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Author Topic: future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients  (Read 12160 times)


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Re: future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2018, 11:10:09 AM »

I've just read all of this thread and it's fascinating.
I'm 59, went through the menopause at 50. Spent the last 8 years with hot flushes night and day, drenching,embarrassing. Depression..but nobody (GP included) related it to the menopause, loss of confidence, extreme anxiety ..trying to hold down a full time job as a single mum with a learning disability child, I thought I was in hell. It got to the point where unfortunately a little ‘bullying' at work from a younger female caused a total breakdown.
I fought back, still working the same place but aware that will always be in the back of people's minds....'she couldn't cope'.
It's not as if I'm not used to ‘Menopause symptoms'. I went through 3 lots of IVF which effectively replicated an artificial menopause each time, so had the mood swings, hot flushes prior. I do wonder if that has led to such an extreme ‘natural' menopause?
I tried every single natural remedy I could think of...nothing worked ( amazing for those of you that have found an alternative) but it was my GP in the end who asked me to to try HRT.
So I am trying and it's not been easy, (see newbie post) don't think I have achieved the right combination yet but there are improvements...'hot flushes be gone'....and I need to keep working to support my son for as long as I can.
So thank you for all your informative posts, they have helped me SO much.
And good luck to everyone going through this challenging phase...whatever your preference is ;) :bighug:


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Re: future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2018, 02:44:27 PM »

I had been on Hrt (Elleste solo 1mg) for nearly 25 years following a total hysterectomy ( I am now 68 years old) - immediately after the op I had HRT implants - so have never actually 'suffered' from any of the usual menopausal symptoms as such . Over the last 2-3 years I have been 'taken-off' HRT on Dr's orders - due to the numerous negative reports on it's long term use and suffered terrible hot flushes and night sweats each time then going back to the Dr to 'beg' to go back on and then being told that there were new studies and reports out by then saying the opposite of the original reports!  My most recent 'mandatory' withdrawal of HRT - following yet another 'scare' report was around November 2017 and at the time I was only taking 1 tablet every other day so really thought I would be ok this time and wasn't too bothered - I stopped taking them immediately.  How wrong was I !  Hot flushes and night sweats back with a vengence, plus  insomnia, aching joints, and much more.  After 4 months or so of suffering and going to and fro the surgery with various ailments I casually asked the Dr if there was any reason I could not go back on, reducing the dose down again as before.  Surprisingly my Dr said OK !  as long as I understood 'the risks' and it was my choice - so I started taking Elleste Solo just 9 days ago and today I would say is the first day I have not actually had a flush at all - yet, anyway.  BUT, I really don't know if it is due to starting the HRT again after the 4 month break, but I must admit I do feel quite nauseous throughout the day  and have done for the last few days.  Having been on and off a few times - though this was the longest period off - I cannot recall feeling like this before - maybe it's just me, maybe it's anxiety, Just don't know.  I'm going to make an appointment with the Dr just to discuss this - if I don't feel any better over the next week - but right now I feel very confused as to whether I should be taking HRT again at my age - maybe I should have just put up with the flushes and other problems and maybe they would have gradully disappeared !  I do however feel that I really have been 'messed about' by the medical profession with all the negativity - not a happy bunny right now!


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Re: future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2018, 07:26:36 AM »

Stellajane has done an excellent post.
You are using a low dose and every other day is a hood idea. Unfortunately when ie takes a break the oestrogen can drop quite dramatically and when iestegn is reintroduced the body has to adjust again.
I totally agree with Stellajane that you should consider switching to transdermal oestrogen - Oestrogel would probably be ideal - as you often need a lesser dose because it absorbs into you system better than pills and is less likely to give nausea.
Unfortunately digestive problems like nausea do get more problematic as we age anyway.
I know a lady who was on HRT well into her 80s and she is amazing. DG x
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