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Author Topic: Burning mouth syndrome  (Read 4246 times)


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Burning mouth syndrome
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:55:15 PM »

Anyone got any remedies this is driving me mad, for the last few days my mouth feels like it's on fire, I have the is constant taste of mints like I have been sucking mints but the taste won't go away any ideas much appreciated.


Nellie Noo

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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 03:52:55 PM »

This is horrible ...i had a bad episode a few years ago .. lasted about six months ... . It got me quite down. But then it disappeared as quicly as it came !!!  Saw various drs and got no answers ! I just  had a lot of chewing gum which helped a bit . Its weird because when i was eating .. there was no pain 😳 . Sorry i cant suggest anything more helpful but do  get your b12 checked x


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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2018, 04:06:56 PM »

Thx for reply Nellie been to drs  today, waste of time that was "try the herbal shop" he said "nothing I can give you" but on the plus side he is doing the bloods he forgot to put on the form for the test I had last week >:( which does include b12 .



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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2018, 09:18:07 AM »

Ok so this happened to me jist last week for the first time. I had a check up with my dentist and he siggested evening oil of primrose he has read studies on it but it can take a few weeks to work. Funnily enough he mentioned  pernicious anaemia. I was diagnosed last year.! So get that b12 done but good lick getting adequate treatment I have to inject myself with the stuff! Hope u get sorted x


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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2018, 09:38:58 AM »

Morning kazy68

Currently going through the same thing. Not sure at this point if mine started as a symptom of menopause, but I am sure it isn't helping.

I saw my dentist last week and although my mouth and tongue are extremely sore and I have the awful burning, stinging sensation, he told me there was no inflammation and everything looked perfectly healthy. I have never been disappointed before to be told by the dentist that there is no problem!  However, he did advise that my mouth was extremely dry, which is probably something you are experiencing as well? This creates a stinging, burning sensation in itself. I went cold turkey on my amitriptyline and zopiclone (known for dry mouth) and it went overnight. Thrilled beyond measure.  Then 2 days later it all came back when I used my water bottle from the dishwasher and it tasted weird and salty. So back where I started and now, with nothing to take out of the equation, other than not using anything out of the dishwasher! I saw my Dr yesterday who is referring me to a facial maxilla specialist and I am doing my best to keep my mouth hydrated and to try and not become too anxious.

Some very kind ladies have been keeping me going the last few days as it has made me very anxious, especially at night. They advised Xylimelts (available on Amazon; Boots haven't heard of them). I ordered the mint free ones and chose next day delivery, they arrived bang on time. I have been so anxious about whatever I put in my mouth, that I didn't want to try them at night for the first time, but desperate last night and I found that they did produce saliva, which my mouth is severely lacking at the moment and my mouth felt better than normal this morning.  Night time is the worst as saliva production naturally slows down and the reason your mouth feels better when you eat, as does mine, is as my dentist explained, that you produce more saliva when you chew.

I hope some of this makes sense and it might help.  I think we need to set up a Burning Mouth thread! The forum has been invaluable to me this week. Good luck.


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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2018, 12:30:15 PM »



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Re: Burning mouth syndrome
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2018, 03:22:49 PM »

Have you had you b12 checked that is a common cause of burning mouth.