 weeks and he then took me off it; as in would I be back to flushes etc?

Plus lastly, does vagifem cause flushes to return? Not sure if it's just due to nice weather!!!

Thank you.
