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Author Topic: Testim Overdose  (Read 2689 times)

Abba Fan

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Testim Overdose
« on: December 13, 2017, 05:20:11 PM »

Hi, can anyone help me find a list of side effects when you overdose on Testim when you're postmenopause? I've scoured this site and google but everything is about men and perimenopausal ladies. Thanks for reading.


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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 05:24:06 PM »

Not an expert but from the reading I've done, too much testosterone can cause, spots, hair issues and deepening of the voice- have you had a blood test to check your level??  :)

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2017, 05:27:33 PM »

Hi Salad, thanks for replying, I'm actually planning to have a private blood test tomorrow. I found the same as you but my symptoms are dizziness, nausea, anxiety and moaning at my poor husband constantly.


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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2017, 05:31:31 PM »

The thing is it depends on how much you use, how long you've been taking it, how much oestrogen you also take and where you are in menopause (how far post-meno) and how old. It is unlikely you are overdosing if taking recommended amounts although women will vary in absorption. There could be temporary side effects - but these are not the serious ones like Salad mentioned. It can take 4-5 months for testosterone to fully take effect throughout the body so any of those male side effects will take some time to develop.  The gyane I saw didn't do blood tests because she said the test is designed for men's testosterone levels and women are at the lower end of the range so the tests are not accurate. What were your reasons for taking T?

Hurdity x

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2017, 05:36:22 PM »

Hi Hurdity, thanks for replying, I've been postmenopause for almost 5 years since I was 46. I have been using Testim for 18 months, a tube lasting 8 days. I use this in conjunction with 3 pumps of estrogel and Mirena coil. My reasons for using Testim are depression, aching bones and libido.

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 05:38:27 PM »

I forgot to mention that previous to the Testim I was prescribed Tostran and my Testosterone measure at 19, that's why I was changed over to Testim.


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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2017, 05:42:44 PM »

Not sure of the ref range but from my recollection that sounds very high! Yes Tostran isn't really the best one to use for women as it is double the strength and therefore less easy to control the dose (maybe different if you have no ovaires...) - Testim and Testogel are the preferred strengths (according to leaflet produced by a women's gynae). You are probably using twice as much as I am - my sachets last about 2 weeks or more - but then you are way younger! When was your Mirena fitted? Could your side effects be due to the progestogen in this?

Hurdity x

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2017, 05:45:44 PM »

Hi Hurdity, I had the Mirena fitted 13 months ago, I get along really well with this, Utrogestan and Cyclogest were the devil to me.

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2017, 11:41:07 AM »

I just received my results back and my testosterone is too high again and my estrogen is a lot lower this time, it was 800 something last time.

FREE THYROXINE 16.0 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0
TESTOSTERONE * 6.0 nmol/L 0 - 1.8
Reference Ranges apply to adults
? Validity of Testosterone result;
? Analytical interference.
Suggest fresh sample for repeat analysis and/or
Free Testosterone and SHBG.
17-Beta OESTRADIOL 390 pmol/L
Ref Range:( Follicular 98 - 571 )
Ref Range:( Mid-cycle 177 - 1153)
Ref Range:( Luteal 122 - 1094)
Ref Range:( Post-meno < 183 )
D.H.E.A. Sulphate 2.7 umol/L 0.26 - 11.0
CORTISOL 355 nmol/l
Note amendment to reference range 01/02/16
following recommendation from kit manufacturer.
New reference range 6-10am: 133 to 537 nmol/L
Midnight: <150 nmol/L
Time of sample. 08:38

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2017, 11:46:21 AM »

Oh and there was a doctors note attached to the test.

Doctor's Comments
A significant rise in testosterone level is noted. Although the laboratory reference range is quoted as 0-1.8 nmol/l, levels of greater than 2 are seen in 5% or more of the female population, and would be considered in many cases to be healthy. As the laboratory have indicated on the report, occasional false elevations are seen when measuring testosterone in serum. Elevations can occur as a result of testosterone supplementation which is sometimes offered to women alongside HRT therapy.  Higher (but not excessively high levels) of testosterone are associated with increased libido, athleticism, and other favourable characteristics. Repeat testing may be advisable (along with SHBG, as advised by the laboratory) unless this is an expected result, for example from supplementation. If the level remained high, further investigation may be indicated.


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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2017, 05:37:12 PM »

Hi Abba Fan

Thanks for that info - so it looks like you should have a repeat T test done to check whether that high result is due to supplementation or an anomaly of that particular test. As I said they are not very accurate because results for women are at the very low end of a reference range for a test designed for levels in men - which are much higher.

I presume you are seeing either an NHS or private specialist so s/he would advise you accordingly from these results? No harm in trying to make a tube last a bit longer eg 10-12 days ie reducing your blob size. It would probably take some time for the lower dose to be fully effective? I have no idea what my T levels are as they've never been measured as I said but I use half the amount that you do. Estradiol levels vary considerably so you can't read a lot from that result - which is a perfectly healthy level of estradiol - but if you are peri-menopausal still it will vary throughout the cycle - on a daily basis and also diurnally. Also will depend on time since you applied the gel, where you apply it and where the blood sample was taken from.

If you are feeling generally well ( except maybe some sdie effects from the T?) then I would suggest leaving the oestrogen dose as it is - although your gynae or doc may advise differently.

Have you been checked out by doc for other reasons for dizziness and nausea - as it might have nothing to do with your HRT?

Hurdity x

Abba Fan

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Re: Testim Overdose
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2017, 08:24:42 PM »

Hi Hurdity, I was seeing Professor Studd as I had a really horrendous time with NHS doctors (I won't bore you, we'd be here all night). I was actually planning to do what you suggested and make the tube last longer and see how I get on. My husband wants me to do another test in a months time to see if reducing the T brings my levels down.

Many thanks for your input, it has been very helpful :)