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Author Topic: zumenon  (Read 8144 times)


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« on: October 28, 2017, 07:30:04 PM »

been on zumenon since June been good and then started Amitrypline 10mg since the 18th Sept but had to increase to 20mg but feeling werid and have been told not to use together is that true, I take my HRT in the morning and then about 5ish  the Amitrypline but today I was going out for tea so I took it about 5.40pm, but felt dizzy  and heavy headed about 5 pm , is this why cause I took it late, thinking of going back on the patches as I think the Amitrypline works great, I have a few boxes of the patches left so I thought I give them a go untill I see the GP in 2 weeks, any thoughts ladies please


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2017, 09:48:54 PM »

Hi moonbeam

I've not heard of your medication zumenon so not able to offer advice but hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be able to help.
However, if the GP advised not to use together then I wouldn't - maybe a pharmacist could help advise you at your local chemist or maybe speak to GP on phone.


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2017, 11:29:48 AM »

Hi went to bed last night and noticed my stomach around my scar hurt and a horrible smell , got my husband to look at it and its all rd and inflamed, this last 2 days I have been feeling horrible, dizzy sick just yuck, could it be anything to do with that.


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2017, 11:58:13 AM »

Is this a recent scar you have from an Op?

If something is red and inflamed in an area this generally means something is irritating it or could be an infection especially as you are saying it 'smells' is there anything leaking from the scar or is it discoloured around it? an infection can certainly make you feel ill sometimes very ill do you have a temperature? I think with the symptoms you described in relation to this scar and the inflammation I would get an appointment asap either with your GP or if you think you shouldn't wait any longer call the out of hours service to speak to a nurse to get this looked at in case you are in need of some antibiotics I wouldn't ignore this as if it is an infection sometimes these things can get worse very quickly. 


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2017, 02:53:42 PM »

moonbeam121167 - have you recently had a hysterectomy?  Why are you taking the Amytripitaline?

As greenECLECtus28 has suggested, call 111 and get some advice - it definitely sounds like you could have an infection and this would make you feel dizzy and generally unwell.  DG x


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2017, 03:16:46 PM »

Hi no had my OP at the end of 2013, on 2mg oral HRT and on Amitrypine 20mg  for neck pains, which GP says is tension, also been using Testosterone  only a pea size a day properly for about 2 weeks , was perscribed it years ago but never used it properly so I thought about 2 weeks ago to try it as perscribed  but then was getting very moody and upset so I stopped using it about Tuesday, but feeling even worse but not moody just very tired and my head feels heavy ,  then noticed my scar was sore red and smelly so thought thats why i feel unwell just been to walk in centre and she said all it is is a fungal infection and gave me cream she dipped my pea and thats fine my temp is ok so how I feel isnt down to that so could it be coming off the testosterone !!!


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2017, 03:42:38 PM »

I suspect it's the Amitriptyline that is making you feel under the weather - I felt very tired and dizzy even on 10mg of Amitrip - and a very dry mouth - so had to stop it after 3 weeks.  If you read the leaflet for Amitriptyline, it will tell you to take it late in the evening because it can make you feel woozy but many feel slightly sedated all the time.
If your neck pain is tension, then you'd be better to see a osteopath to have things ironed out and to get advice about posture and exercises to stop tension building.  GPs are far too quick to prescribe Amitriptyliine and other ADs for everything.  DG x


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2017, 03:49:40 PM »

I have tried everything for my headaches, physio, never worked, Propranalol no, acupuncture, nope, could it be as I am 50yrs old now 2mg of HRT is too much, I have stopped the Testosterone a few days ago as it never did nothing , on 20mg of the Amitrypline, maybe I should try going down to 10mg, and try reducing my HRT a bit as the consultant did say yrs ago to start decreasing when I was about 50 but thats when I was on 2x100mcg patch , just really fed up of one minute feeling great then bang feeling crap, had enough


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2017, 07:55:05 PM »

I got more headAches when I was on too high a dose of oestrogen - what dose are you on now?  I also got more headaches on Amutriptyline - a known side effectfor this AD. DG x


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2017, 08:31:02 AM »

This morning I have taken half of my HRT ( cut my 2mg in half ) seeing the GP in 2 weeks, thought as I am now 50 its time to reduce to 1mg HRT and try that dose for a while, I will soon tell if it isnt enough and hopefully it will and I may not get so many headaches, mood swings and maybe just maybe loose some weight off my belly, plus last night I just took 10mg Amitrypline just in case its them thats making me worse, all I want is to feel good, my scar is a bit better today so thats a start  :). When I first had my op I was on 2 x 100mcg Estradot then after about 2 years went down to 100mcg but my GP said as I was having trouble with the patches sticking to try the pills so been on 2mg since June and been ok except for the headaches and mood swings for which I have suffered off and on every since I have been on HRT, it shouldnt hurt if I reduce down to 1mg and go back to 10mg of the Amitryptline .


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2017, 10:25:07 AM »

These reduced doses are worth trying moonbeam.  You are still young to be without oestrogen - in your place I would continue until at least 60 with some oestrogen.
You could try using Oestrogel which you apply daily.  This works well for many women - I used it for many years.  You apply it to inner thighs, either morning or evening, you can adjust the dose to what you need and, as it is transdermal, it is less likely to cause side effects. 
What sort of exercise to you take?  Getting that tummy under control and improving the neck pain, would be helped with some yoga or pilates?  DG x


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2017, 01:10:12 PM »

I do intend to use HRT for as long as I can, I will try 1mg HRT  for a while and hopefully it will be a good dose and things will settle and maybe just maybe with the 10mg of Amitrypline it be good, not sure whether to continue with the Testosterone ??


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2017, 09:52:07 PM »

Evening all

been off the Oral HRT for about a week and a bit, feel alot happier, put half a patch on and ok, so Thursday put 100mcg patch on and OMG major headaches, radiating up my neck compressing in my head, Tension headaches GP call then but  flaming horrible I call them, went down to 10mg but have  just upped my Amitrypline to 20mg but have removed my HRT at the minute as I believe its that thats making it worse, can anyone have the same effect with 100mcg Estradot, have to see GP monday and was hoping see give me the gel but dont want to waste her time if its not the patch thats making it worse. When I was on the oral HRT I never had reall bad headaches just real bad mood swing which were getting really bad.


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2017, 10:29:29 PM »

I got bad headaches with oestrogen above 2 pumps of oestrogel per day - the equivalent of 50mg patch.  100mg patch is a very high dose. 
As I've mentioned many times before on various posts, too high a dose of oestrogen can be tough for the body to take.  The last gynaecologist I saw recommended starting really low and very gradually increasing very slowly over many weeks till the right level is achieved to feel good. DG x


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Re: zumenon
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2017, 03:40:35 PM »

Afternoon all

just come back from the doctors and she thinks its depression and not the HRT, she said to continue with the Oral HRT, asked if it helped with all things menopausing and I said yes but its this mood swings and depression I am feeling and she believes the HRT has nought to do with it it just I am depressed for which is possible true, she has given me Citalopram , a very small dose and to use that in the morning as my HRT and the Amitrypline at night, she says it could take weeks to see any benefit and was wondering has anyone on here had this drug and been on HRT and Amitrypline,
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