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Author Topic: Estelle Duo side effects  (Read 1598 times)


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Estelle Duo side effects
« on: March 01, 2018, 10:33:04 AM »

I started Estelle Duo 6 days ago. I am experiencing extreme tiredness (just want t sleep all the time) and bad headaches. I also have some tummy upset and belatedness. I can deal with the headache, tummy issues but the tiredness is too much.  I am thinking of stopping tomorrow and going back to the doctor.
My fatigue is bad even without the HRT and i was hoping that HRT would help me in this respect, give me better sleep, more energy etc but it's far worse!
Anyone else experienced these side effects of Estelle Duo?


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 02:11:11 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Josie1970

Is this the sequential Elleste or the continuous version?  What dosage is it?

Do tell us more about yourself - your age, where you are in your menopause and what symptoms you are trying to control?  DG x


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2018, 10:57:54 AM »

Dancinggirl Sorry I got confused by this site and didn't know i had a reply to my post. Thanks for your reply.

I stopped the Estelle Duo, I couldn't handle it, it did not agree with me. I have not had a period since i stopped, which is really strange, maybe a coincidence? Anyway, about 2 months ago my menopausal symptoms sky rocketed! Constant hot flushes, terrible insomnia, feeling like i was going insane. So, went back to doctors last week, had blood test, the results confirm I'm in the menopause, some of the results show that I'm post-menopausal? Don't quite understand that? I have not had a period for approx 4 months now which is unusual for me, even though my periods were a little erratic i would usually have a monthly bleed. The doctor prescribed Evorel Sequi patches, so I am really hoping i respond better to these than the pills. The doctor did say it is trial and error, have to see what works for me.



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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 05:41:03 PM »

Josie1970 - you have probably been peri menopause for a while and periods can be erratic but can sometimes simply stop - we are all different so go through the menopause differently. If you suddenly got a big increase in symptoms then your ovaries may have just stopped working more suddenly.  It's better to do a sequential HRt regime anyway, particularly whilst in peri meno and early post menopause, so hopefully you'll better on this HRT.

You haven't told us how old you are?

Keep us posted - your GP is right, finding the right HRt can be trial and error and we are here to support you through this.  DG x


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2018, 10:07:28 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl.
Thanks for your reply. I am 47, will be 48 in September.
I have been on the Evorel Sequi patches for around 6 weeks now. For the first month, i cut the patches in half as i was aware as to how i responded to the Estrelle Duo. I had a period for the first time in ages two days into the Evorel Conti patches. After the first month, i decided not to cut the patches in half and put on full patches, since then it has been horrendous. Bad anxiety, feeling completely wired and spaced out, blurry vision and extreme fatigue. I think i will go back to the half patch as it seemed better. Not sure it is the right thing to do but i will try?


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2018, 06:36:22 AM »

Hi josie.
Finding an HRT that suits you ca be difficult.
If you are using a sequential hrt then there should be a bleed a day or so after finishing the combined oestrogen with progesterone phase. The combined patches like Evorel are medium dose and I suspect this may be too high a dose for you at this stage but there is a possibilit that you need a higher dose. 
The progesterone of any hrt can be the hormone that gives the side effects yiu are describing.
Do look under TREATMENTS on this site and print off all the sections HRT to show you GP so you can properly discuss your options.
You could try Femoston 1:10 as this has one of the kinder progesterones and, if this doesn't suit you, then consider trying the regimes with seperate oestrogen and progesterone e.g. estrodot 50mcg that you use all the time ( this is changed regularly) and then use progesterone for 12 days of the month and this would be either Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) or Provera.
Few GPs are that knowledgable about the various HRT treatments so this why it is necessary to take the information with you.
I also think you should get your thyroid function checked as problems with the thyroid can emerge at the time of menopause.
It's best not to experiment yourself without professional Guidance and if you can get a referral To a menopause clinic that would be a good idea.  I'm afraid it will be trial and error till you find the hrt treatment that works for you. DG x


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2018, 06:44:45 AM »

As DG says, you will get a monthly bleed on Evorel sequi. You may be better on Femoston or oestrogen patches or gel with Utrogestan .

It can take 3 months for any hrt to settle and for side effects to go. Some of your problems may not be side effects but may be your menopausal symptoms breaking through . X


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2018, 09:25:47 PM »

thanks both for your suggestions.

I had a bleed half way through the progesterone patches (of the combo). I have not had a bleed in a long time so I was relieved to have one. Then a week or two into the oestrogen patches i had another, heavier bleed. I have read that this can happen.

I am cutting the patches in half, as i really couldn't bare the symptoms i was getting from full patches.

My symptoms are pretty much the same. The fatigue is a bit better but i am still very spaced out, scatter brain and can't focus, really forgetful. I am dyspraxia and it is like my symptoms relating to this have been compounded by the HRT.  My insomnia is really bad so this could be making the symptoms worst anyway. I take the point that these may be just the menopause though.

 I had a thyroid blood test before starting the patches and it came back as normal . However, i have heard that these tests are very accurate. I have put on a little bit of weight which i am pleased about because i have always been so slender and it's nice to fill out a bit.

i have decided to try one more month on the patches and if the symptoms do not dissipate then i will go back to my GP to look at other options. I will read up about it as you suggested.

thanks a lot  :)



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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2018, 09:26:57 PM »

p.s my sex drive has improved a bit


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Re: Estelle Duo side effects
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2018, 07:03:44 AM »

Josie - the sequential combined hrt patches are medium dose and I believe it is always better to start on a low dose Hrt first. By cutting the patches in half you may not be using enough progesterone to control the cycle and this would result in erratic bleeds and the womb long is more likely to build up.
As I mentioned before, the progesterone in these patches may not be suiting you so trying an HRT with a kinder progesterone might be better - Femoston 1/10 would be worth trying next. There are also hrt regimes where you use Iestrugen only as patch or gel and then take progesterone pills for 10-12 days each month and there are 2 progesterone you could try with this regime called Utrogestan or Provera, both of which suit many women very well.
Print off the sections on sequential HRT and the sections on oestrogen only and progesterone only preparations to show the doctor as this can help at the appointment because GPs are rarely up to speed on the various meno treatment  options.
The bleeds you get when on HRT are not natural, they are usually controlled by the HRT and should happen regularly after finishing the progesterone phase, as this ensures the womb lining sheds properly.
DG x