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Author Topic: Not on HRT yet but what is best options for constant half hourly flushing at 48  (Read 1581 times)

Lady Daviot

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 GP on the 3rd but not on HRT, periods missing now for 4 months although fortnightly ovulation surges and the daily half hour flushing, any recommendations both HRT and non. Tried Sage for a month and no joy yet.


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Hi I've been on hrt ,oestrogen only as no womb,for a total of 7 weeks now.i was on Premarin tabs first for 4 weeks and then after discussion with dr currie by email changed to evoril 25 patches for last three weeks.I went from sweats and flushes every few minutes for around 2 Year's to absolutely zilch now.forget all the nasty stories about hrt and go and see your gp it's all about quality of life for 60 now and my menopausal symptoms have been horrendous for the last 5 years I truly thought I was past it all with early menopause in my 40s but I wish I'd acted sooner and not let them take me off hrt in my early 50s I should have stayed on it but everyone was so unsure at the time so I followed gps advice,bummer!
It's early days for me but it's lovely not getting that embarrassing red face when I'm in company and I'm sleeping great for the first time in years and no soaking wet sheets every night and clammy wet body,I've got my glow again in my skin and my undercarriage is healing very nicely now,my advice would be forget the sage and all the alternative offerings,I tried them all over the years and for me it's the hrt that's working not anything else,I've been to numerous herbalists kinesiology umpteen healthy things from Holland and Barrat complete waste of my hard earned dosh.youll get some great advice on here from curries angels lol they're a lovely bunch.good luck xx

Lady Daviot

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Thanks Daisy Dot and yes will email Dr Currie although she off emails until the 2nd and I am seeing GP finally on the 3rd, but knowing GP that will involve bloods. The whole HRT thing seems such a minefield and given my pervious experiences of contraceptives, I have tried to soldier on, of all my symptoms the flushes now rank as the worst.


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HRT is not the same as the contraceptive pills, so don't expect the same problems.
Try HRT - there may be a bit of trial and error but you may well be surprised how much better you feel with HRT.
I would suggest you try Femoston 1/10 sequentail first which has a kinder progesterone that seems to suit many women but if you look under TREATMENTS in the peri menopause section you will see the options. 
Be positive about HRT - you are young and HRT will protect your heart and bones for the long term and probably restore your quality of life. DG x


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Hi ladies I have just come off of hrt evorel conti patches and have been on them for longer than I should be nearly 10 years with 1 break after 5 years and I can say the night sweats have come back with a vengeance and I really can't cope without my sleep.i was a little apprehensive about going onhrt but the patchesi are more kinder to your body because it absorbs Into the skin rather than going through your stomach which reduces the side effects . I have had no problem with using the patches. So please give it a try it may not suit everyone and there are many to choose from if a particular one is not  working for you. I have also tried loads of different night sweat remedies but don't seem to work but if I can't tolerate them than I might consider going back on  hrt it helps your bones and heart although I am aware of the risks also . We really should not have to suffer ladies. Good luck



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Js - there is no reason for stopping HRT unless you have health issues that give concern.
The old fashioned idea that one should only use HRT for 5 years is nonsense - I used HRT for nearly 25 years due to premature meno. If you are 60 or over then there are slightly increased risks but one must weigh up the benefits against this. Quality of life is very important. DG x