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Author Topic: HELP please!  (Read 2413 times)


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HELP please!
« on: April 16, 2018, 07:51:40 AM »

Hi, I am 54 and haven't had a period for just over 2 years.  Pre menopause was awful but once periods stopped all seemed really easy and well.  Then a couple of months ago I just got hit with overwhelming anxiety, worst palpitations ever.  Feel weepy a lot, tired and generally unwell.  Sometimes feel I might faint.  Went to docs.  Had blood tests and ECG and all normal.  Could this be ;post menopause related?  The anxiety is absolutely awful!!  Can barely cope some days.  Any thoughts?  I'm not on HRT.  Could never cope with pill or HRT in the past.  Thanks.


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2018, 08:35:00 AM »

Hi Cherylks

I'm 53, and postmeno, 3years now, and like you at first thought everything's ok here
I'm not one that's going to suffer, how wrong was I.
Anxiety hit, palps, adrenaline rushes, strange feelings like my blood pressure was dropping
and I was going to pass out, and other stuff that I can't even explain!
I do have the odd chest pain but with me if it doesn't last long then I dismiss it and
Never go to the docs. I put it down to anxiety, its absolutely horrible and I feel panic starting
to creep in and I have to keep my mind calm until it goes away. It's exhausting.
Then there's the tiredness. Some days are ok, others not so good, depends on how
I've slept the night before. I've also got a liver disease which causes fatigue and sometimes
I just can't be bothered to do anything..if I do too much one day, it'll catch up with me the next.

I do take hrt. I'm on femoston conti ultra low dose. 0:5mg/2:5mg.
And it seems to be working at the mo for me. I only started back on it in February because
Of low mood and crying a lot, but it seems to be ok, except for headaches that I get as a side effect
But a couple paracetamol sort that out. Maybe you could try the ultra low dose like I'm on?

I'm sorry I can't give any more help but I'm sure one of the other ladies will give you their
Hang on in there cherylks, it's got to get better,

Jd x.  :bighug:


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2018, 09:16:56 AM »

Hi Cherylks - your story is certainly not uncommon.  The hormones bottom out after round two years post meno and whilst many women believe they have ‘ridden the storm' and come out the other side, the oestrogen deficiency can keeps doing it's worst.

I do think it is also part of the ageing process to become a bit more anxious - to some degree it is a survival issue - we become more wary and cautious because we need to.  BUT if anxiety is ruling you life then you need address this and HRT can be helpful as part of a whole range of strategies, although if you had too many side effects from HRT then this is probably not a good idea for you.   
I do recommend Mindfulness as one strategy to use and some CBT is also good. In the short term, some anti anxiety drugs may be worth considering. You need to write down all you symptoms and questions and pop to the GP for help.
DG x


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2018, 11:06:45 AM »

Hi,  Thanks for your replies.  Jillydoll, yes I also get the sense of adrenaline rush.  You say that femoston conti ultra low helps.  Can you tell me in what way?  I am so desperate I will now consider HRT (its been 10 years plus since I had any).  Comforting to hear from someone else with such identical symptoms.  Dancinggirl, do you know how long the oestrogen deficiency symptoms could continue?  I am on a low dose antidepressant but doesn't help anxiety.  I am fairly convinced this isn't depression cos inbetween anxiety etc attacks, I am absolutely fine and enjoying life.  I will look at CBT and Mindfulness.  Just went to NHS website and did questionnaire which was borderline depressed but high anxiety.  GP says it is all cos of depression but as I have in past years suffered depression I think I know the difference!


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2018, 12:34:10 PM »

I do think there is a distinct difference between anxiety and depression.  Depression is a very dark place and if you have suffered you know what I mean - life is terrible, your feel totally alone and unable to function.   Anxiety feels very different, the brain is running on so many negatives and it’s difficult to relax and see things rationally.

Oestrogen deficiency basically goes on for the rest of our lives. For some the body adjusts, so becomes accustomed or compensates well for this lack of hormones but for others it can mean ongoing problems. Treating this is difficult - HRt can sometimes be helpful but can also bring other side effects. 
Maybe try a different AD - one that is more geared to anxiety? Certainly ask for some CBT as this could be good for the long term. Dg x
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 03:45:46 PM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2018, 03:07:16 PM »

Hi cherylks.

After trying other hrts in the past, ie, other pills and patches, and suffering terrible
Migraines because of them, and always checking that the patch was stuck on,and still
Feeling rubbish, I thought there was no hope for me. Then after reading on here
somewhere, that femoston conti was one of the kinder ones to take, i took Myself off to
the docs and just asked for them and after explaining how the other ones were making me
feel, she just gave them to me. No more questions asked.

I stared on them last year May, I think, and after about a week or so I started to feel much better.
My mood had lifted, I'd stopped crying, and my anxiety had eased. Not gone completely but manageable.

So in October I stopped them. Thought I was ‘better'. Didn't need them anymore.
How wrong was I.
I got through Xmas then in January little symptoms came back. By end jan, beginning feb
full blown anxiety again, mood low, crying a lot again, just felt sooo low and fed up.

So I put myself back on them again 3rd February. Now I feel much better, I'm able to laugh
Got my sense of humour back, where before I just couldn't even raise a smile.

The anxiety has eased , but I think it'll always be there. And if it's only in the background and not
Full blown, then I'll settle for that.
If it does get bad for any reason I sit anywhere I can go on my own, even on the toilet if I have to,
and do some breathing exercises, which really do help. The 4.7.8. Breathe in through nose for four
Seconds, hold for seven let go through mouth for eight. Repeat until you feel better.

I still get adrenaline rushes occasionally, but I think because I generally feel better than I did before
Then I can cope with them.

Hope you can decide what to do, and no you're not alone, you'll always get good sound advice
on here from someone.

Jd x


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2018, 03:41:58 PM »

Hi cherylks

Forgot to mention that the ultra low dose femoston conti does still give me
a headache, but not a migraine. Two paracetamol sorts that out.
And Dancinggirl told me that you have to stay on hrt for at least 3/4 months
for your body to except the hormones. Then you can assess after that time.

I also won't go down the route of perscription drugs for my anxiety, as I have had
Terrible side effects from them. (Prozac, sertraline).

Jd x


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2018, 03:45:02 PM »

Anxiety and depression are very different illnesses.

Anxiety - flight or fight response: knowing what causes mine does not stop it happening  :'(.  Pre-exam nerves, pre-driving test feelings, new job nerves - these went for me once the event was over but later in Life, anxiety takes over. 

Depression: there is clinical and organic.  Clinical/situational is usually caused when people lose control over their life.  Organic is when the brain doesn't get enough feel good chemicals.  I suffer with both  :(.  Some clinicians tend to slap both conditions together.  Some medications will ease both .........

When anxiety strikes I feel really sick, my knees go weak, then my calves, then I feel light headed and/or dizzy  :-\ :-\. It might well be 'natural' but it freaks me out.

Prozac made me wild  :cuss:


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2018, 04:05:55 PM »

Thanks all.  This morning I was in such bad way with anxiety and palpitations etc.  Now this afternoon I feel absolutely fine, as if 'what is the problem'!  I hate seeing doctor but think I might make some notes and mention femoston.  Just need to motivate myself to go.


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2018, 05:09:58 PM »

I am a different person by the evening  :-\.  That blasted hormone Cortisol has a lot to answer for, the 'wake-up' hormone.  Used to wake me around 3.30 a.m. and I was deeply afraid ........ I know now not to say 'yes' to anything in the evening as by morning, my anxiety will mean that I can't do it!


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Re: HELP please!
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2018, 05:21:01 PM »

Hi cherylks

Yep that's the same with me, feel great then get some terrible feelings the next and
it really scares me, it has to be anxiety.
Sometimes I can go for a whole day like yesterday, had a good laff on here yesterday then
later before bed had the odd chest pain and anxiety and felt awful all of a sudden.
I just had to get to bed.
This morning and for the rest of the day had very low level anxiety, then now it's gone.
It's crazy.

Hope you do go to docs because you don't have to feel like that all the time, and yeah,
try the femoston, you never know it might work wonders.

Good luck.
Let us know anyway what you do. We're always on here.

Jd x